Thursday, October 17, 2024

Donny and Elon

Harmful propaganda seems to arrive in waves, and it is no different with the Washington Post.  It has been weeks since the Ukrainian war has been in the news being usurped necessarily by Israel's escalated attacks on Hamas.  An expanding war in the Middle East including Lebanon and eventually Iran politically is important to the Presidential election in America.  There have been other diversions.  Two hurricanes effecting battleground states has put Putin on the sideline.  The front page of the Post is a potpourri of news mixed with pro Trump propaganda.  The Trump fodder seems to be purchased with little regard for truth.  It has an agenda, and it is meant to scare the American people.  Perhaps by publicizing Trump's radical future agenda the newsroom thinks it will discourage his being reelected.  It does not play out that way.  When a reader seeks a current synopsis of the daily news, Donald Trump's fascist agenda is not appropriate.  It would be better not to publicize it, because it is doing harm as unneeded and unwanted intimidation.  I can thing of nothing less appropriate to offer the American people than a deluded man's dream.  His entire campaign should be nipped in the bud.  The Associated Press or more broadly "the media" are attempting to be solvent publishing whatever may be commoditized.  It is incumbent for a news organization to remain neutral, but that has become impossible.  The four years of a Trump presidency largely dismantled honest governance.  Everyone is on the take.  Because Trump's organization bribed electors in 2016 and 2020, they will do the same in 2024.  There is coverage of the election process and its agencies, but in swing states where the General Assembly does not accept the popular vote, scrutiny sorely is needed.  This is where the shenanigans will happen.  This is how Trump won in 2016.  It could happen again, if the Electoral College is not held responsible for honesty.  Most are corrupt.  With sixty percent of the American electorate desiring a revision of the Constitution to require state legislators to take the popular vote, the war is between them and the people.  This has not changed.  Ideally a Presidential election might change his, but if the model of North Carolina sets the precedent, the bulk of the power in America lies in the state houses.  This is how Trump is planning to win, a tried and true scheme only that was thwarted by changes in voting as a result of the Covid outbreak.  Sixty-five percent of Americans now vote early or by mail.  I am not convinced that Joe Biden won legally in 2020, but it was the correct outcome of the election.  Unseen forces usually make the right decision, but will that happen in 2024?  If so, the news coverage of the three weeks prior to the election are just raking in dollars with paid propaganda.  Maybe they are going into the hole, but billionaire enablers like Elon Musk have it to spare.  They are investing in themselves, not the American people.  The best thing for this country in any scenario is to eliminate Donald Trump.  For America to return to any greatness, which is a functioning and fruitful economy based upon the middle class, the influence of the ultra rich must be dissolved.  They must pay their own fair share of taxes, workers must be paid a living wage, and the oppressive communist construct of slave like work empowering the rich must be quelled.  All men are created equal until the rich deal their hand.  It has become more and more difficult to circumvent the constraints and power of the wealthy and revive a free American market.  That is because it has become all about big money from corporate monopolies.  They are not interested in enabling the common man.  They want to kill us.