Monday, January 17, 2022

The Republican Dictatorship - Jim Crow Jr.

 Two different states interestingly in which I have lived both are fighting corruption in their state houses.  Corruption is a strong word, and the Republican Party would have you believe it is nothing more than putting your hand in the collection basket at church when you were a child.  It's a temptation no one can resist.  Stealing from the 7/11.  Skimming off the top.  Taking a little for yourself.  These men should not be in positions of leadership.  It is a poor example.  "They are not paying attention, so we just take advantage of them.  They don't know the difference.  They are too stupid to understand."  They do understand, but the severity of the police murdering black men is what demands response.  The rest of the time folk are just trying to get by.  "Meanwhile," back in America rich white men continue to do as they please, and they do as they please because of voter suppression and election fraud.  The Trump elector bribe slowly is surfacing, and in Michigan there is concrete evidence to suggest it was a multi-state class action assault.  Republicans always have been meticulous litigating American law.  This is how they win, understanding the system and its inherent weakness, such as the electoral college.  Many  states did not have laws which required the state legislature to accept the popular vote for president.  As such the Trump Organization targeting these "swing" states, sent covert operatives, and did their best to dissuade these local elected officials to believe there was a Democratic conspiracy.  In fact there was not, but again this is the Trump methodology.  Say it was the other guy, before the other guy even knows what he did.  He could not even devise what he did, because it was not important to him, to bribe electors.  Isn't that illegal?  Michael Cohen said Donald Trump didn't want to win the presidency.  That is another "Big Lie."  It was an effective scam.  Both state houses in Ohio and North Carolina diligently are trying to create unfair advantages for themselves to stay in power by manipulating voting districts.  What does this mean?  It means they selectively choose who and how they vote.  Take Texas for example who all ready have passed egregious voter suppression laws under the ruse of "Greenwashing."  "What we are doing is good and just."  In reality just like on television, the only advertisements you see are the ones where the manufacturers are desperate to sell.  It is the crooks who pitch their fraud with a big smile on their face and their fist up your ass.  With what is television littered?  Drug advertisements which have no reason to be there, because once doctors decided what drugs you needed.  It is no different than Big Tobacco.  America slowly dismantled that behemoth, but tobacco remains.  Why is all of this happening?  The answer is oversight and regulation.  When the CEO of most major airlines, freight and passenger, sign a petition to stop G5 wireless networks near airports, what happens.  A private corporation whose only service to to provide a convenient way to talk on the phone without a corded land line, a convenience, not a necessity, now is able to implement unregulated, untested, and possibly dangerous technology simply because they are?  What are they?  They make cell phones.  So what?  We can get by without them, and America has for most of her young life.  It was Bill Clinton who decided otherwise.  Here is one Slick Willie, and no one even knows what he did as President.  He did this, the empowerment of wireless technology that is proving to destroy the earth's ecosystem.  The logical assumption is that G5 has been scrutinized, tested, and retested.  The FAA, the FDA, and the rest of the acronyms all are in the pocket of Republicans who care naught for your health.  They just want your money.  The way they keep your money is by keeping power by gerrymandering voting districts to oppress the true vote.  They also pass unfair restrictive voting laws which make it more difficult for some people to vote and express their concerns.  "Quiet down, nigger."