Friday, July 19, 2024

Lies, Deception, and Delusions

 The Bachelor of Music Education from Chapel Hill was the most difficult accomplishment in my life.  On graduation day I looked in the program to see if my name was there.  I have some insight into public education.  I learned the difference between schooling and education.  Schooling is teaching a set of rules to ensure success.  Education is trial and error, and your failures are a necessary part of your learning.  Life is education, and schooling now is scarce.  We don't know what to believe from whom.  Academia sold out for patent revenue, so this once solid foundation of scholarly knowledge has become sketchy.  The internet began as a network of scholarly data bases, but it cannot substitute for the centuries old institution of education.  What will Donald Trump do to make America great again?  Few politicians are in the ballpark.  Building a wall to keep Latin Americans out will not make America great again.  Mr. Trump has not laid out any tangible plan.  Instead he stole and sold classified government documents to terrorists in the Middle East, so they could attack Israel.  The Trump organization would colonize the Gaza Strip and reap great monetary reward from this new real estate.  This man does not care about Americans, and he has proven it with his actions.  You must pay attention to understand.  Simply you cannot  listen to his empty rhetoric.  It is gratifying to know that media coverage of the Republican National Convention largely has been realistic.  Climate Change is the most important issue.  Unlike it has been painted, it is a tangible ramification of unregulated heavy industry.  Rail, aviation, chemical, petroleum, and other industry have free reign to pollute air and water with no thought to the health of Americans.  Rail and aviation, with newly implemented phased array microwave wireless communications have become the worst polluters.  The combination of radiation, carbon emissions, heat, magnetism, noise, and vibration infringes upon the lives of everyone in this country.  It has hobbled the human race.  Their emissions alone have stunted America.  Aircraft emissions in Fayetteville are a metaphor.  One only has to look up at the sky.  The smog is rife and dangerous, and Covid has become a part of it. This pathogen is being promulgated in the tainted air.  Covid.  HIV.  AIDS.  It was engineered and manufactured in a laboratory.  Covid has revealed itself to be of a similar origin of HIV.  It is an autoimmune disorder, and it effects the central nervous system.  Long Covid means the molecules stay in your body and are triggered later by other means.  The massive pollution of corporate America is not helping.  Instead of active spores like some bacteria and fungus, there are endospores which can last thousands of years.  Without the proper antidote it is a miracle the human race will survive such a devious and deadly man made pathogen.  Those responsible for manufacturing Covid are the metaphor of evil, but perhaps our generation has been spared the strife of other Americans.  The Great Depression.  War.  Civil Rights.  Jim Crow.  Covid is our albatross, and now we know how it feels.  It has forced me to find in myself a reason to survive with no external support.  God only can provide so much comfort, so it is incumbent upon us to make our own way.  We must come up with something to make our lives worthwhile.  Bluegrass music provided this for one cross section of America.  Blues did also.  Music making is a cornerstone of survival of humanity, and much of it has been taken from us by the aforementioned culprits.  What do I mean?  Sound largely is responsible for the production and dissemination of music.  Sound needs and relies upon a clean, clear, ample canvas of quiet air to make its point.  This sound has been hijacked by rail and aviation.  The sheer amount of infra and ultrasound produced by both of these industries has quashed music in America.  Instead it has transformed air into an invasive and dangerous antagonist, thwarting the therapeutic and healing powers of audible music.  Our lives have diminished into little handheld devices reducing the once mighty human being into a minute cyborg.  Literally we have become nothing.  Our ability and power to effect life is mute, and we have been brainwashed to concur.  It is easier to submit and relinquish the fight.  This is what Donald Trump wants us to do.  Take the money.  America was not built and certainly was not made great by this methodology.  It was earned by citizens acting in their own interests because of lack of support of sociopolitical circles.  Americans defied the robber barons and survived in spite of their achieved wealth and prosperity.  Donald Trump is a robber baron, and he does not care about us.  For him to mention Almighty God was propaganda, because until now those words never crossed his lips.  To be President one must have ideas, policies, and qualifications to lead.  Spouting lies doesn't cut it.  

