Saturday, February 05, 2022

What Really is "The Blue Streak?"

"It's always something you don't want to do," in the immortal words of Wynton Marsalis.  Speaking about race relations and civil rights in the history of America, "There is always something you must do, muster the sheer willpower to persevere."  To me it's writing about Covid.  I can't say it's not my responsibility to think about Covid.  It is, like it is for every living soul.  We all must think about Covid, whether we want to or not.  We don't have a choice, because it is still here.   The news reports today Covid infections are down 35 percent.  That's because Covid infections go down, when they quit dropping it out of the sky.  No assault with a chemical or biological weapon, infections go down.  It's simple.  Does it seem conspiratorial?  Does it seem radical?  Does it seem demented to think something has created a weapon and is assaulting us with it?  When the lower Saudi royals masterminded the attack on the World Trade Centers, and the twin towers collapsed in rubble, it felt conspiratorial.  It felt radical.  It felt demented.  How could anyone have done such a thing?  The only attack on America's homeland in decades happened on Wall Street in lower Manhattan.  Think about that for a minute.  Someone, actually many, took the time to immigrate to the United States and slowly infiltrate our society.  These men became pilots for major airlines and in the blink of our eyes flew commercial jetliners into skyscrapers in New York City.  Almost it was inconceivable, but it happened.  You must give George W. Bush credit, because although the Department of Homeland Security is bureaucratic and cumbersome, his administration did keep America safe until now.  We have been safe until Covid 19.  For some uncanny reason there has been no speculation that the outbreak of Covid could be a terrorist attack.  Why?  Bill Maher said it succinctly tonight on his HBO program.  The medical establishment has lost all of their rights and privileges.  The response to Covid has been so convoluted, mysterious, and rhetorical, it is like they really don't want to cure the illness.  They want to prolong it, the way the American Cancer Society does to keep their funding.  In brutal reality they don't want to cure cancer.  The medical profession has become this way, and it began with the onset of HMO's and insurances companies controlling your health care.  Who ever thought this was a good idea?  Insurance, as I am learning, commoditized our health care system in a way that that would reward shareholders, not guarantee a fair price of treatment for American citizens.  It is an interesting concept, marketing.  I do believe it is the American way, an important and revenue earning tenant of our economic system, Capitalism.  For example, there is a wonderful jazz singer Melody Gardot.  Unbeknownst to most she was in a serious accident which left her severely disabled and sensitive to light and sound.  With few options for happiness in your recovery, she turned to music.  Necessarily the music needed to be quiet and sensitive to abide her new sensitivity.  She performed for a while in this manner producing a startling and moving communication with people through music.  Now when I Google her name I see glamour shots.  It is like no one knows the roots of her musical inspiration and language.  They just want to tart her up and sell records with a sexy image.  Welcome to the new world of American music.  It's not music.  It's disgusting, but I guess when Hip Hop spun out from gang violence, something had to fill that sexual hole.  (so to speak!)  Pop Country has been tooling around for a while, and I can't watch or listen to it.  I am not an adolescent.  I did have a Farrah Faucet poster when I was a teenager, but she didn't try to sing.  Making something out of nothing is what marketing has become, because America has so few products.  The infrastructure to spawn new ideas has been monopolized by Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos.  Trying to nuture small business was tossed to the wayside years back.  It has to be big.  It has to make millions to satisfy shareholders.  Shareholders don't do anything but buy stock.  America has lost her core.  In all of this technological haze we have lost reality, and the reality is Covid is a terrorist attack.  My idea of it coming from the sky isn't farfetched.  It is the only way such a pathogen could be dispersed.  It has been done many times before in many countries, but the fog of the Republican Siege, the gaslighting, and the disinformation have done their job.  They have distracted us from real learning.  I have been writing about global warming and industrial pollution for twenty years, and the method of discounting my words simply was to say, "He's crazy.  There is no science.  There is no religion."  In fact the humanities are the core of our existence and the explanation of our planet and solar system.  Science is the only thing that is real and what will save us.  We just have to jail the naysayers in due time.  In this ruse of distraction and deception, inexplicably the FAA allowed the airlines to redraw their flight paths to account for a shift to GPA guidance.  The industry was moving from flight-based radar to satellites.  Overnight commercial jets now were flying over our neighborhoods at extremely low altitudes to save fuel.  They were not required to do what had been the standard since the inception of commercial jet travel.  This has been happening in our neighborhood, and I only can drop my jaw in disbelief when we get strafed by a commercial jet flying just above the tree line.  In addition at certain times on certain days, a magic carpet of jet exhaust blankets our neighborhood.  If you drove around the city you can see this gift, layers of black soot so consciencously laid just above the tree tops and only on our specific neighborhood.  These are flat chem trails, not ascending or descending commercial flights, and they surprisingly stick like taffy.  I understand we are the home of the 82nd Airborne Division, and I understand deployment.  I understand maneuvers.  They fly fighter jets through here on occasion.  This action, this mysteriously appearing blanket in the sky only over our neighborhood is unusual.  I have photographed it, and when it appears I grit my teeth and spew profanities at an industry who has obviously has become selfrighteous and profane.  To think your company has the right to spew chemtrails over neighborhoods to save on fuel?  I don't believe it.  I believe this solicitation to change flight paths was as concerted as the 9/11 attacks.  It was planned and implemented in a slow and savvy campaign of patience and terrorist fortitude.  When the time came and no one was looking, they began dropping Covid from the sky.  At first I could not help but suspect collusion from the military, but that is a far stretch.  I did not want to entertain such a conspiracy.  The more logical explanation under the unregulated and everychanging aircraft industry, is any rogue airline could be infiltrated easily.  They shift planes.  They have blanket companies.  They have partnerships.  They fly under the logo of this with the name of that.  It is so convuluted no one could keep up.  I have a backlog of aircraft data from the Flightaware website, and the planes and airlines are ever changing.  If I had a rocket propelled grenade and I knew which plane it was dropping Covid on Americans, I'd do what the Afghans did to Russian helicopters.  I don't have an RPG, but there is no other logical explanation.  I wish PSA would stop flying the "Blue Streak" over our house.  I'm tired of being sick.