It was both surprising and rewarding to hear news anchor David Muir begin his ABC broadcast with the specific information that Russia was launching long range cruise missiles from ships in the Black Sea. The Black Sea has a strategic advantage for Vladimir Putin's egregious attack on Ukraine. Obviously Comrade Putin was in staunch disagreement with the dissolution of the U.S.S.R. and has waited patiently to attempt to reverse the watershed Belovezha Accords forged by Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev. Ukraine's geopolitical history as a bastard child ruled by other nations has made it a target for the Communist dictator. While its 1993 constitution declares Russia a democratic, federative, law-based state with a republican form of government, the incestuous, nepotistic, Russian "good old boy" network placed a neurotic, sociopathic, autocratic, zealot, ex-KGB henchman in power. Aside from his annexation of Crimea, President Putin largely quietly has sat. While the United States sorely needed to end a meandering and deadly twenty year guerilla war with no clear enemy or victor, the absence of United States boots on the ground has oiled Putin's machine. While Russia's former invasion of Afghanistan should have been foremost in American military minds (and perhaps it was), transparency for the American people was opaque. "Why were we there? To whom were we selling helicopters? Who was the enemy? What country was reaping the rewards of Afghanistan's poppy industry?" The illicit drug trade was a stain on the the blue dress. The profit and coincident influence of defense companies became weighted, and these war profiteering industries obliterated the peace and serenity of America's Eastern Seaboard. What once were sandy beaches and ocean breezes rife for the leisure industry, largely have been invaded and conquered like Vladimir Putin's siege upon Ukraine. While fishing, swimming, and boating we watch aerial military maneuvers and listen to munition trains rumble down to Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point. The exploitation of the Atlantic's beachfront majestry is not dissimilar from the industrialization of the Mediterranean Sea in Europe. We should learn vast waterways attract vermin. Venice's surrounding industrial geography looks like a toilet. The exploitation of expanses Earth for war and industry lacks an awareness of the pure fragility of human life. If we do not become accountable for Mother Nature's Health, she will abandon. Only the human species could muster such conceit to believe were are immortal. One only has to look at history written in scholarly books to understand the probable and possible abominations of an angry God. The Plague. While the Bible assures us this is not possible, the sacrifice of good from within man's spirit for monetary gain makes it easier for Satan to manifest himself inside you. Beelzebub is having a bacchanal, and his human minions appear like characters from the "Theater of the Absurd." America will tire of extremism, and its adrenaline-laced cocaine-induced high and relax into a more reflective, sensual, spiritual form of human love and compassion which reflect God's mentoring. Patiently he is waiting but America largely has shut the door. Otherwise the world's end is near.