I had never heard this term before, but after observing America's political debacle of the year 2000 I now have an idea. High ranking government officials and military officers engaged in conspiratorial activity to promote their own power and wealth. Ho hum. I do not believe in conspiracy and chasing such a concept does not interest me. Conspiracy is a word coined to provide cover for criminal behavior often labeled "white collar." To some degree everyone is a conspirator, because living within the construct of Capitalism people are pitted against one another. We all are plotting our own success and ascent in society. I can't imagine getting up each day and saying, "I want to be a junky bum." There are times, and they are increasing, where I feel overwhelmed by the Conditions of America. Conspiracy is a diversion meant to spin criminal corporate and government corruption. "They are plotting!" It is a word best used in fiction and for entertainment purposes. America has succumbed to such evil, malfeasance at all levels is expected. We would wonder if they weren't conspiring. A word that is more appropriate is needed to explain that there is very little good left. Perhaps it is dystopian. When the Sackler family peddles narcotics and bribes doctors to over-prescribe their drug which kills many Americans, this is when the term conspiracy loses it sting. There is very little good left, and the reason is that a conscious campaign has been waged to eradicate it. Good is in God, and God's word is Christianity. Christianity only seeks to provide love in the world instead of murder. Christians it seems never have been popular, but like everything today we don't remember the real meaning of the word. Fundamentalist Christian. Cancel Culture and the Woke movement are extremely destructive, and they would like for us to forget. To be more specific it is easier to define this movement by our lack of humanity. Humanity encompasses romance, and it has all but disappeared. Throughout history romanticism as a movement has ebbed and flowed, and in America today it is at a historic low. What do I mean by "Romanticism?" It is simple. Romanticism can only exist when emotion within the human race is considered important. Before Big Tech and the frenetic pace of television, once there was a time when things naturally unfolded in society. Society, instead of being defined by products in a parallel existence such as cyber space, was defined by social climbing. Court is an antiquated example, but it suffices. Somehow and for some reason America has lost interest in society. All ready we have become androids consuming what we need and striving for what is next. Life is what happens in between conversation says Robert Redford in the film, "Havana." Big Tech is the Black Plague of the 21st century. We no longer value human thought, inclination, and expression, and we seek only to make money from selling cheap tawdry products. The entire history of the world, Western Civilization, is presented to us for our future benefit. All of life's great toils have been experienced, synthesized, documented, and represented in art. All of this knowledge is there for our enrichment, when we choose to acknowledge it. Cancel Culture does not, and the "Woke" movement is trying to recast America's better achievements. Yes, we should teach about slavery, but we should not wallow in its ills. The only way any man or civilization survives is by envisioning what is possible, and it takes work. You have to imagine a better existence. I imagine Fort Liberty without an Apache helicopter gun range.