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Trump Machine in Full Motion

 In American politics in the news media there are continual volleys.  Lately the Trump Machine has been in motion because of the Republican National Convention.  It is surreal, because we are watching the Trump organization's apparatus.  This organization is not just the Trump family business.  It more has become the supporting players who are pushing for his second presidency.  It is easy to discern who they are, although trying to win a second term they have diversified their message to reach other potential voters.  Personally I do not believe America would elect him a second term.  Since we lived through the Coronavirus outbreak, no matter what is said the lives impacted by this reality can not disguise Trump's true colors.  Popularity championed by a smooth voice is not enough to lead America, because who is president has real consequences.  Perhaps we are not in the best shape as a nation, but not being led by a convicted felon and a liar shored up by a now corrupt Supreme Court is more important.  Joe stumbles  with his words and no longer has a smooth communicative discourse, but he is more honest.  Also he has the bulk of experience as an elected leader.  To watch the spin machine in real time consume an opportunity such as an attempted assassination is surreal.  The example they have chosen, a defiant and empowered Donald Trump, is not the appropriate leader for the world's once exemplary democracy.  Why would America change course, because of one man's desires?  We have seen it before time and time again in many other countries.  Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini.  Believing such incendiary rhetoric amplified by the American news media is wrong, and as some are saying this media largely has become responsible for the division in America.  How could we be that different?  We all need good jobs, security, and peace of mind.  I do not believe Americans want to be conscripted into another world war.  We would rather enjoy the freedoms imbued upon us by America's Constitutional ideals.  It may not be bubble gum, Coca Cola, and Hollywood movies, but the amenities America has offered her people are unique and humane.  Compared to other nations we are ahead of the happiness curve.  It should not be surprising the attempted assassination.  Contrary to what Marjorie Taylor Greene has said, the shooter was a registered republican.  There was no conspiracy by the democrats to kill Trump.  His action was a natural extension of the inciting and violent rhetoric championed by Donald Trump since his election in 2016.  If and when the reality surfaces to him, and he realizes easily he could have been extinguished from this earth, any normal person would react with a human conscience.  It would effect his soul and not trigger a dictatorial response.  "Fight!"  The Trump Machine is in full operation as it was planned.  There is no doubt now the scruples of Clarence Thomas.  We thought he was evil, and now we know.  Only it has taken this long for his true colors to emerge.  It is disappointing and disconcerting the dismissal of the stolen documents case and the partial immunity decision by SCOTUS.  The ducks are in a row, but it is not over yet.  The more important matter is if the nation can rally behind an aging Joe Biden, and whether a younger more able democrat could clasp the ticket and win the election.  Time is running short, but at least the imposters have been eliminated from the stew. 

Friday, July 12, 2024

Sometimes It's Better to LIve in the Trenches

 In many ways I am a country boy.  My mother grew up on the dairy farm.  Once I prided myself on musical intellect, but as I have grown older I am learning that pride is a sin?  I don't agree with that.  The values of farm living are rich in lessons, and America would evolve if these values were embraced.  We have lost much of our past.  TV's depiction of American life is superficial.  The substance of humanity and its survival is in the church, the stories in the Bible about the life of Jesus, and in art.  William Shakespeare's literature depicts the reality of human conflict.  Not everything in life must be melodramatic, but life is no joke.  It has gotten more real for me, as I have grown old and have become a caregiver.  Its depth and gravity is overwhelming if  you confront it head on.  A bit of dodging is needed, shucking and jiving, and moving out of the way of the challenge.  Often it is better to live in the trenches, and to keep your soul, ideals, dreams, and fantasies to yourself.  What the enemy knows about you is his strength.  If you deprive him of his fuel, he may not sustain.  There are times when we must let the cards fall where they will fall.  Should we let America fail?  Evil is strong and conniving.  It has attempted to demonize every aspect of human existence.  It is a tough pill to swallow understanding the yard once in which I prided myself is capable of killing me.  I blew the leaves in my driveway yesterday, and today I am sick.  Was it an allergic reaction, and was it long Covid?  What gives my life meaning and purpose is music.  I have been a musician all of my life.  It is my identity, and it is a lifestyle.  Music has become a nemesis to me.  It is superfluous, antagonistic, and burdensome.  In truth it is the light.  It is none of those things.  It is being cast as those things by evil.  The majority of the surrounding community does not understand or embrace the healing powers of music.  They are self centered and proud.  They find its inclusion cumbersome.  Silence is their desire.  Quiet servitude is their goal.  Say nothing, be nothing, and make no waves.  Exist.  This is the Trump philosophy, and it is not human.  This is not America.  Ignoring music and its messages and its healing powers is not American.  America will not become great again without music, because music built America.  Music is and was the voice of the people.  I have studied a lot of music.  First it was jazz, and then it was classical.  I have attended three different universities studying music.  In all of this study never was I exposed to the breadth of American music.  Jazz often is called America's true art form, but there are more.  This definition needs to be amended.  Jazz music was not the beginning of American music, because it only covers one century and specific cities.  Old Timey music is a term now being used to champion earlier American music.  We know about the origins of country music from Ken Burns video series.  Bluegrass has become well known and qualifies as an American art form.  Blues in particular mixed with black church music may be the most potent of early American music.  I have listed five types of music:  Music of the Black Church, Blues, Old Timey, Country, and Bluegrass.  It is common to believe Bluegrass did not come to fruition until the mid twentieth century with the addition of Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs to Bill Monroe's Bluegrass Boys.  Bill played mandolin, Cedric Rainwater played bass, and Chubby Wise played fiddle.  The addition of Earl Scruggs' "clawhammer" banjo defined their sound, although the roots of Bluegrass are earlier.  I have not even mentioned another important genre of American music, and it was military music of all kinds.  Marching music in particular is extremely important in American music history including fife and drum.  The music of the Civil War was characterized by all different types of brass instruments tailored for marching in the ranks.  All of this history is lost in America today.  I ask you to ask yourself what is going to make America great again, if we don't recognize, study, and honor these purely American traditions?  The diverse geography of North America and the music that developed out of it are the roots of America and what made her great.  There is not one thing Donald Trump is offering in his empty rhetoric that personifies American struggle, triumph, and perseverance.  It would seem again the nation is at a juncture, and a second Civil War is imminent.  Little did I know in the last chapters of my life I may become a Doomsday Prepper. 

