There are days when you can't put it all together. The human brain, our synthesizer, is overwrought with adversity. In times like this we must weather the storm and wait for the clouds and rain to pass, before our mind and emotions begin to communicate. It is the combination of systems, cognitive thought and human feeling, which produce our souls, our moral consciences, and thus our ability to survive and be happy. Recently like some chapters in American history we are not afforded the opportunity for these two systems adequately to communicate. Either our feelings are not being actualized, or we have yet to make sense of the barrage of disparate news. This is when the human process of creativity proves its worth. Sometimes we cannot understand what is happening, and sometimes our emotions are confused and do not how to feel. When we do sort it out, often with the help of an external stimulus, our feelings are triggered and we begin to make sense of our great tribulations. It would seem the enemy's greatest tool is denying us this two fold process. Popular culture at its greatest worth seeks to make sense of the world and stimulate both our minds and our hearts to become more enlightened and thus fulfilled entities. The worlds has become so complex and confusing with purposeful spin and deception at all levels, this understanding and stimulation are more necessary than ever. America's artistic community always has risen to this occasion. Always they knew this great stage was the responsibility of and challenge for artists. The job of the artist is to try and understand life in all of its complexity and offer wisdom through clarity through the artistic platform. The beauty and great diversity of American art is it encompasses the gamut of human experience, taste, and perspective. All poles of existence are addressed with little bias or discrimination, because these things themselves create the haze with which we contend daily. Necessarily art recognizes, embraces, and utilizes these biases to try and understand the fallibility of human behavior. As it turns out we all are not virtuous people. As the last presidency has proven American society has become laden with evil and wrong doing. Extreme, racist, and communist sentiments have been festering in America politics without our knowledge. Upon discovering these tenants of human behavior, they seem too extreme, foreign, and inhuman to be American. America once was the coveted holy grail of justice, honesty, and Christianity. If people were persecuted in their own lands, they could immigrate to America to find a better existence. This existence directly was tied to economic opportunity. When trying to understand America today, this economic opportunity is key. Our difficulty in understanding America and thus becoming more adjusted to her requirements is our two fold system of enlightenment no longer is functioning at the proper level. If we are able to dissect the truth from the news media, and with our brains understand what is happening, it won't necessarily make sense. For it to make sense to us as human creatures, it must stimulate our emotional psyche. Emotion or human feelings long has been a topic of importance in our lives, but why? Isn't feeling a self indulgent drug? Do not movers and shakers discard emotion from their daily routines so they can effectively and often ruthlessly survive? Perhaps we have come to believe this, but the community of American artists would dissent. God did not intend us to be androids with no feelings. He gave us feelings to augment our lives and provide happiness. If the United States Constitution actually uses the phrase, "Pursuit of happiness," then it acknowledges that human feeling is important and not narcissistic. Human feeling on both poles, grief and sadness to joy and exultation are necessary for actualization of the human soul. They are necessary. Compassion for one's fellow man is a core component of human emotion, because I would suspect human emotion fails to operate in a vacuum. It is stimulated by human interaction, so human interaction is crucial to human happiness. With America's overt neglect of public education, eradication of Christianity from public consciousness, and lack of support of the lower and middle classes, human interaction and support are not what they used to be. More accurately we are fighting amongst ourselves with only a remnant of the fulfillment once we had. The primary tactic of the enemy would be to disable this human process by eliminating art. With no reflective aesthetic to understand human behavior we will just circle the corral like mindless cattle. There is no question that the artistic perspective has dwindled in America, and certainly because of Covid 19. More importantly we have yet to sort and understand the shift of media from radio and television to the internet. The ease of file sharing, streaming, and self publication on the internet is a miraculous thing, but when the bar of talent becomes lost and mediocrity becomes normal a problem will arise. Society needs excellence as a pattern and goal, and the problem today is we don't have it. "Content" on Youtube is vast, expansive, and artistic, but also there is a deluge of worthless fodder. The key to human emotional and intellectual actualization is human compassion. The simple idea of caring about one's fellow man more than one's self is paramount in humanity and Christianity. The family unit, two parents and their children, is the building block of this ethic. The LGBTQ movement has confused this reality. Human emotion, sentiment, and need have existed since the birth of man. To change its perception in a few short years and replace it with a strange, unfamiliar, and seeming selfish gender definition is to dismantle all of humanity. That is happening, because a war among the masses is the desired goal of the enemy. Separatist instead of solidarity is the tool of anarchy and destruction and the rise of an oligarical ruling class content in actualizing their fantasies about Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Adolph Hiter, Benito Mussolini, and Joseph Stalin. American solidarity created through emotional understanding and human compassion taught through the family unit traditionally have been our tools for success. Public education was the stage for this process. Until we remember the importance of and shore up American public education, we will not recover.