It is a pity when votes get courted without true understanding of their contributors. America is an extremely diverse country with blood of different ilks. None exactly are the same, and their differences make them interesting. Homogeneity is boring, but diversity requires a concerted understanding of components. Christianity intends and provides a homogeneous fabric for fair and loving people. It is a good start, but culture is assembled with a latticework of differing habits, thoughts, and perceptions. Barack Obama currently isn't in public consciousness, but the millennial generation might be the most unaware American youth of a century. It has been beset with challenge, and this challenge has been propagated against them by older generations proving their own narcissism. Investing in and empowering one's youth has been essential for peace prosperity for the future. Chaos lovers will not support the peaceful transition of power to their children. Must the younger generation inherently fight for their station in America? Previous generations have spawned specific creative youth identities, but the millennial generation has been abused and exploited by America. Such behavior in other nations would fuel revolution. Millennials are the most confused and vindictive about their personal and private choices. To ask society to accept one's inability to recognize one's own gender suggest mental compromise. It should be interpreted as a cloaked plea for help. Addiction stirs into this brew until their lives become unbearable. I understand why kids are messed up, and open homosexuality in America's military isn't helping. It was a patronizing courting of votes with little understanding. An institution of higher ideals which demands obedience, regimen, and discipline isn't the place for a religiously questionable sexual perspective. When Barack Obama made this monumental decision, he did it with a smirk and with tongue in cheek. Perhaps he did know something about his contributors. A traditional, respected, patriotic men's fighting force was not the appropriate place to introduce camp. What message does this send Vladimir Putin? Instead he mocks America. Sexual harassment in the military has become problematic. It is tolerated, condoned, and covered up within its own sovereign jurisdiction. Joe Biden and his administration have woken. Gay men assert their sexuality in a predominantly male institution, while straight soldiers develop animosity. As an organization that requires uniformity to exist, gays in the military have fractured an American tradition. Camp revels but doesn't improve for an all ready struggling military. It may relieve tension, but allowing open sexual contact in the ranks is a mistake. The military has devolved. It may not matter, because technology is revamping combat for video controllers and unmanned aerial vehicles. Change may be inevitable, but this change only has undermined a once reputable pool of dedicated veterans whose only interests have been upholding the ideals of American patriotism. Homosexuality is rife with vanity, and it should have nothing to do with the United States military.