Saturday, August 26, 2006

Sex Sells but its all @#$%^ed Up!

The only conclusion I can cum too is, if America really was founded on purist fundamentalist roots, then we figured out really fast what to sell. The VH-1 special on the origins of the Jackson Five was very telling. In my eyes it summed up a lot of what our youth must be going through. I mean not everyone is in a family like the Jacksons. Whereas once many heralded them and aspired to be like them, now it just seems obvious the bad influences of the "show biz" life. That is unfortunate. Similarly the excesses of the 80's hair bands gave Rock 'n' Roll a bad name. Sex isn't bad. Who knows if prostitution is the oldest profession? If we live in a Capitalist nation, then confusion is being created over the whole process of companionship and marriage. Romance is it? Is that the traditional title for the process of not being alone? If we live in a Capitalist society where that is our socio-economic structure, then why can't I go to the mall and buy a wife? You can buy sex in many other places, including the outskirts of Las Vegas. It seems countries that have been around longer than use don't see that as detrimental. I don't either, because without a clear process being outlined in society for acquiring a mate, I am losing sight of the process myself. It is not being represented well in the public eye through our media systems. First of all we all know SEX SELLS. I fundamentally hate this concept. I can't think of anything more asexual than this. It is drastically different from SELLING SEX, of which I don't see problems. Using sex to sell is derivative. It is simply disrespectful. Now if, like in the Jackson family, our mother is telling us sex is bad and a sin, and on the other hand Jermaine and his daddy are pokin' the groupies in their hotel room, what kind of message does that send to little Michael? Well, he's @#$%^ed up, and now we know what did it. Think of millions of America youth that have no functional families to speak of. Movies and TV are violent and misogynistic. Public schools have spiraled into gang wars. Where are we getting our perceptions of love and marriage? Are they even important anymore to American society? It doesn't seem so. As I wrote earlier, the feeling of happiness and freedom for me is feeling the way I see fit. That for me is heterosexual. (no jeers to others) What makes me feel happy is an underlying feeling of knowing I like women and eventually I would like to live a life with a woman as a companion. That is my peacemaker. That feeling is what puts me at rest. I don't have to think about Armageddon. I don't have to think about the end of the world. I don't have to think about Osama Bin Hollywood. There is one thing, and only one spiritual thing (other than the presence of God) that completes me. I don't think it is wrong. If I only wanted God in my life, I would become a monk. I think He gave us this privilege, and we as human beings are meant to receive it. It is the prize for having to live life on earth. It is the token that makes up for all the loss and hardship. It makes up for the grief and darkness we could feel on a daily basis. It, for me, is hope. When I lose sight of this, I feel darkness. If I don't continually consciously remind myself of this, I become depressed. That means, to me, I believe in Freud's writings. I have come to realize my ID is my essence. It is a spirit that drives me. This in no way means my brain is asleep at the wheel. It just means my brain is housed in the vessel of the body. When the mind needs to "feel good," there is a way to make that happen. Forget for a while. Let the thinking process rest, and let the physical senses rejuvenate. I had a bout with depression years ago, and back then I didn't understand it or my own feelings. I just knew I was alone and unhappy. I figured out how to be happy on my own, and that has freed me from need. Need sucks. Desire sucks. They suck because other people can manipulate and control you when they know your weaknesses. That is the core of the dysfunction of Capitalism. It is at root corrupt. If you deny the human body its essential functions, then titillate that through media to sell a product, you are making your population sick. We are a sick people. You are violently exposed when you are needy, and that makes it hard to live in the modern world. Like a preacher on the Charlie Rose show said, God attempts to come up under you with support so that you may thrive. He doesn't attempt to govern you. The body should be treated the same way. If you give it what it needs, then your minds and your people will flourish. I think the major difference I see in media from the decade of the 80's is, that era had romance as a root. Capitalism wasn't trying to lead society. Society and their habits were driving the economy. Their needs were being MET by our economy. That now has changed, because it seems business has lost track of the human race. It seems to me that this 'far right' regime somehow has cast a spell on humanity that has made it bad, sinful, or corrupt. What would the world be afterall, if it weren't for the human being? Is there supposed to be some invisible, mental force that somehow rules the world of animals? I don't get it. We are the world, as the popular song states, and I for one am through feeling guilty for sins of the flesh. Jesus said constantly, "Let's eat!" He didn't say, lets go back to our little compounds, cover up our bodies, and drive buggies all day. But today that means, drive our cars.