Friday, March 25, 2022

God Save This Planet, Please!

I have a lot about which to complain, and it is tiring.  I don't like to spend my time complaining, because it distracts you from progress.  My emotions are fairly accurate, so when I can't muster my own self-fulfilled happiness I have to figure out what is amiss.  Most often it is something happening around me.  I possess a keen instinct for truth, and without consciously hearing or seeing news often I can discern what is in the air.  That is why they say, "It is in the air."  In New Orleans the music is, "In the air."  You can feel it, because literally sound in its best sense is feeling.  Sounds waves travel in the air, air moves, and thus it moves the listeners senses.  Calling this extra sensory perception may be a misnomer.  Simply it means your instincts are working, and as human beings we have the ability to sense reality in different ways.  One thing I don't like is being surveilled.  No one would, but after 9/11 George W. Bush created his Department of Homeland Security.  A presidential declaration of war approved by Congress opens pandora's box for governmental overreach.  A president can pretty do much whatever he wants in the name of war.  The Patriot Act got passed, the NSA was expanded, and everyone in America became a suspect.  The government has been monitoring citizens ever since.  Today it is difficult to separate government, military, and corporate America.  In these here parts they are almost one entity.  Fully I understand Apache helicopters with Longbow targeting systems.  Fully I disagree with the widespread implementation of millimeter wave phased array radar and G5 wireless protocol.  Phased array radar is much more powerful and produces more heat than traditional radar.  It is many transmitters bundled as one antenna, and they are steerable by phase shifting their signals.  These devices are in the nose cones of military aircraft, they are in Elon Musk's Starlink satellites, and they were developed at the HAARP facility in Alaska mainly to transmit low frequency radio waves through the ionosphere.  If the world feels hotter to you, it probably is.  A feeling of being monitored or surveilled isn't a pleasant one.  How I know is when I do specific things such as talk out loud, play music, or otherwise be human, I feel something in the air respond to me stimulus.  There is a simple answer for this annoying nuisance.  It is the AN/TQP 53 built by Lockheed Martin.  Just about all military activity produces infrasonic refuse.  Helicopters and military transport planes are a fact of life, but I don't have to like them flying over our house.  Now that ISR, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance are such a huge trend in the defense industry with sensors galore, the air is filled with aberrant electricity of many frequencies accompanied by its complimentary magnetism.  Not all of it is electromagnetic, but much of it is.  I didn't put two and two together until I saw a short video cip of the AN/TQP 53 in operation.  It spins, so it is similar to Doppler radar.  I thought it was aimed directly at the enemy.  This would explain the modulation effect its produces on infrasound waves.  The Taos Hum was similar in that there was a slow modulation of its signal.  Maybe it would be flattering to think someone thought your activity interesting enough to monitor.  I'm sure John Lennon did not feel this way, and they killed him.  Richard Nixon hated John Lennon, because perhaps he had more influence on America than him, the President.  Now he's dead from some concocted theory.  American "intelligence" agencies are good at digging in the dirt and recruiting malcontents, degenerates, and otherwise unsavory would-be criminals.  I am positive the Nixon Administration had John Lennon killed, because he was a quintessential pain in their arse.  They blamed it on some poor schmuck, and the world lost a musical icon.  I don't like Big Brother commenting on my activity, because it breaches my right to privacy afforded in the United States Constitution.  Infrasound in general does the same thing.  It connects together otherwise unconnected things, such as people in homes.  I would rather not hear my neighbors voices in my own home, especially after we have spent thousands of dollars on insulating materials.  Unfortunately our neighbors have not done the same.  Many have the same antiquated single-pane glass windows, rock wool batting, and nothing else.  We on the other hand have modernized our sixty year old home.  The realization that pine pollen travels right through the walls as does infrasound is not pleasant.  The reality that our lives are made much worse by constant corporate and military pollution truly is an infringement of our civil rights.  We live in a war zone, and some activity is expected.  That CSX runs amuck, unregulated, and predatory belies explanation.  Tribal domination is barbaric behavior away from which humanity has grown, and yet still in third world counties with a lack of God's presence it festers.  Only the love found in Christianity can save this planet.