Once you live in a state, and I diligently had to convince the North Carolina Department of Revenue I did not live in North Carolina while working abroad, if you are not a total self-absorbed imbacile, the political climate will present itself to you. The governmental prejudices will become obvious. There is one reality for Fayetteville, and that is it never will change. Other cities not anchored in the military have more freedom to diversify. The only diversity in our town now is homosexuality in the Army. There are women soldiers, and a problem this has become. Sexual impropriety is such a large problem, the military lobby wants to keep it in rank and secret. They don't want to be transparent with their military judicial system. It's a good old boy general network, but now there are women. Because of Barack Obama homosexuality freely is accepted. No wonder it took less than a month for the Taliban to undo twenty years of nation building in Afghanistan. There is a distracting element in the troops. You might think there is virtue, humility, and respect, and honor in this arena, but that may not be true anymore. Most things in America today are a spin of themselves. Lying has become second nature, and disinformation is common. There is little morality or respect for God. I am not homophobic, and I do not hate gays, but I am beginning to bristle. I am beginning to dislike others around me that are proving not to be Christian but criminal. Maybe it is a tepid example, but the motto of the cruise industry is, "The guests come first." Whatever you do, no matter what, you make the guests feel special and cared for. It is easy. All it takes is a few moments to listen and empathize over their concerns. Even if you don't solve their immediate problem, if you take the time to listen and be friendly to them, they will have a better time. All of this is is Christianity. It is ironic, because the governing model of European cruise companies is slightly communist. There are few human civil rights or a Constitution in other nations. The American thing isn't readily recognized in post-communist regimes, and Americans are in the minority. I will not name names, but there was a learning curve for this obedience. The politics of the cruise industry are more important than skill. You must say and do the right things to remain volatile. It took me a while. What I observed in this arena was unscrupulous and immoral behavior among the homosexual community. In more specific terms, it was called the "Gay Mafia." What? I don't agree with this liberty in the United States military, and I cannot think of anything else that better could undermine its integrity. Word on the street is you accept it and keep your mouth shut. Oh, that is not much different than the cruise industry, but that does not make to right. Gays telling me how it is with a vengeance, and not recognizing my natural sovereignty? Why should I have to alter my disposition to accommodate this behavior? Why should it be in the mix? Can't I just do my job and not be concerned that those who want to perform anal sex on me? Dream on. I am not against homosexuality, but I do not feel it is appropriate in the military. If the close confines of a cruise ship present a lopsided advantage for predatory sexual behavior, I can't imagine what it is like in the troops. I don't want to know. I don't want to talk about it, but now it is policy. America has many policies that are irregular, problematic, and prejudiced. I look at North Carolina, and I am beginning to see the extreme bias. North Carolina is no progressive mecca. We are rooted in social favor and corruption. Corruption means the every man doesn't really get a fair shake. Ask Phil Berger. Why is it that the Republican leadership in the General Assembly can't stomach the process of drawing fair district boundaries? We have gerrymandered these maps to death, and still our elections are being postponed because of the inability to act ethically. Trump set the standard, and it is heinous and evil. Those in power have lost sight of reality, because Trump won the presidency. They think the jig never will be up. Merrick Garland and the New York State Attorney General are proving otherwise. Although the process has begun expunging corruption from our government after Trump, it will take a while for the military to reset. After a twenty year run of profitable war assets from Uncle Sam for the defense industry, that ride is over. "Let's go, Brandon." That is a crude and offensive slogan, and it emerges from the loins of Donald Trump. Only his foul tainted semen could invent such vitriol. Joe Biden can handle himself, and he will succeed. The witch hunting, the lies, and the evil will be quelled. Sometimes I wonder what the City of Fayetteville wants. The overt goal is to "attract," not invest. We are unable to invest, because the infrastructure of Cumberland County is set in cement. There is no available variance. There is no deviation. The War Machine is the driving economic force, and always it will be. The easiest possible road it to jump on the train. Why fight it? The reason is a "War Economy" is neither good nor Christian. War is hell. Remember? That is not how we think of it down here. After realizing there is no Christmas for those in the military, I am sickened. Fully I understand we must be prepared to defend our nation in times of weakness. Holidays are vulnerable for attack. Okay, but lessening the importance of the celebration of the birth of Christ is not okay. We are becoming an agnostic nation, and that is a seed of Communism. I feel it all around me. "The Mission." Yes, but this mission is not the only thing in human life. Once Fayetteville had a balanced equation, and before Ground Forces Command the city had a substantial influential social strata of enlightened wealthy citizens. Still we seem to have wealthy citizens, but they are enlightened anymore. No one in America is enlightened, because thegoal was to dumb down the population for the sake of submission. There was a siege on the United States Capital performed by those who had no idea what they were doing. Only they knew their leader had called them for duty. "My President." "Mein Fuhrer!" No thought. No question. No remorse. Complete and total devotion to the wrong sentiments, and it is epidemic like Covid 19. To understand, someone, a quorum sanctioned an engineered a biological weapon which is Covid 19. We have experienced how deadly this pathogen is. Not only was it conceived, researched, and manufactured, it was released upon the us. We do not know who did this. Who? Was it America? Was it Russia? Was it China? To understand, something devised a killing machine that pinpoints human weakness and attacks it ruthlessly. This is evil personified. It is not naturally occurring, because the scientists have said it would take hundreds of thousands of years. It was devised, and then it was released. Try now to suggest DuPont is responsible for expelling PFAS into our natural water supply. It has been going on for decades, and this is why Chemours still merrily is pumping this shit into the Cape Fear River unabated. Even after we do understand their wrong doing, it takes legal balls of bronze to crack their legal and political barriers. They like it one lawsuit at a time, and they are content to continue this way, state to state, litigant to litigant. It is easier than simply responsibly disposing of one's own waste. Dumping their waste into public waterway and openly into the air? How demented can these people be? We begin to understand the mental illness, Trump's mental illness. This is difficult because along with our expunging of God from the consciousness of America, we tucked away mental illness just as conveniently. We closed most of the facilities, and let them all onto the streets. In North Carolina we send our kids to other states' facilities. We outsource our mental health problems. That is an elitist perspective for a low brow state. Roy is a good pimp. CSX coerced us to pay them, but the violence will not abate. The violence is the metaphor for social injustice. Until social justice is recognized as crucial to human coexistence, the violence will continue. It is Robinhood's merry gang saying "We the people still are here." We are not rich, we are not influential, but we are proud, strong, and intelligent. It just means you have to wake up fighting. So be it. (for the time being)