America has lost focus. So many things changed us during Covid. We are walking with limps, breathing with gasps, working with limitations, and trying to feign normalcy pre-pandemic. I don't think it is possible. Long Covid is a grievous wound, and the labor force is the worst casualty. Not only are we physically weaker, our mental faculties have become strained. We use drugs to feel normal. Interesting predicament. Our environment has become so abrasive, almost antagonistic, that we need drugs to survive. Is this a naturally unfolding scenario, such as the questionable emergence of Covid, or is it deliberate? Perhaps it is a byproduct of the lack of regulation and oversight by the appropriate agencies. When I drink a glass of home-brewed ice tea, I am ingesting PFAS. Although I use bottled spring water, the ice from my ice maker uses city water, the worst water in the state of North Carolina. If I fill my tea glass with ice, I drink more of this water than water from my bottle. This is unsettling, and buying ice trays is on my "To Do" list. At every turn in my average every day life, there are health challenges. I have thrown away most of my flower pots for fear the dirt is tainted with viruses. I ditched some of my house plants. Recently we ground, sealed, and coated the garage floor. It is when I sleep that I am susceptible to illness. Why is this? This is a contradiction of human existence. Sleep is supposed to rejuvenate us, and yet it has become the most sacrificed therapy. Why? The answer is the trains run after sundown under the cover of blackness. Since it has become Precision Scheduled Railroading, the trains should be predictable. They are predictably longer, because of Locotrol (a crazy gringo driving the train). Intermodulation. If we can't decide whether or not to wear a mask that doesn't even cover our eyes, how can we understand this concept? The top of a GE locomotive is a transmitting station replete with Wifi, Cell, and traditional radio. My internet slows down when a train goes by. Is this acceptable, a rail monopoly? The Post-Covid Snake Oil Show is a campaign of misinformation and down right lies. Scare the people, and they won't pay attention to the polluted environment. Corporate America has become slimy with malfeasance. No one is looking out for the people. Within several miles our our home, which is near historic Haymount, trees are being razed like there is no tomorrow. Trees that have taken decades to grow, and which provide rich oxygen for us to breath into our lungs, are just being pushed over with bulldozers and hauled to the city dump. There has been no thought as to how to integrate a tree into a yard or neighborhood. "0 Jura Drive" is a newly proposed Fayetteville subdivision. Miraculously, with a huge housing shortage within the city limits, a fifty acre, ninety home subdivision materializes out of nowhere, at the expense of fifty acres of trees. Similarly on North Edgewater Drive in Van Story Hills, a hillside of oaks, pines, and maples that has been in existence from the beginning, suddenly is razed to the ground in one fell swoop. The precursors to these events have been "The Shops at Village Green," and the pine forest on the corner of Glensford and Cliffdale Roads. Several years ago this wooded lot which bordered a middle class neighborhood off of the All American Expressway was razed to the ground exposing the flanks of these homes. Their property values decreased immediately. No sound barrier from traffic. No privacy. Nothing. Nothing has been built there, just as nothing has been built on the corner of Village Drive and Robeson Street. They felled all of the trees, and now it sits. Less oxygen. More noise. Urban decay. The air is rife with the smell of jet fuel and diesel exhaust, and the things that manufacture breathable air are not valued. We needs drugs to survive now. Pretty soon we'll need bottled oxygen. Who is going to sell it to us? America, the biodome. It's depressing.