It is possible there are as many Western keyboard styles as American jazz. It would be more enlightening to classify the music by style rather than composer. Most everyone is familiar with Robert Schumann. He has forged an immutable presence in Western music by volume, but most could not describe his piano style. First we must clarify the misuse of the term "Classical." Classical has become a catch phrase for all Western orchestral or chamber music. By Western I mean Europe and the Soviet Union. The "New World" eventually developed its own orchestral and chamber music, but it took a while. William Grant Still may be the most well known American orchestral composers. The term "Classical" like jazz erroneously is used to categorize all orchestral and chamber music. In reality "Classical" is only one style period in the evolution of Western music. The High Classic Period is 1770-1780. Prior to the Classic Period is the Baroque, and after it is Romanticism. There is Medieval and Renaissance music, and there is Expressionist. None of these style periods developed in America, because the "New World" was not yet imperialized by the West. It had its indigenous population and their music, but we no little of this cultural history. We displaced it with our own sensibilities which later evolved into Country, Bluegrass, and Jazz, which like the term "Classical" has come to describe lots of American popular music over the years including Ragtime. The strength of American popular music usurped interest in concert music from the West, because it represented home. Music for court, society, the military accurately did not portray the American struggle and her people. If early American music had to be characterized it would be with the banjo. That is a stark and probable rude realization. Characterize America with the banjo? Isn't the banjo an African instrument? Where were America's operas and symphonies? Some came later, but the folks were the source of American music. There were a handful of transplanted European influenced academics, but the heart and soul of America was in her people. This tradition has continued and flourished during the 20th Century. The 21st Century has dealt a blow to the evolution of American popular music. Since Grunge in the 1990's and Hip Hop, nothing new has emerged to summarize America's sentiment. That is because it is difficult. John Coltrane sought Eastern culture as a necessary influence in his later music, and it is prudent to consider this overlooked aesthetic. Middle Eastern ideals have permeated America through terrorism but not music. If we were to find a suitable metaphor for modern America, it would have to encompass Asian influences. A newly burgeoning White Supremacy is making it difficult for America to thrive. America is an immigrant nation, and while those south of the Mason Dixon line would like to commandeer her for their own, it is mixed ethnic blood which built and occupy most of our nation. This is where the struggle lies, in territory. It is not new. Bill Clinton's most notable success was masterminding the Dayton Accords resolving Bosnian Serbian civil unrest. It divided these countries into tribal regions notably divvying up the land. Slobadon Milosevic landed at the International War Tribunal at the Hague, was tried, imprisoned, and died in prison. The solution to this conflict remains effective and peaceful. It is possible. One rogue contingency has wreaked havoc on America, and most of it can be attributed to the false leadership of Donald Trump. Until he is cancelled from the American equation and it is balanced with science, civil or revolutionary war will ensue. It is because ignorant people can think of nothing more productive to do.