When looking at fallen democracies or established military dictatorships, the formula is loss of freedom of the vote. This freedom of the vote, and its instilled intrinsic power to elect a leader of choice, becomes compromised. This can happen many ways; if Americans paid attention, we could see the danger clearly in the elections of communist countries. Also we would see it in democratic nations on the verge of collapse and conversion to autocracy. There are many shades of gray and nations in differing stages of oppression of freedom. The consensus is one powerful candidate (Padimir Vlutin) dominates the election manipulating the procedure. This practice has moved to the United States, and the opportunity for anyone to run for office has been quashed. Money controls the system, the vote. The Grand Old Party manipulates the vote in America the same way they manipulate the courts and the legal system. With an encyclopedic knowledge of the law and its implemented loopholes, the playing field of the vote is slanted. This unfolded in Florida, when George W. Bush antagonized Al Gore until he conceded the Presidential election. Gore won like Hillary Clinton in 2016, but the GOP manipulated the system to win. The population is eliminated from the choice, the populace. A few people make this choice. America never has been a true democracy. We have had peaks and valleys of virtuous political action, and now we have a low point in American history. Many types of unfair and illegal shenanigans have tilted the playing field of political election. Gerrymandering is the most obvious. North Carolina, after many legal battles, continues to sport illegal voting districts favoring Republicans. The 2024 Presidential election (if we call it that) is the most obvious example of a democratic process gone wrong. Americans can agree this election, because of the limitations projected by Covid, does not resemble any other in recent memory. The traces of compromised living in the work place, at home, and in the school systems linger suggesting America has regressed. We are gimps, and our previously robust methods of governance have waned. We should call this election the "Special Presidential Election," because it is operating under the auspices of special social entitlements. The things that Trump rails against are in play for his benefit. He lies and tells you one thing and stabs you in the back for his own profit. This is not an insult or defamation of character. It is fact. If those who love Donald Trump would take the time to read or listen, they would understand this evil. Should Joe Biden and Donald Trump be treated as special needs patients meriting appeal, and appeal, after court case simply to remain viable candidates? It is an absurd TV sitcom, and this is what Donald Trump understands. The integrity, vitality, virtue, and historic value of our Constitutional processes have been soiled by baby spittle. It is insulting to America, and their will for freedom. The most low brow and benign hi jinx have challenged the pinnacle of world freedom. The Three Stooges have toppled George Washington, and we are along for the ride. Ultimately the Supreme Court of the United States will decide if Trump is immune from criminal prosecution for crimes he committed during his term. Two impeachments suggest a pattern, and the deep pockets of Super PAC's shoring up Trump's devastating financial losses should wake up. Their continued support may be the loss of America.