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

The Odds are Against Us

 Talking Points:

Musicians are not average people.  At heart they are performers.  Being sensitive to  low frequency sound and having tinnitus in your ears makes you more aware of pollution in your environment. 

Living in close proximity to the world's largest military base is not average.  It gives you insight and knowledge to which others are not privy. 

Domestic surveillance by any means, military or civilian, creates neurosis in the population.  The military should not use the civilian population as guinea pigs when they train.  

The heat that is Global Warming is man made.  

Much of the heat that is warming the oceans is created by over-sized cruise ships.  


If and when I feel like a persecuted Jew or African-American slave, it is because I am being surveilled.  I was not sure that the word surveil could be a verb.  Surveillance.  Surveillance has risen to prominence in our current age of technology, and this technology, when compared to America's lineage of technological development, is nothing more than legal microwaves.   The technology that built America, fostered the Industrial Revolution,  created automated manufacturing, and put men on the moon is more steadfast and hard-earned than remote controlled drones delivering pizza, Distributed Power in freight locomotives, unmanned aerial vehicles, and any other video-game like manifestation that seeks to entertain weak minds.  The concept of remote control using microwaves from satellites and auxiliary intermediary aircraft is sloth.  Things don't mean nearly as much if you don't work for them.  How did another acronym of IRS rise to such prominence in the military and private sectors?  Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance has become the dominant force of the military.  Simply it is another Cold War.  Who has the biggest stick, Iron Dome, synthetic aperture radar, or  phased array antenna?  This trend in national defense has set the world back decades, while over-anxious soldiers play video games and follow orders.  When it strikes, whatever it is, and all of that wireless communication stops in the blink of an eye, immediately we will revert to pre-technological tradition.  (and that is technology of our definition, which only is cell phones and Blue Tooth)  It is kid stuff.  That the Ukrainian Army uses Starlink Satellites for logistical support is ludicrous.  Surveillance is nothing more than intimidation.  It is a form of non-lethal weapon.  The genius is it easily disguises itself within its own construct.  We know electromagnetic radiation causes cancer, but under the auspices of national defense widely and readily we use it blurring the lines between antagonism and protection.  I am surveilled almost 24/7.  How I know is provided by the musician in me.  As a vocation and profession I am sensitive to sound.  My entire life and area of study has been devoted to the manipulation of sound, mostly in the field of music.  Often I forget this, because being a composer is not common in Fayetteville, North Carolina.  I should remind myself that I completed all of the course work for a doctorate in music composition at The Ohio State University.  What does that mean?  It means at one time in my life I was adept at representing sound in graphic form on paper.  Music notation.  Music theory.  Harmony.  This study of music no longer is important to America.  As such I changed my musical focus to aural traditions, music that is preserved over time by ear and memory.  This is much of American music.  How many contemporary/classical American composers can you name?  Aaron Copland?  Charles Ives?  William Grant Still?  What is interesting about this American music from folk origins (and I mean from the folks, not just Folk Music as a genre), is that largely it is defined by geography.  My interest in the Blues has been that I have the blues.  That the Blues originated from a very specific American lifestyle in a specific geographical region is telling.  In America today we have lost our roots.  We have lost everything that accurately defines us, and gives us insight into our current lives and potential future.  The DNA of America, our hereditary threads that give our lives meaning and purpose, have all but been eradicated by the onslaught of foreign influence.  The connection with our land and its own life that nourishes us is being exploited.  That exploitation is coming from two sources.  I am hesitant to spell this out in words, because when I do I am attacked.  