The Bachelor of Music Education from Chapel Hill was the most difficult accomplishment in my life. On graduation day I looked in the program to see if my name was there. I have some insight into public education. I learned the difference between schooling and education. Schooling is teaching a set of rules to ensure success. Education is trial and error, and your failures are a necessary part of your learning. Life is education, and schooling now is scarce. We don't know what to believe from whom. Academia sold out for patent revenue, so this once solid foundation of scholarly knowledge has become sketchy. The internet began as a network of scholarly data bases, but it cannot substitute for the centuries old institution of education. What will Donald Trump do to make America great again? Few politicians are in the ballpark. Building a wall to keep Latin Americans out will not make America great again. Mr. Trump has not laid out any tangible plan. Instead he stole and sold classified government documents to terrorists in the Middle East, so they could attack Israel. The Trump organization would colonize the Gaza Strip and reap great monetary reward from this new real estate. This man does not care about Americans, and he has proven it with his actions. You must pay attention to understand. Simply you cannot listen to his empty rhetoric. It is gratifying to know that media coverage of the Republican National Convention largely has been realistic. Climate Change is the most important issue. Unlike it has been painted, it is a tangible ramification of unregulated heavy industry. Rail, aviation, chemical, petroleum, and other industry have free reign to pollute air and water with no thought to the health of Americans. Rail and aviation, with newly implemented phased array microwave wireless communications have become the worst polluters. The combination of radiation, carbon emissions, heat, magnetism, noise, and vibration infringes upon the lives of everyone in this country. It has hobbled the human race. Their emissions alone have stunted America. Aircraft emissions in Fayetteville are a metaphor. One only has to look up at the sky. The smog is rife and dangerous, and Covid has become a part of it. This pathogen is being promulgated in the tainted air. Covid. HIV. AIDS. It was engineered and manufactured in a laboratory. Covid has revealed itself to be of a similar origin of HIV. It is an autoimmune disorder, and it effects the central nervous system. Long Covid means the molecules stay in your body and are triggered later by other means. The massive pollution of corporate America is not helping. Instead of active spores like some bacteria and fungus, there are endospores which can last thousands of years. Without the proper antidote it is a miracle the human race will survive such a devious and deadly man made pathogen. Those responsible for manufacturing Covid are the metaphor of evil, but perhaps our generation has been spared the strife of other Americans. The Great Depression. War. Civil Rights. Jim Crow. Covid is our albatross, and now we know how it feels. It has forced me to find in myself a reason to survive with no external support. God only can provide so much comfort, so it is incumbent upon us to make our own way. We must come up with something to make our lives worthwhile. Bluegrass music provided this for one cross section of America. Blues did also. Music making is a cornerstone of survival of humanity, and much of it has been taken from us by the aforementioned culprits. What do I mean? Sound largely is responsible for the production and dissemination of music. Sound needs and relies upon a clean, clear, ample canvas of quiet air to make its point. This sound has been hijacked by rail and aviation. The sheer amount of infra and ultrasound produced by both of these industries has quashed music in America. Instead it has transformed air into an invasive and dangerous antagonist, thwarting the therapeutic and healing powers of audible music. Our lives have diminished into little handheld devices reducing the once mighty human being into a minute cyborg. Literally we have become nothing. Our ability and power to effect life is mute, and we have been brainwashed to concur. It is easier to submit and relinquish the fight. This is what Donald Trump wants us to do. Take the money. America was not built and certainly was not made great by this methodology. It was earned by citizens acting in their own interests because of lack of support of sociopolitical circles. Americans defied the robber barons and survived in spite of their achieved wealth and prosperity. Donald Trump is a robber baron, and he does not care about us. For him to mention Almighty God was propaganda, because until now those words never crossed his lips. To be President one must have ideas, policies, and qualifications to lead. Spouting lies doesn't cut it.