America's history is spattered with revolution. Like the evolution of American jazz, this lineage is a maelstrom of tension and release often which does not imply logic. One must use an extremely wide brushstroke to paint the cultural tendencies of America. Throughout this history education and academia have been tasked with studying and purveying the logic of human existence in America. Modern times, post Covid, may prove be one of the most confusing eras, because it is a unique time when human beings are questioning their God-given gender. It is likely this questioning of gender is not all that unique and has been active since the birth of man, but something in the 21st century, post the year two thousand, has escalated this confusion. The birth of a movement, a sanctioned and publicly supported cultural tendency demanding recognition via the description "LGBTQ," has blindsided much of America's traditional past. This cultural change quietly and covertly has undermined God's obvious plan. Several things are important in this movement. One is procreation is not possible within the homosexual construct. If the entire world were gay and only chose to have sex within their gender, humankind would cease to exist. There is no disputing this fact, although Donald Trump and our GOP may try. Another characteristic of "LGBTQ" is that in actuality it is a separatist entity. Those within this subdivision of humankind are actually suggesting men and women do not or should not relate to one another. They are professing an aversion to heterosexuality or the ability to interact with those of the opposite sex. Inasmuch as it may be nice to want recognition or accolades for such an opinion, the reality is this view itself is discriminatory, sexist, and not Christian. It borders on fascist, because to vilify one complete sex ignoring thousands of years of human interaction is to declare civil war within the human race itself. This is extremely harmful to the health of our species, because it is suggesting and promoting human civil war, not for tangible property but for basic human survival. It is attempting to unravel man from the roots up. While homosexual tendencies probably always have been hidden in man's behavior, it only is now that these cultural habits are seeking recognition on a national scale and suggesting somehow they are healthy for our children. It is best that they stay hidden in moderation and humility, because their detrimental effect on society subtly is taking a toll to a point of demonizing heterosexual behaviors. Mainstream society is beginning to think male female relationships are wrong and sinful. In fact the man woman construct was and is God's plan for human health and happiness. It is a deep, emotive, meaningful, highly spiritual, but biological system, where temperaments or humors in the human vessel are at play. Within the human body and soul are tendencies which are stimulated by reaction to other external human sources. It can be called biology or chemistry. More precisely it usually is determined by emotional profile meaning you jive with someone with similar feelings to your own. Miles Davis put it most aptly when he said, "You fall in love with the first woman you feel." In short you feel the same types of things. There is more to it than that, and this is what we have forgotten. Sexual desire and arousal are a core ramification of this human expression. Today it seems as though this thousands-year-old pattern suddenly has mutated into something else, and change isn't necessarily always good. I suggest that factors in our modern environment are causing this change. Attention Deficit Disorder has been a major nemesis to our children also, so an external stimulus is at work. Something is disguising the once desired physical difference in the sexes, causing people to retreat to their own detailed physicality. As a man I cannot relate to this idea, as I continue to search for a hole for my peg. Is this wrong or unnatural? What is it that would cause two holes to shy together to two pegs to seek solace? Surely this is a psychological adjustment, because the physiology doesn't make sense. This sexual decision in my opinion is a rebellion against society and is being used to express social maladjustment, thus using human sexual choice as a weapon for empowerment. Using sexuality as a tool or weapon is not new. Women have been doing it for centuries. Perhaps a lopsided, white, male power structure has necessitated such behavior. Perhaps LGBTQ is just a reaction to recent criminal cases where men have been convicted of sordid, depraved, sexual hostilities against women. We have Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Jeffrey Epstein, Donald Trump, and many others to thank for this reaction. Women have been so harassed in the names of their careers, it was difficult to discern criminal behavior. Men have been hiding under the disguise of authority, especially in America. Fortunately sexual favors are not a part of the accepted work protocol. At one time they might have been, and probably this is most true in Hollywood, California, where the film and television industries reside. Sleeping your way to the top was one way to advance your career. The joke is on you when you participate in such submission, and it gets you nowhere. LGBTQ could be just another support group seeking acceptance, but why should it be any different than heterosexual acceptance? When I drive through downtown and see men dressed in drag promoting their homosexuality, then I ask myself why can't a straight man assert his sexuality also? Alas recently in America in this movement we have demonized straight men, and this mostly is from the lesbian society. How can anyone use hatred of anyone as a platform for anything? It is wrong, and lesbians who are discriminatory toward straight men are not worth recognizing much less applauding. To be an adult one has to learn to step outside of one's self, because the world is not just about you.