Friday, January 14, 2022

Night of the Living Dead

 There is a simple explanation why American politics is so fractured.  The fight we see before us is a fight for survival of all of the offending corporate conglomerates responsible for Climate Change.  Since deregulation there no oversight of private industry.  Companies are free to do as the please, and this includes dumping PFAS into American waterways which provide tap water for millions of citizens.  The mentality of a corporation which thinks it can do such a thing with no penalty or repercussion is the mentality of the current Republican Party.  It is difficult to understand if viewed from an honest, civil, moral, and ethical perspective.  Abandon your own God-driven life philosophy and imagine Nazi Germany.  Remember the Holocaust and Adolph Hitler.  There is nothing sensational about that other then it was heinous genocide, and it was not that long ago.  Cancel Culture would have us forget this event.  A judge ruled a teenager passed out drunk in her underwear was the guilty party in her rape.  A man sexually assaulted her while she was unconscious, and he bore no responsibility for his actions.  Well, four years was enough.  It's apples and oranges, and corporate America  would like to continue massively to pollute our country and this earth.  The political fight in Washington and in state governments represents the discovery, the accountability, the mitigation, and the rectifying of grievous ills in wealthy industrial sectors of the world.  Energy, transportation, and communications all are to blame for Global Warming and its ramifications, but no one will say so.  Nary a politician has suggested railroads, wireless carriers, or airlines produce airborne electricity and heat in quantity enough to warm our environment.  If one examines what comes out of the tail end of a jet engine, its temperature, its velocity, and its gases, there is no denying these things are not friendly to mother nature.  In 2011 the FAA enacted a plan which allowed air traffic to ignore most previous regulation protecting citizens and fly wherever they want.  Consequently many subdivisions were burned to a crisp in Colorado.  The fight in Washington is to cover this up.  It is to allow Chemours the right to dump PFAS in the air and water of North Carolina causing illness, disease, and death.  They want to enact anarchy, because anarchy in the ranks is the best smokescreen for their wrongdoing.  When I stop and consider the amount of environmental pollution irradiating me right now, at this moment, all different kinds of extraneous unwanted energy, then stopping this is the current fight in Washington.  They want to be able to do whatever they want with no accountability.  The health of Americans in secondary and inconsequential.  We don't matter.  What matters is corporate profit, because corporate profit is what fuels the lifestyles of the rich.  The dynasties.  The royal families.  The Sacklers.  These oligarchs would not exist without the excesses of addiction, crime, and violence which create anarchy which fans the flames.  We were about to get Covid under control, but they chose not to.  Instead another trump card thrown onto the poker table to keep the money flowing.  Covid tests?  Vaccines?  Pills?  All of this has been to make these people richer, when they should be deader.