The nature of these entities, like microwave surveillance, is the perfect vehicle.  Easily it skates between legitimate commerce and illegal domestic terrorism.  We can't tell the difference.  Only when you live in close proximity to the world's largest military base will you begin to see some of these oversteps.  Privatization in government further has made it more difficult to tell the difference.  This privatization was not a good idea like the deregulation of corporate America.  Policing one's self is a tall order, and because of human weakness most of us will fail.  If one wanted access to America through her infrastructure, what would one choose?  Ironically one of these choices traditionally was a cornerstone of American growth in commerce and culture.  Our modern times have forsaken America.  One only has to look at Venice, Italy and the entirety of the Mediterranean Sea to see what is in store for America.  It is an industrial wasteland, exploited and left to rot.  The exploitation of our own geography and natural resources without conservation will be the end of us.  They stripped the Alaskan territories to the bone over fishing and over hunting until nothing was left.  On what will man live, soylent green?  It is difficult to tell if the egregious overstepping of corporate America is purposeful or consequential.  Is it simply greed, or as the Trump philosophy boldly outlined an overt attempt to rid the system of burden?  If your president openly says its okay to kill old people, immigrants, and criminals then you'd better believe him.  The extremism of the Republican party has not waned, and they are the drivers.  They are the CEO's, the management, and the work force.  If a campaign is launched there is no better place of origin.  The military is a logical choice, but it still operates under the auspices of democracy.  Fully I believe they are a part of this attack on America, but innocent enlistees are being exploited as well.  Dangle perks in front of their eyes, nice homes, food allowances, and privileges, and it would be difficult for young people to resist.  Why is it so important for Fayetteville, North Carolina to have a red eye flight to Charlotte at five o'clock in the morning?  It is because of the manic pace and immediacy of the internet.  The national power grid is a sacrificial lamb for cyber currency mining.  Washington has failed in its responsibility to monitor and regulate business.  The full court press of the corporate lobby paints every harmful business proposal as the next Vegas jackpot.  The rail and aviation industries should be paying an oxygen tax, not a carbon tax.  It is our air they burn and replace with toxins.  Why should they get this for free?  My example of corporate exploitation is Piedmont Airlines.  Piedmont was well known in the 1970's and 1980's as a budget airline.  Often they were the punch line of Johnny Carson's jokes on the Tonight Show.  "They just open the cabin door and let you jump out."  With their new resurrection they set up shop in Charlotte, and direct to Charlotte flights emerged from Fayetteville all through the day.  Previously it only was two, Delta and United.  I know because I flew to my cruise ship destinations often.  When I took my first direct-to-Charlotte flight it was an improvement.  The Charlotte airport is nicer than Atlanta, but I had to get up at three in the morning to make the flight at five a.m.  Fayetteville had cleaner air before these flights.  The more telling issue is Piedmont does not adhere to any traditional concept of flight path.  At will and with abandon they fly wherever they want, whatever best suits them with no thought for those below.  They blanket the city of Fayetteville with black soot.  What kind of corporate decision is this?  There are so many planes in the sky over Fayetteville, both military and civilian, and many of them are civil service, we are hard pressed to discern who the bad buy is.  Widely it was reported many of the planes operated under shell companies were of Russian origin.  It to me is indisputable that when military air traffic is rife, and Fayetteville air quality is poor, people become ill.  I know this from first hand experience.  My day to a large extent is determined by nature, not nurture.  I go outside and breathe in, and that sets the boundaries of my days challenges.  I have done everything in my power to clean up my end, but micro-particles that easily permeate walls roofs, bricks, and wood are no match for airborne allergens and disease.  The people that created Covid 19 in a lab know this. 


