Friday, July 09, 2021

Only God Will Save Us

It is said a man is what he does.  I have agreed with this statement until now.  A man is what he does, not what he says.  That is more accurate, and it is synonymous with, "You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?"  Talk is cheap, but recently I have discovered (at least 'round these here parts) it is the key to success.  What you say and how you talk are the most important things in gaining entry into society.  These days very few people get what I say, and consequently I spend most of my time trying to communicate my thoughts.  It ends up being teaching, and that is trying.  Imagine living somewhere and no one "gets" you.  I used to expend a fair amount of energy when shopping trying to fit in.  That meant looking around, observing, and adhering to seeming required protocols.  Don't make waves.  Don't intimidate.  If I don't do this, then by default most black people don't like me.  I do know about black culture, but also I have been a college teacher.  Do I spend time trying to fit in being conversational and friendly, or do I remain "on task" and "get 'er done?"  If you are feeling no haste or urgency in your daily routine, then perhaps you do take the time.  Since America's re-opening violence has escalated.  America is breaking all kinds of records including the hottest June ever recorded.  The Pacific Northwest is experiencing tremendous deadly heat.  Global Warming is a hoax.  Heretics.  We know who the heretics are now.  This may not apply to you if you live in a pent house, a gilded castle in Palm Springs, or in a sprawling mansion in Houston.  You pay for your comfort and health.  Pay.  The rest of us are stuck with the environment.  Fayetteville never had one hundred degree temperatures.  It was temperate, and we had normal differing seasons.  We had regular winter snow.  Now it has turned tropical, and the ill effects of this heat surround us.  So does the fungi.  Heat.  Moisture.  Infection.  Certainly it does seem like the apocalypse has begun.  Fire coming up from the sea is on prophecy in the Book of Revelations.  What did we just see on the evening news?  Answer-  a swirling ring of fire in the ocean caused by an underwater gas leak.  We better be right with God, if you want to get transplanted to the new destination.  When I worked on the ships, hospitality was the most important thing next to safety.  Safety became the most important thing after the Costa Concordia.  You were required to "Greet and Smile" to everyone you saw within ten feet.  That included guests and crew members.  It did go a long way in making a confined steel cage feel comfortable.  America is not like this.  Instead I feel compelled to "open carry" when I shop in 'Nam.  A man is what he does, and there is some truth to that.  In God's eyes it cannot always be true, because in God's plan you don't always get to do what you want.  Most of the time you have to submit and free your own goals for a later date.  In these circumstances a man isn't just what he does.  Maybe, "A man is what he does and has done."  What you have accomplished in your life is important in who you are.  Your experiences are all that you have, and they make you who you are.  When they are bad you are tasked with mediating between bad and good memories.  It is challenging.  One thing I have discovered is most women are not capable of liking you for any other reason than what title you carry.  It may be your job.  DJ.  Doctor.  Mechanic.  Attorney.  Minister.  If you have a glamorous job it helps.  I have discovered those who have some kind of "game" only are empowered by the job they possess.  If Ma Rainy weren't a great blues singer, and she didn't perform every night, she would have no game.  There would be no lesbian lovers.  They are attracted to her because of her fame and success.  The voice has a little bit to do with it, but that voice living in a cabin in the woods romance does not provide.  It does not provide comfort or amenities.  It is the job and its income that provide the basis for "game."  No income, no game.  That is true around here, because people are poor, ignorant, and desperate.  Why would they waste their time on a man seemingly doing nothing?  Could it be because he was intelligent, educated, or talented?  Wouldn't those things translate into sociability?  Fun?  Pleasantry?  Love?  Lust?  Of course they may, but that is not what women see.  If a man is what he does, then he is required to do.  Actually I do a lot, but most of it is not in the public eye.  I don't do the things I used to do.  I don't skateboard.  I don't ride my motorcycles much.  I don't play the piano.  I am required to do other things, and one of them seems to have become minding my own personal health.  With the onset of Covid, this has become overwhelming for the entire world.  We are tired of it, and yet it keeps coming.  There hasn't been time for "game."  There only has been time for survival, so copulation has dwindled.  We have not come much way at all.  In fact we have gone backwards.  The amount of understanding Americans have about their peers is minimal, and it because we have stopped trying.  Psychology used to be a college major.  Can you imagine?  Trying to figure out what makes people tick?  What makes people commit genocide?  We are pretty much stuck in our own anuses, and until we get rid of the smart phones and begin to rely on our own brains again, we will stay stupid.  Will it change?  Will Capitalism every recover?  I think not.  Only God will save us.