Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The Bonnie Situation

The farce had remained fringe until now.  I began studying the dangers of AC traction, its heat, and its electromagnetic radiation, when I encountered it in 1997.  The modus operandi of the Republican Party was smoke and mirrors.  Their far-right leaning extremist bent not yet was evident.  Time and the unfolding of peripheral foreign extremist events began to point the finger back at The Grand Old Party.   Over time Red tendencies rekindled from within.   That is whence the infiltration began.  Other than the bold attack on the Twin Towers in downtown Manhattan, they knew a siege in America on her home soul was pointless.  They began buying American businesses, lobbied changes in corporate law to disguise their takeover, and then masterminded a full blown coup led by an elected American President.  This dissident attempted over-turning of the election was the Chapter 2 of the manipulation of our electoral college.  How did  Donald Trump win the Presidency, when Hillary Clinton received two million more popular votes?  The Trump machine performed the same covert operation to bribe and change state electors' votes during their election.  When the President lost his marbles and began to believe his own rhetoric, it began to wreak of conspiracy.  His loss of ability to discern reality has spread like the plague in America.  I am surrounded by many who are incapable.  It is like Covid 19 implanted Communist bots into our cerebral cortex rendering us incapable of honesty, freedom, and integrity.  We have regressed into violent, unthinking, selfish tribalism in a frightening example of the story of "The Lord of the Flies."  Who will maintain dignity and intelligence, and who will spiral into the abyss of psychosis?  Today the fight has escalated, as Donald Trump and his machine are encroached upon by the United States Department of Justice.  It's getting hot in their kitchens, and the remaining Republicans are fleeing.  Because the bottom line of truth and honesty continues to be manipulated by Big Brother, the fight has become legal.  Tactics being used to manipulate politics and America have become legalities.  The Republicans are using shallow legal tactics to accomplish their goals.  Once local newspapers would publish Letters to the Editor reinforcing public freedom of opinion.  These papers have been gobbled up by the same hungry whale and are being controlled and manipulated by America's enemy.  Once legal on paper corporations, insurance companies, and pharmaceutical conglomerates  lie openly and deceive the public.  There is no one left to trust except your own instincts.  My recent dive into the world of senior care has exposed me to corruption.  Your friends are you enemies, because getting the money is the most important thing.  The glaring reality American Capitalism has failed is irrefutable.  The United States Congress is an example.  Diligently we continue to try to find vestiges of our love of democracy and freedom, but it is naught.  When you try to express your personal opinion, a slew of legal slights-of-hand swing into action to delay or divert your concern.  The United States Post Office is the most substantial victim of this trickery with its slowing down of our mail.  The appointment of a Postmaster "the Hun" with vested interests in his own delivery business has seen an internal decimation of our American postal system.  This harms Americans and their right to expression.  If you handicap the mail, then the nation suffers on multiple levels simultaneously and quietly like a quality legal defense.  Civil protests and grassroots programs to gain justice and equality cannot win on this tilted playing field.  The  system is rigged, and it was rigged by a dishonestly elected American President who manipulated the Electoral College without our knowledge.  We cried when Hillary Clinton lost, but in our American sanctimonious patriotism believed "The Donald" must won honestly.  It was too early to understand the system was rigged.  Corruption  has been present in American politics and corporations, but the electing of Donald Trump was the firing of Elon Musk's rocket.  He performed the role of President with impunity while inflicting damage to the free market, democratic, Capitalist system.  He began dismantling oversight, regulation, and fairness by infiltrating the judicial system.  His damage to America came from within, and only now are we understanding the breadth of his assault.  This continues every day, every minute, and every second, and all Americans are fighting for survival in this now compromised nation.  It is exhausting being at war and not really knowing it.