Saturday, July 06, 2024

Bill Clinton's Pandora's Box

Since the Pandemic the previous normalcy of everyday life is gone.  Covid was more than a physical killer.  It dealt a stark blow to every aspect of American life, and we don't realize it.  It was a huge smoke screen for corporate America to continue to breach our civil and Constitutional rights.  It was misdirection like used in magic.  It is impossible for me to shake the severity of what is happening in America; it all seems to be true.  What was predicted in the Bible is happening now, and it is related to the end of the World.  That is a large pill to swallow everyday when you get up.  Perhaps it is God's way of saying, "Come to Me."  There isn't much else, so your spiritual life is going to grow to fill the void.  I don't have an active say in what happens in my spiritual life.  It tells me what to do.  The sheer amount of evil that surrounds me everyday has become overwhelming, so I guess I need some Jesus to ward it off.  What has changed because of Covid?  Big Brother has marched in and captured much of our freedom, and control of the media is his methodology.  While America has gotten wise to the exploitation of the internet, media in general has not recovered.  The majority of what is in the news is propaganda.  In comparison to the historical traditions of news as truth, what we have does not qualify.  It is opinion, and it is manipulated for a purpose.  The devolution of reporting the news could be the metaphor for the devolution of America as a nation.  The decline of the public schools is similar.  The devastation of the environment is similar.  There is no way a country can excel, when its infrastructure is weak.  All institutions must have a strong foundation, and Covid kicked out the bricks.  In 2016 I decided to give  Donald Trump a chance.  I had no choice.  I said to myself, "Let's see how our quality of changes with him as president."  What did we get?  We got the Pandemic, something never seen in our lifetimes.  On the surface things appeared moderate.  Gas was reasonable.  The economy was functioning.  It was behind the scenes in  Washington the damage was being done attempting to dismantle American democracy.  Like the businessman Trump was, it  was about profit.  The Trump Administration, instead of embracing American ideals and the Constitution, tried to change the principals of our founding fathers.  In many ways the Trump philosophy was the opposite, and now the ill effects of deregulation have hobbled the lower and middle classes.  Only the rich are benefiting.  Ethnic cleansing has begun.  It is both startling and upsetting to watch your community regress into a ghetto.  I am preaching to the choir.  Anytime I voice my opinion, those who respond seem to have it worse.  I am going to use a nearby shopping area in Fayetteville, North Carolina as an example.  It is close to our house, so it is a part of our family history and current daily routine.  Perhaps it is not uncommon what is happening, and it isn't just gentrification.  Urban decay it a part of it.  For a while it was the opposite, and businesses came and went.  Since Covid and the decline of the economy, the dollars are not there to support these brick and mortar entities.  First the native buildings in this area, the historical businesses with unique footprints that gave the area character and identity, have been razed.  The florist on the corner, the steak house, and the garage all have been sacrificed.  Urban sprawl has ensued, and haphazard growth has made it ugly.  There are tightly spaced microwave towers that suggest industry rather than commerce.  Not long ago the placement of these towers would have been illegal.  There are two rows of telephone poles with miscellaneous wiring that make it uglier.  The former fabric store, KFC, and bank now have a portable chain link fence around them, and it looks like a war zone.  The overt defining characteristic of this once viable retail district is air pollution.  When BRAC brought Ground Forces Command to Fort Bragg, Fayetteville was the sacrificial lamb.  There are many reasons why this change has not been positive for the surrounding community, but air pollution is the most destructive.  While they chose not to keep certain aircraft at Pope Field, it doesn't matter.  Smog now is common, and that the commercial airlines have chosen to change their traditional flight paths and spray most of Fayetteville with soot is uncanny.  How can any community thrive when they are used as a sewer?  I am going to be specific.  Let me begin by saying once again I am listening to the "Hum."  The "Hum" was a sound heard and felt near Taos, New Mexico.  It drove people crazy, because they could not figure out whence it came.  It took me six months in front of a computer at OSU to track the  source of this noise.  Who was the culprit?  General Electric.  GE.  It was a conveyor belt they built underground to carry ore from a molybdenum mine to the refinery.    It used low frequency AC drives that turn slowly and are controlled by a microprocessor and power inverter.  It is the same technology that controls alternating current diesel electric locomotives.  The same great minds who decided to tunnel beneath the ground and install the fifteen mile long conveyor belt must be the same as those at Fort Liberty who decided to put a section of the Cape Fear Railways underneath Rock Merritt Avenue.  Once Reilly Road the mainline from the Honeycutt Marshalling Yard follows the same route and was obstructive to on post vehicular traffic.  Idling trains under the ground in any situation is bad, especially if they hum.  Norfolk/Southern sold their trackage to RJ Corman not long ago, and a new railroad was born from Raleigh to Fayetteville.  They prize the war horse SD-40-2, and it hums like a mother.  While N/S used heavy haul road locomotives for small potato switching in downtown Fayetteville, now we get to listen to the hum again.  To be concise GE is now Wabtec, and they are doing the same things.  There was smoke and mirrors and buying and selling (Progress Rail, Caterpillar, etc.), but eventually the GE incumbents landed back at home.  It doesn't make sense the amount of wireless communication on a GE designed locomotive.  Ask a Webtec executive about Distributed Power.  They have turned fire breathing dragons into toy trains.  When the EPA tried to test the communications on a GE locomotive, there was so much electromagnetic energy from so many different sources, they could not proceed.  It was a stew of high voltage radiation.  Why does a freight train need this?  Why does a passenger jet need this?  The military champions this technology, and their whole battlefield operation is based on wireless communications.  Perhaps if Elon Musk had not launched thousands of Starlink satellites into low Earth orbit, Russia would not have needed Kosmos 2553.  Until Washington definitively acknowledges the source of the Havana Syndrome, a pulsed microwave non-lethal weapon used for surveillance purposes, human health and cancer specifically will not improve.  The ready availability of microwaves to the highest bidder was Bill Clinton's most grievous mistake as President.  He opened this box, and it should be on his conscious.  P.S.  The microdust that is being blown into my eyes sitting inside comes from a Piedmont Embraer ERJ-145.  It just took off.  

