Friday, June 15, 2007

Mike Nifong and the B Girl

Nothing could better represent the vile misusing of power than Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong’s plundered attempt to prosecute three Duke University Lacrosse team members for rape. His attempt to seek reelection by prosecuting and winning a high profile case is the perfect personification of what government has devolved to in the United States, whether it be the judiciary, legislative, or executive branches. We have witnessed during Mr. Bush’s tenure as president repeated self-serving and unconstitutional misuses of power by federal and regional governments. Nifong’s overzealous attempt to assign fame to himself before considering the lives or innocence of the young people he attempted to convict exposes the gross potential of attempted manipulation of our justice system for monetary gain. It supercedes the very idea of common sense used to evaluate potential criminal activity. Why couldn’t he see a “spade as a spade,” two strippers with selfish motivation and not enough maturity and self-awareness to understand the business in which they work. The potential for dangerous activity exists within the strip club circuit. If America was liberal enough to “call a spade a spade,” we wouldn’t need strip clubs at all. In most cases they only are legal fronts for prostitution. America’s ridiculous purist history will not allow us to grow up and live in the 21st century. If we were to follow the rational examples of other countries, then we could eliminate this potential hazard. All men have ever wanted was to get laid. Strip clubs are ideal Capitalist concoctions exploiting the human desires of men. Surely if prostitution was available to them they would choose to buy what they really want. Selling sexual images and possible sexual potential is only one evil tool America has used repeatedly in her short history. Mike Nifong’s botched attempt should crystallize our archaic and conservative views about sex. The desire for sex will never disappear, and in this day and age with date rape, rohypnol, and severe penalties for sex with a minor, logical avenues toward the acquisition of sex outside of marriage should be opened. Because our population has become socially dysfunctional and often morally irresponsible as a result, a mature confronting of the sex drive is necessary. If one must buy a Trophy Wife or suffer the frustration and humiliation of paying to view naked women without the probabilty of sex, then our country all ready is antiquated. If the prospect of “dancing” for a group of young, athletic, horny men did not raise concern in the two women involved, then it would seem they were financially desperate enough to follow through with the gig anyway. If their personal safety became jeopardized as a result of teen angst and necessary cash flow, then we as a country are not doing what we should to protect them. While the women’s assertions were criminal and should be punished, their underlying behavior is the more important social issue. It has been this mishandling of sexual activity in America that has caused more social problems. Certainly the advent and proliferation of internet pornography has exacerbated pedafilic behavior. The readily available images of kiddie porn are not going to thwart the desires of pedafiles but more likely encourage them. People have been finding sexual fulfillment on the internet since the web’s inception. This all encompassing process of fulfilling ones desires in cyberspace rather than in reality is disconcerting. We have lost the very skills of socialization based upon fraternization. When people used to be forced to go out of their homes and interact with other people for fulfillment, weren’t we a more socially adjusted country? Likewise this rite of passage is what forced us to grow up. Failure begat success. Film after film has been made documenting this process, adolescent longing and the pursuit of companionship and therefore sex. This was upon what our pop culture was based. It has declined because youths are no longer forced to engage in this maturing process, alternatively becoming spoiled by the immediate gratification of the computer. One only has to look at any of the myriad of TV shows based upon ridiculous selfish behavior. “Girls Gone Wild.” “Girls Behaving Badly.” “Daddy’s Little Spoiled Brat.” There is no current governmental regime capable of embracing these issues, and there is no prospect of a youth population qualified enough to even speculate running the country when “Old Money” dies.