Saturday, August 07, 2021

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

 I am reluctant to voice my dreams, because always it is best to live in the trenches, unobserved and innocuous.  One's dreams always are their flanks, and when one's flanks are exposed they will be bitten.  It must be human nature or God's animal kingdom.  It is survival of the fittest.  If you want something, it is your greatest weakness.  Shakespeare knew this, but to love and lose is the crux of the human condition.  One must be careful.  I don't pontificate much about what I want or don't have.  If you have survived depression, then you know it is counter productive.  You can't get what you want, so it is best to move on.  You move on by changing yourself and your desires.  The more I remember things once I have desired, the more disappointed I become.  This disappointment isn't really that at all.  More it is anger that my enemies are determined to defeat me by not allowing me what I want.  If you don't attain monetary success, there is no reason why you can't be hugely successful in other ways.  This has been my philosophy of music, and also this is why I designed and assembled my own music recording studio.  I am going to indulge myself for a moment and express some desires I have had over the years.  First I wanted to be a college professor, but I had not learned the political skills necessary for this extremely high profile job.  It is more politics than knowledge or talent, and also it is diplomacy.  I never paid much attention to either, politics or diplomacy.  If I had I would not have accomplished the things I have.  Instead my philosophy was, "Take no prisoners," and make the best music possible any way I could.  That I have done with the aid of musical technology.  I am tired of playing with myself.  I am too vain to musically masturbate, so all of my music is distilled and important in some way.  Usually it is a documentation of something I have learned.  As I continue on my musical quest, it has become more apparent that what interests me musically derives from other aesthetics.  The main one is dance.  Dance.  Dance is a volatile word in the American language like jazz.  No one really knows what it is.  It is surprising that dance itself, which I will be bold enough to say merely is human courtship, is misunderstood.  If we knew more about it and engaged in it, we would be a more content, peaceful, and loving society.  Both music and dance attempt to provide this impetus.  That is why there exist.  Life without either would be a vacuous, empty, disappointing session of torture by those who voted for Donald Trump.  The line of demarcation has emerged in America, and it is stark, brutal, and tragic.  This is because God has been eradicated from out consciousness, and only God can provide the appropriate spirituality for His earth and people.  We have become a lot of Satan, and it is startling and disconcerting.  The crux of it all is we don't know how to swing, and now it has become clear those running America don't want swing.  With fake news the real, tangible, and rewarding spirituality falsely has been labeled socialist.  To care about one's fellow man or spurn economic wealth would be inconceivable.  The most simple concepts of life, the things for which I do pine if I acknowledge it, are humanity.  I have lived my entire over half a century of life without the things truly I want.  All I ever have wanted is a jazz rhythm section with which to play professionally.  Even without verbalizing this desire, somehow your enemies all ready are cognizant.  Traditionally "Jam Sessions" exist so anyone can come play, and they seek talented musicians with which to perform.  The more talented you are, the more fun and rewarding the music is.  This no longer is true.  In Nashville now you must "Pay to Play."  I never have heard such an absurd concept.  I will rot in a box in the ground before I would pay a Nashville club owner to allow me to perform in his club.  You can go fuck yourself.  Satan seems to know the exact thing you need to open your creative and productive petcock.  His job is to deny you those things.  I knew this early on, and it determined my musical philosophy for the rest of my life.  "Take no prisoners!"  I have not, and consequently I have written, recorded, and performed a lot of music.  Much of it is original.  I have many copyright claims for my original music.  Each and everything I have written is copyrighted in the Library of Congress.  No one can steal my music.  If they chose to use it, it is probably I would consent.  Today no one utilizes music.  A once highly musical and human nation now has become a dull, lackluster, stupid populace of narcissists.  We don't know how to swing, and we don't know God's will.  We don't know how to be human.  It is ironic that all three seasons of Gene Roddenberry's "Star Trek" were based upon trying to be human.  As the crew of the Enterprise traveled through the universe encountering alien species, the message always was recognize our humanity and all of its gifts.  This is what Jesus, the Son of God, sought to teach us.  We have forgotten, and in our lifetimes perhaps we will get lesson number two.