Friday, July 05, 2024

The Terrorist Wing of Corporate America

 When one tries to rationalize the iniquities of evil men, what has become America's "Deep State," concrete metaphors for their malfeasance clearly become evident in our everyday lives.  On the hottest day of 2024, Friday July 5th, Southwest Airlines chooses Fayetteville, North Carolina, home to the world's largest military base and largest creator of heat, to host a holding pattern for its flight from Washington, DC to Atlanta.  Of all the places available why would a commercial airline choose an all ready hot spot?  In the mission statement of the United States military, clearly it states they use heat to disguise electromagnetic activity.  Heat is a component of military activity, and with blanket protection of the war department, why not just hide?  The innocent citizens below struggling to pay their all ready inflated energy bills do not need less oxygen and more pollution on the year's hottest day.  This is the perfect metaphor for America's loss of democracy and freedom.  Never has it changed.  Always it has been allowing the haves free reign to do what they please to remain wealthy and empowered.  That is all North Carolina wants.  Let things be.  "What's wrong with the way things are and have been?"  Spray raw feces and urine on neighborhoods adjacent to fields?  Pollute the Cape Fear River Basin with forever chemicals?  Irradiate citizens with harmful microwaves from every conceivable source, when previously these transmissions were deemed dangerous and rendered illegal by the FCC?  Introduce Sports Book Betting to North Carolinians, and in one fell swoop reap five hundred million dollars from impoverished citizens?  Gerrymander voting districts and enact legislation to make it more difficult for people of color to vote?  Pollute the air with micro-particles from every conceivable source?  Release a pathogen on the population that weaponizes all ready dangerous disease?  Controlling the population (and Joe Biden) is all they want, and they are winning.  The people are losing, and now the Democratic Party is losing its candidate four months ahead of the 2024 presidential election.  Trump shenanigans are inundating every aspect of our lives, and he is not even an elected official.  He is a disgraced felon.  Why would the people of America and North Carolina deserve this?  We don't.  You can call it a bloodless revolution, but the American people will not roll over for this.  We  all ready are on the cusp of desperation.  Donald Trump, no Joe Biden, needs to exit the building; there is no gain from destroying America.  The heat stems from from Fort Liberty, and Fayetteville, North Carolina is the modern Camp Lejeune.  Is training soldiers more important than the quality of lives of Americans?  The Deep State weaponization of corporate America for political gain is the reason.  It is a clever ruse, but we are getting wise.  

