One's traditions are the only thing they have. If we were to base our existence on what we experience each day via the internet, television, and human interaction, I would be a walking basket case. It would seem few of the things traditionally we have embraced in America as mainstream and meriting our loyalty are at play. Truly we are on our own in terms of our values. When push comes to shove one's traditions are the only thing we have. What is religion? What is philosophy? What are the arts? What is philanthropy? What is fellowship? I have no reason to doubt or question my upbringing. For me it was a mix of Christian reverence, musical competitiveness, spirit, love, and devotion. Somehow I learned to work hard at and for what I believed in. It stuck with me all of my life. Today I am faced with a predicament, and that predicament is much of what I believe and consider integral to a happy and healthy life no longer is in the majority. If I take the time to look around, America has become more diverse in ethnicity. The Left without asking would tout this as a good thing. Our Left today unfortunately blindly is ascribing to things they feel should be good, but with further study could yield serious threats to American solidarity. Not all nationalities agree with or adhere to American principles of governance or behavior. The huge posse of Afghans who were welcomed into the United States largely not vetted by any arbitrary body could pose a significant threat to American security. Who are these people, and why were they welcomed here with a red carpet, when the GOP only screams about building a wall to keep foreigners out? There are some unsavory politics going on in Washington concerning foreign policy, espionage, and balance of power. The enemy having emerged in America is foreign, and they have immigrated legally. These legal aliens have brought with them their disdain for democracy, and slowly from within they have mounted an attack on our country from the inside. I see it every day. The true fabric of American philosophy has been infiltrated and convoluted developing into a disparate and unwieldy conglomeration of extreme and selfish behavior. Covid did not help. Two years of isolation with only the internet as our teacher has proven disastrous to our youth intelligence. All schools are under-performing, because we have lost sight of how to work. Working for American youth is playing video games on the internet. It is immediate gratification with minimal physical exertion, concentration, or dedication. The more alarming aspect of this two year isolation was lack of socialization coupled with a burgeoning LGBT community. Again the Left in America supports many things they think are liberal, but upon closer scrutiny have no value at all. The LGBT movement is a good example. It is far from a gay rights movement. It has become a radicalized, extreme, separatist cult better kept hidden in pop culture. That is where it belongs, because the behavior exhibited in this movement is far from adult. It it more like a costume party for those with thin skins. Life in America is difficult, and it is difficult for everyone. Not everyone declares themselves "Special Needs" and asks for special treatment. As an educator with an education degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, I can find little favorable or supportive philosophy in this choice. Instead what I see are extremely confused, androgynous, asexual organisms who are not able to understand a sexual identity other than their own. They are missing the entire challenge rendered by our Creator and the subsequent rewards of its mitigation. Physical, emotional, and spiritual love fully cannot be actualized without an understanding of two sexes. Perhaps homosexuals can fabricate physical love through various means, but only God's intended methodology will yield that possible and probable ecstatic relationship yielded by two sexes which were meant to coincide and recreate human life. Procreation once was a metaphor for human love, but now it just is a tool for life. This bothers me. This bothers me, because what I see most days is a rejection of heterosexuality. Not only is it rejected, it is shunned and demonized like shallow Baptiste doctrine. Southerners in their naivety fear teaching their children how wholly and healthily to love one another responsibly and resort to abstinence. Consequently the possible and probably sexual titillation so necessary for adolescent development becomes absent. Eventually the sexes become desensitized to one another and eventually sexual identity is lost all together. What do you get? The answer is androgyny, and it is ugly. Ask a painter to paint an androgynous form, and it will be ameba or an earthworm. What fascination does this hold for romance? The stark result of this American trend is the loss of sexual feeling between women and men, and without it much of the traditional human experience is lost. No wonder we have become F-I-N-E. Freaked out, insecure, neurotic, and emotional. Our environment is not helping. There is little in our daily lives that presents examples of healthy human living. Instead it is hard core pornography on the internet, LGBT perversion, or cult-like divisiveness. Few places offer a safe and nurturing environment for Christian sexual love. How are youth to learn how to live this life without instruction or models? Ignoring burgeoning adolescent sexuality in the home will be a disaster, and it should be embraced, respected, and nurtured with care. How else can we become loving human adults? In the old days wealthy families had special rooms in their mansions for this activity. Instead of resorting to cul-de-sacs, movie houses, and nightclubs, teenagers were encouraged to mingle and socialize within the family structure. What is so threatening about your child becoming an adult, if you help them?