The recent events of the Covid outbreak have misshapen our collective awareness and understanding of American sensibilities. The dots must be connected if our democracy is to survive. Donald Trump is not the first president to go rogue. It is a routine pattern in other unfortunate third world nations. Economic and thus political instability allow attempts at autocratic governance. The elected president uses his new military to oppress the people. This is the beginning of communism. Cancel Culture has distorted the meaning of many traditional words, so these words no longer may be appropriate. I will use "dictatorship." No one any longer can agree on the meanings of descriptions such as Communist and Socialist, because the American GOP has adopted a campaign which simply shouts the opposite of whatever is parlayed to them. Now Donald Trump extrapolates his criminal depictions back to the Democratic Party including Joe Biden. "It's not me! It's you!" It's too bad life isn't a humorous and entertaining episode of "Seinfeld." Before Trump, terrorism was an issue. After President Biden ended the Afghan War, the concept of terrorism was shelved. I think of Covid as terrorism, but that is not a common consensus. There are those that believe Covid, like AIDS, was a natural evolution of disease. I disagree. After experiencing the dire effects of Covid again and again, I can say with certainty that its method of attack is ruthless and unmerciful. In the year two thousand and twenty and with decades of positive medical achievement, it is difficult to believe a disease this lethal evolved naturally. There is tangible proof the United States government contracted with the Wuhan Lab in China for millions of dollars to study and manipulate coronaviruses. These lab workers mysteriously disappeared probably resultant of their own research. The product they created was so potent, that it killed them. China is concealing this like most countries would. Did Covid 19 spread from the lab in Wuhan? It would be impossible to prove, because their government's ultimate objective would be to hide this initial investment in biological warfare. We must assume that while their product killed its makers (which in fiction is normal), someone has the pathogen. Who? Donald Trump is emerging a fallen president, someone once thought to be good but now is evil. We can assume from his legally-proven pattern of malfeasance he was involved or aware. Trump knew about Covid 19. The Chairman of the Joints Chief of Stuff General Mark Milley himself said he felt over half of the American military might follow Donald Trump. That is large potential for error, and with the facade of normal day to day military training it would be easy to implement such an attack. He could have, as the Commander and Chief, ordered the dispersion of this pathogen. His behaviors since are a metaphor for this strategy. Smoke and mirrors. Hem and haw. Lie. Distract. Divert. It would be difficult to find the source of this domestic terror, because it is cloaked in community and effective anonymity. Covid could have been a domestic terror attack, because Donald Trump is being proven a traitor. His minions still are active and proving this case against him. When Marjorie Taylor Green distributes images of herself with an assault weapon in front of the United States Capital, we need to assume that although she is an elected official, she may be a traitor. Domestic terrorists are in Congress, and they were ushered in by our past president, Donald Trump. Luckily he was not been successful, but his evil seeds have sprouted and are overtaking the garden. Donald Trump is no different than Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, Manuel Noriega, Benito Mussolini, or Joseph Stalin. He just had a smooth Southern drawl.