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Deep State Carolina

Finally I have discovered the majority of America's problems are being caused by the attempted reelection of Donald Trump.  That which effects our daily lives concretely or abstractly is being manipulated by the "Deep State."  To many, Joe Biden and the Democrats are the enemy; the Biden family are insiders.  Joe Biden is a career politician, and it is reasonable to doubt the honesty and integrity of government.  Sans personality and popularity, things a junior high school student body uses to elect a president, it is necessary to know more.  Because of misinformation, gas lighting, and spin it is important that Americans know more.  It is Trump's policy to furnish anodynes to his constituency.  He pedals to the lowest common denominator actively manipulating his dupes with smiles, happy talk, and promises.  (Propaganda)  What his followers don't understand is  he is leading them to the abyss.  His doctrine is a studied and adopted campaign upending most tenets of American democracy and freedom.  He admires Communist dictators, speaks fascism, and aspires to be America's next autocrat.  Those who follow him and choose to vote for him again are ascribing to these ideals.  It is our bounden duty to understand Trump groupies will become our enemies.  They are, but without his leadership their allegiance is malleable.  In the important swing red state of North Carolina, all aspects of daily life are inundated with trying to reelect Donald Trump.  The Republican gerrymandering of voting districts.  Mark Robinson running for Governor.  His minions in the state house, Phil Berger and Tim Moore, silently and diligently are trying to keep North Carolina red.  Donald Trump has proven he is a traitor, a felon, and incapable of being President, but that doesn't matter.  He is being run by others, and the others are the extreme right Republican party which has emerged.  He would be President as a figure head.  The faction running him are Communists.  I am reluctant to use the word communism, but it is accurate.  The fight between democracy and communism never has waned.  Only has it been disguised or diluted.  Rule by government and corporate America has taken root in attempts to privatize government.  The recent decisions of SCOTUS reinforce this bias.  Their limitations of government oversight and the strengthening of the president's supreme authority over the law are  Communist.  This is where America is headed.  Four years of the Trump Presidency covertly put into place seeds of autocracy.  The appointing of judges  sympathetic with the extreme right was the beginning.  Trump's ultimate plan to find vindication from the Supreme Court sadly has come to fruition.  Their misguided, destructive, and criminal decisions are hammering nails in the coffin of America.  This attempted overthrow of democracy by reelecting Donald Trump is the goal.  It permeats every aspect of our daily lives by oppression.  A campaign of fear and intimidation has been simmering, and it is the plausible way to manipulate the voter electorate.  If people don't think clearly, then they will not vote with their minds.  If the American populace is reduced to animal survival, then easily we are manipulated from desperation.  We are depressed and dejected, and most convenient anodynes will sway our opinions.  It takes little cognitive reflection to place Donald Trump.  The Republican force seeking to overthrow American democracy is a clever manipulator of the law.  The recent decisions by SCOTUS ascribe official acts of the office of Presidency immunity from later prosecution.  What they are lobbing in Jack Smith's court is discerning the difference between personal and official behavior.  The Republicans make this difficult disguising one for the other, and it is based upon criminal behavior.  Donald Trump is a keen and avid gangster, and those manipulative tools continue to serve him.  The force behind him, foreign-sanctioned organized crime, is strong and ruthless.  As Americans we are being attacked by fellow patriots and foreign agents.  The plight we face having survived Covid 19 is not unlike American slavery, but it has been covert.  It was a covert assault, and  it is best to become aware of it.  Democratic government is not the source of this antagonism.  Those who believe in democracy also believe in God, and the principals of Christianity are just, fair, and human.  The privatization of government is anti-democratic, because as SCOTUS has proven, the appointing of life long incumbents hinders free and democratic thinking.  If you do not have to jockey or vie for your sustenance, your decision making will support yourself.  Empathy and democracy require effort as does marriage.  It should be no surprise both are failing.  The patterns of communism in America are corporate domination.  It has been Big Pharma.  The American medical community was overrun with evil, and its quest for monetary profit.  Our military is being run by the defense industry, and the arms race is their primary goal.  War is their desire, and it is for profit.  Controlling our food supply and our environment completes the circle.  America has devolved from providing quality for Americans  to degrading their health.  Unhappy unhealthy people are easy dupes and easy of which to dispose.