Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Nature Versus Nurture

 It could be easy to succumb to your immediate environment.  If we were reduced to survival mode living moment to moment fraught with ADD, neurosis, and anxiety, finding the concentration to overcome these odds could be difficult.  Over stimulation is a core component of American life.  It was conceived and implemented just like false healthcare.  When the human body needs solace, sleep, and proper health care, Americans now are antagonized.  Never would I have believed it, but it is ethnic cleansing and genocide on a grand scale.  My instincts told me when Donald Trump became President, we would be subject to some grievous heinous ill not unlike the Holocaust.  I was correct.  Perhaps it was Covid 19, or perhaps it was 2012 ten years later.  If many disparate cultures all predicted an apocalyptic event in one particular year, then there is credence in that intuition.  We have lived it, and one only has to pay attention.  Follow the money.  In the first few weeks of newly legalized sports betting in North Carolina, naive citizens lost half a billion dollars.  Five hundred million dollars was stolen from average North Carolinians, because we are not smart enough not to fall for their ploy.  We are being entertained by losing our money.  We deserve a better entertainment product than Kevin Hart making TV commercials.  We should get more from our gamble.  Instead of gambling we could be investing in tools, infrastructure, or personnel.  It is a visceral, underhanded, despicable addiction offering fake solace rather than support.  America has become an evil empire, and they all are after the tax payers money.  Now it is easier to scoop it out of Washington, DC than to earn it honestly with a product or service.  It's kind of like a dividend check.  Whether it is kick backs from foreign aid, lucrative government contracts, or embezzlement, American tax payers are being raped and pillaged.  Taxes, fees, and utilities, things controlled by the government are escalating.  This is a problem.  Washington is a swamp, and it is bogged down with evil.  The most stark and disturbing reminder of this modern American Holocaust is the new "Covid Wealth."  Americans won't notice when the all-ready billionaires' wealth pushes toward a trillion dollars.  What we will notice is the new wealth that is emerging post-Covid.  Huge hedge funds have begun to buy up housing, because they have the deep pockets and thus the new housing monopoly.  They are the only ones who have this capability, because the rest of America has gotten poorer in the midst of Covid.  The disparity between the extremely rich and the poor continues to grow, and the poor now have been targeted for extermination.  Not only do they want to take your money, they want to kill you first.  The sacrifice of America's health care system is evidence of this overt attempt to kill Americans.  I have experienced this personally in the last few years, and it is a difficult pill to swallow.  When you discover your doctor is a fascist, who has no interested in helping you, it is a shock.  When you discover his real goal is to kill you and take your money, then I understand that my instincts were right.  We have endured a covert war in America, and that war was meant to kill us.  It is not the first time.  Why would America send its young soldiers around the world to fight Communism in Viet Nam for the French?  A virus that appears out of nowhere and targets intravenous drug users and homosexuals was no accident.  It was created by the same evil that created Covid 19 in a lab.  It becomes more understandable why survivalists insist on owning AR-15 assault rifles.  A well-armed militia is the last line of defense against an advancing turned-fascist nation.  What is difficult is discerning the enemy, because they are embedded in our everyday ordinary lives.  They are in the government and in our military.  There are traitors, spies, and assassins, and they are no joke.  It would be wise to hold those accountable for the emergence of Covid 19, and to isolate its presence.  If it still is around, it is not magically appearing in the mist.  It is much more likely in historical context to be being expelled from rail tank cars or airborne strato tankers.  I never will see a C-130 Super Hercules the same way.  There is just too much leeway in the vast red tape of the military to rule out foul play.  When your Secretary of Defense is suffering from prostate cancer, he is not providing enough oversight to a vast network of probable illicit drug trafficking, weapons distribution, and imperialism. The attack on Israel by Hamas was made possible by Trump's stolen documents.  Openly he bragged about them.  The Washington Post published a front page article detailing the complex planning and intelligence needed to launch this attack on Israel.  It came at a convenient time to divert America's attention from Trump's woes, and Trump's son candidly said how his family wanted the Gaza beach front property.  All you have to do is listen.  Thus far the court system has hedged keeping this information from coming to light.  The lawsuit purposely has been stalled protecting traitor Number One, and insultingly he continues to run for the Presidency of the United States.  It is easier to stomach when you know the depth of the stench.