As a former educator with a degree in music education from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, completely I cannot discount the state of American youth. I would not wish it upon anyone the school of hard knocks of which they have been a part. It has been different than walking five miles to and from school. It has been different than working three jobs. It is different than being poor and wondering whence your next meal will come. Instead today's youth have had to endure the most mind boggling misrepresentation of human reality in our lifetimes. It is like waking up each day and being a part of the "Theater of the Absurd." The internet has proven to be the most harmful culprit. In human development and learning an unregulated forum for social interaction and commerce is not capable of schooling children. As a connected database of information, the way the internet was conceived, it could be an invaluable tool for research and learning. Social media in and of itself has allowed the decline of human consciousness. It is like a slumber party gone awry replete with rogue stalkers, bullies, and now murderers. The best example of harmful content are sex sites. Because America is a free nation, and because freedom often is a volatile, contentious, and arguable subject, there is malleability. Without proper education, instruction given in a legitimate forum based upon bona fide scholarly information, opinions, viewpoints, and philosophies can stray to the aberrant. The human condition requires and demands roots, and most of these roots are found in religion and in the writings of Jesus' disciples in the Bible. America all but has discarded God and much organized religion, and the results should not be surprising. Navigate to, and you will find the modern equivalent of Sodom and Gomorrah. Pornography is a tenant of American freedom, and as Larry Flynt often would retort you don't have to look. You can chose to ignore certain available freedoms in America. These freedoms, often controversial, are what made America who and what she is. Unfortunately America has lost her way, and that is because older generations of influential Americans are dying off. As I watch these people die, it becomes clearer and clearer truly we are losing what once was our America. I don't much like what is taking her place. (but that is a different blog entry) What bothers me the most is a modern lack of taste, style, elegance, sophistication, and beauty. This lack of taste transcends boundaries, and ultimately it has degraded and undermined human sexuality. The internet is not capable of replacing the farm upon which human animals must learn and develop. Using the internet as such a community is a mistake, and one only has to take a look around to understand why. The basics of human survival and existence have become skewed. Our youth don't know what ground zero is. I would be bold enough to say that most human pleasures have been so soiled, manipulated, and subverted it is difficult to find traditional human behavior. We have deprived our youth of the things they have needed to develop into functional human beings. Is watching unadulterated porn on the internet a representation of God-given human sexuality? The answer is no, and anyone can continue to masturbate while chatting on the computer if they like. This is not healthy behavior, because it prepares you for nothing except hedonism. In addition the shock value of aberrant, gross, and startling sexual activity is empty and ultimately devoid of value. The value of sexuality is what is learned while mitigating a sexual relationship with a partner in the context of a mature, monogamous, and hopefully loving partnership. These attributes return their value exponentially, and they do not make use of an artificial video platform. They are realized extemporaneously, in the flesh, and in real time with another human being. The problem with this scenario is the farm upon which the human animal is supposed to be living and learning is no more. It has been replaced with the internet and more specifically social media. Once upon a time not that long ago one had to venture out to the video store to find stimulation. One had to frequent the movie theater or a skating rink or a coffee shop. The result was human interaction of some kind, not concocted, manipulated, and often illicit activity which harms the human psyche. We are at a low point in human history, and it is tragic and sad that we have forsaken our younger generation. For human sexual development to occur, very basic requirements are necessary. These basic requirements have become the antithesis of capitalist ideals. No longer do we really consider the human entity and its emotional needs. Simply we exploit as quickly and as quietly the monetary potential of our youth. Instead of giving them what schools once provided, a neutral and nurturing environment in which to develop, we give them laptops. Laptops feel nothing unlike children. Until we remember the importance and substance of human feeling, we will continue to flounder. The reason why our youth are confused about gender, is because they are deprived of the farm upon which they would learn their identity through trial and error. The basic requirement human beings needs is a neutral stage upon which to play out their individual drama. Upon closer scrutiny this neutral stage actually is freedom, something which no longer exists in America. The freedom to think, feel, and act with impunity against any ruling or dictating governance has been revoked by corporate America, because corporate America has become our government. We have been too weak as a populace to notice and understand the significance of this siege, and it has been implemented by what has become the Republican party. The plantation owner still is demanding his slaves how many years later?