The Great American Digression was inevitable. For most of my sixty plus years beginning in the 1980's, life in America was superlative. With the exception of the Viet Nam War (circa 1965-1975), America upheld her purely American ideals. Eastern Bloc nations would tease us and suggest Coca Cola, bubble gum, apple pie, and hamburgers are our appropriate metaphors. A more telling and appropriate characterization of America is penned in our United States Constitution. It is this document, the treatise for American freedom and our right to the pursuit of happiness, which has come under fire. Simply put Communism and eventual fascism are seeking to conquer America. Our coveted and enshrined rights to peace, security, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness are being attacked. I am beginning to think this is a result of jealousy. Ignorance may play a role, but if a man is given the spoils of a happy life would he instead choose violence and war? First he would need to experience these spoils. Before he could understand these things, he would need to understand them. We are free to chose our own destiny. (at least in America) In Communist nations freedom is oppressed, and the government demands compliance and obedience. You personal desires and expression are limited and not important. The potential for diversity, development, and evolution of human life is stagnant. America's torch of liberty is allowing actualization, development, and nurturing of the human mind. It is the human experience. This is what America has lost. This Great American Digression was inevitable. We have downgraded, demoted, and disempowered the human experience in lieu of cyberdom. This cyber life is not driven by human thought or emotion. It is controlled by technology (the Borg, the Tet, Google, or Meta) and like Big Brother it seeks to unequivocally rule the world. Because A.I. is not capable of thinking or solving problems (only can it process preexisting date) it will kill itself and the Earth. This scenario has been prophesied often in the arts. Literature and film have explored this eventual challenge as an interesting and creative plot. We should have learned. This is the role of the arts, to synthesize the harshness of reality and create palatable solutions. The human mind is required for this. A.I. will not suffice. I watched the film "The Cell" last night, and it was startling how ignorant America has become. To watch actors portray human thinking and emotion in real time is an anachronism. Today instead we react like primitive beings fighting for survival. Jealousy for our freedom and potential happiness is a product of ignorance. If you don't understand something, you lash out against it. First we must disempower technology from ruling our lives. Second we must create a capable economy consisting of human jobs. Third we must educate our youth. Only then will it be possible to dismantle the corporate communist construct which has attempted to overthrow America.