Wednesday, February 14, 2024

The Havana Syndrome

 I sit here with my left ear ringing from what has become chronic  tinnitus.  Always I have lacked the two upper tones in my left ear, and sitting in front of a drummer's cymbal in a ship orchestra pit didn't help.  I have some hearing loss, but never has it effected my ability to produce music.  The military industrial complex has become microwaves, and the urge to digitize everything isn't always the best decision.  Digitization allows easier manipulation of data, sound, video and more.  It best is seen in the movie theater, which in actuality no longer is a movie theater.  It is a huge "device," a large screen playing back digital content made up of pixels.  Thus the once unique movie theater experience is nothing more than watching one of your devices but in a grander scale.  I don't like digital sound, because the industry has tried to paint it as better than analog sound, when in fact it is not.  Bombastic volume has been substituted for rich and varied sound.  It is an orchestra verses a synthesizer.  There is a handful of film composers who took great strides to make synthesizers sound rich, varied, and expressive.  They too have been replaced by bombastic volume and canned sound effects.  Film scoring is a lost art, and much of it will die with John Williams.  America's example of selling out art for digitization is our life.  This is our battle, humanity verses tyranny.  Good verses Donald Trump.  Bill Clinton made this decision, and it was not a good one.  He says it balanced the federal budget, auctioning off these frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum.  Previously the FCC deemed these particular frequencies harmful to human health, and they were unused.  President Clinton feigned God and changed America for the worse.  We and our military industrial complex are microwaves, and we are no better than when we used wires.  In my reflection we are worse.  With the exception of Wi-Fi, relying upon wires for personal communication never was a burden.  It was part of our culture, and it was rich and meaningful.  When you have to work for it, it becomes more meaningful to you.  Before wireless everything we still were human beings.  Now we are robots being led by devices in our palms.  It is infuriating that America is not smart or prudent enough to take care of herself.  To see every day drivers not watching the road and instead looking down at a screen in inane.  In reality it is much more than that.  The consequences can be lethal, meaning you could lose your life from such a habit.  Evidently America doesn't care if you kill yourself or others with your vehicle, or there would be a federal law prohibiting the holding of a device while driving.  The more appropriate action is to prohibit any graphic visual device to distract your vision from the road and your potential prey.  What is more important, another human being or your To Do list?  That state governors and legislators continue to allows the practice is insanity.  Your kids' health and safety are not important to you if you allow them to drive while looking at a smart phone.  All of this is a direct consequence of microwaves and their ability to beam graphics and video quickly.  It is addictive, and finally now parents with dead children are speaking up.  It has been a massive breach of trust and human health in America.  Who is responsible?  Bill Clinton.  Are we any better off?  The answer is no.  We have become dysfunctional human beings wrought with health maladies and suffering from addiction.  It is exactly what Donald Trump wants, because it is easier to tend the sheep when they are docile and dumb.  There is no question the emergence of the smart phone has changed the human race and how we live.  It is immediate but discriminatory, and it now it discriminates against human beings.  Any time when a device takes precedence over a person, we are in trouble.  Truly it is the beginning of the Borg, and why would we want to relinquish control of our planet and our culture to a machine?  It is predicted in a host of literature and film, but how could we succumb to such an extreme?  Who would desire to forsake the Earth and build a new existence on Mars?  It is delusional, and most likely this desire is being nursed by substances.  Addiction.  Freely and fully I admit that our reality is no cup of tea.  It has become stark, brutal, and unpleasant, but it was our responsibility as human beings to protect our habitat.  The reliance on microwaves is a major strike against the Earth and the human race.  Its widespread use in all militaries has become a plague, a non-lethal weapon cleverly disguised as surveillance.  If no overt cause can be found for fatigue, pain, vertigo, cognitive dysfunction, and tinnitus then bona fide microwave surveillance protected by national security, Special Operations, the Pentagon, the NSA, and the rest is the culprit.  It is a beautiful GOP-crafted antagonist hidden behind the red tape of The Swamp.  It is the obvious foreign infiltration and attempted imperialism of our free nation.  Red is and always been Red, and the Red of MAGA is nothing more than attempted fascism, tyranny, ego, and sadism.  Our right to be happy and healthy has been breached, and it will be SCOTUS that either saves us or throws us to the dogs.  If they do chose to protect Donald Trump, then clearly we will know who the enemy has become.