It's all a bit much to absorb, this assault on our democracy. I knew it was coming, and I have been writing about if for several years. I have said my generation has been lucky not have have experienced war on the level of America's previous wars. As I look back at history it reveals itself that war is the soul of the nation. Is this a tragedy? Is it correct that the Civil War gives us the proper perspective for our current lives? This is the issue I believe that is upon us. Black Lives Matter seems to be the metaphor for the atrocity of slavery. George Floyd in my humble opinion was not the appropriate martyr. A convicted recurring criminal isn't martyr material, but he didn't deserve to die the way he did. It is appropriate that police brutality was exposed, but America's response to it has been problematic. The statement "Defund the police" absolutely was the wrong answer. While policing in America originally was implemented to handle aberrant slaves, certainly in other nations it is there to ensure public safety. Whether you are threatened by roaming black men is your own issue, but policing it has proven is necessary in America. Lack of an appropriate police presence, or more specifically the diligent enforcement of our current laws, is responsible for increased violence. America has ridden the roller coaster of policing. There was the bill that resulted in "Stop and frisk" in New York. It is apparent there is racial bias in American policing, but a few bad apples do not represent the entirety of the American police force. We have come to understand the success or failure of most American values is determined by state government. States have regressed in their ability to handle these responsibilities. Increased partisan separation has proven divisive to our populace. Most of this lack of solidarity arose with the election of Donald Trump. He proved to be root of the division of America. It must be considered that eight years of America's first black president instigated the election of Mr. Trump. Without such a divisive president spending four years inciting hostility and division, it is possible America would not be where she is. The damage has been done, and now we are attempting to clean up his mess. Were these sentiments simmering under the surface? I don't think so, because I don't recall any of these problems during Barack Obama's presidency. There were issues, but we were not on the cusp of a civil or revolutionary war. All of it can be represented by an all out war on democracy. We are battling Communism. The Cold War never ended, it just moved to Afghanistan. A lawless society who does not enforce her policies is a metaphor for revolution. In the case of America the revolution is not one fighting for freedom. It is a fight for the rich to take and maintain control of a formerly free and self-ruled Republic. The current flock of Americans sadly is not capable of understanding and governing themselves. This has set the stage for this Communist siege. There are many examples of this struggle, and whether America's democracy will sustain is yet to be seen. The examples around the globe are not positive. To sustain and promulgate a successful democracy, intelligence is needed. This is the one thing America lacks, and it is lacking because of the neglect of our youth. Public education once was the system that ensured America's democracy would continue. This is why we felt so strongly about educating our children. We are investing in America's future, because no one lives forever. It was irresponsible to preen a narcissistic society, and this movement was led by Donald Trump. I choose to now define this movement as heretical. The Spanish Inquisition comes to mind as do the Salem Witch Trials. The crux of this movement is the good guys become persecuted. The best example of this behavior is the persecution of Jesus Christ. Christians and Jews always have been falsely persecuted as evil. In fact they are the good guys. No good deed goes unpunished. We are at war, and it is a religious war. Like most things now they go mislabeled, unreported, and misunderstood. Modern media is doing a poor job of maintaining American clarity. We are in an active trend of cancel culture, because many of our issues have happened and been dealt with before. Recently I have tried to find examples of models of American behavior concerning our issues. I have to travel back in time to do so. We have little today to represent successful solidarity. Instead we are wallowing in confusion, anger, resulting violence, and eventually revolution. The problem is the revolution is for Communism. The faction active in America today are Communists. Until we recognize, understand, and respond to this threat America's democracy will not survive.