Tuesday, August 03, 2021

America's Covert Conversion to Communism

 I never spent time thinking about red.  Red and blue states emerged  as a political distinction.  Whence this came I do not know.  I paid no attention.  When Donald Trump ran for president, I was required to understand red states were the new Republicans (extreme far right), and blue states were democratic.  A schism occurred in American history, when the parties reversed.  All of it is a fabricated attempt at chaos and anarchy in American politics.  It has succeeded.  I live in a red state, which in my memory always was blue.  Once this state truly was conservative.  When Jim Hunt was governor things were tight.  Now this state is a circus of crime, military warfare, and corrupt republican politics.  Phil Berger and his majority Republican state house are a disappointment.  What kind of state senate enacts legislation which reduces a governor's power because of his party affiliation?  It is corrupt.  Gerrymandering is as common as spraying agricultural fields with animal feces and urine.  Kinlaw Farms has done this a long time, and luckily a judge ruled in favor of the poor black folks who live near these farms.  Contrarily our state no longer is desperate for revenue.  This revenue goes mostly to wealthy republicans.  Our General Assembly refused Obama's Medicaid Expansion money, so millions still are uninsured.  Our state voted for Donald Trump, and he is a criminal.  Talk about being in the lion's den.  Always I have known our state inherently was evil, and it continues to prove itself.  Thom Tillis has proposed another pay raise  for the military.  Why?  The answer is to secure their votes.  Soldiers with no collateral are given sizeable mortgages ensnaring them in military service for life.  This works for Uncle Sam.  Get a soldier on the hook for a house he can't afford, and he must stay in.  This began with Bill Clinton and the entire sell anyone a house policy.  Who cares if they can't afford it?  Sell it to them anyway, and write it into the mortgage their payments will double or triple unbeknownst to them.  The United States Housing Crisis was begun and resulted in our 2008 Financial Crisis.  We have not recovered.  The era of honesty in America is gone, and Communism covertly has taken hold.  It has been a sly on the down low transition.  The modern generation is too ignorant to know any different.  Basic human desires and inclinations have become skewed.  Only this could explain the current Conditions of America.  There is no rationale to our lives, and human needs no longer are important.  We are a herd of cattle, and the vestiges of American freedom and happiness are gone.  We don't even know what freedom is.  Basic human need is not considered much less accommodated.  Trophy Wife may be the best title.  A trophy wife feigns the appearance of success, but rarely is she.  She is desperate and thinks Cooking and Fucking are cities in China.  Trophy wife families are dysfunctional, because they are chasing the grail.  In military families the marriage is a business relationship which seeks to exploit Uncle Sam.  Rarely are the based on love.  Instead they are opportunists with very little formal education.  I have traveled all around the world, and America is the most maladjusted.  Our pattern of behavior has been on television for a long time.  Zombies have been in fashion, and zombies we have become.  How could it be worse?