Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Gold Ducats in Mitch's Pockets

I just heard a transformer blow, and there was no lightning.  The  guns have been blazing at night in Navarone.  The Marines no longer are here, but the fifty caliber machine guns are tooling away.  Above Navarone a continuous stream of aircraft heat the planet.  The good news is, and there has been little of it, the FBI has accomplished something.  Their disparaged image by former President Trump has been redeemed, and in all likelihood against his will.  The confidential IRS papers, of which we don't know the origin, conclusively have proven that most billionaires are dead beats.  You family can inherit all of your wealth tax free under the ruse of a private foundation.  All of this doing is Donald Trump.  We slowly are unraveling the Trump agenda, and it should be of no real surprise.  Bezos.  Musk.  Buffet.  Gates.  Zuckerberg.  Somehow they all think they owe America nothing.  Somehow they believe they have to pay nothing in return for their great fortunes, like America is a huge entitlement to them.  It is uncanny this ruthlessness.  When Ronald Reagan came into the Presidency, the tax rate for the wealthy was seventy percent.  Trickle Down Economics in my opinion did work for a while.  If the businesses invest back into their businesses empowering a viable middle class and allowing the money to flow, then this is a good thing.  Then there is Bezos, Musk, Buffet, Gates, and Zuckerberg.  Okay, they do have "Foundations."  They give some money away, but if that money were flowing freely in a functioning capitalist socio-economic system, with lots of jobs that pay fairly, America would not be in dire straights.  I have said it before.  A nation must understand what the means of production are.  What will be the jobs?  The good jobs, the not flipping burgers at Mickie D's or stocking shelves at Walmart jobs, were manufacturing jobs.  They were skilled labor jobs, and labor unions demanded that they pay a fair wage and provide tangible benefits.  The tide has turned with Trump at the helm, and suddenly we are back on the plantation again.  It is not a new thing.  America is a new thing.  Our democratic republic is a new thing, and it is a miracle we have been able to survive thus far.  It takes honesty.  You have to know how to provide the jobs for Americans, and that means understanding the economy.  The economy since Bill Clinton has been telecommunications, and it has moved in the opposite direction from the previously approved protocol.  We broke up the Bells, because it became an oppressive, controlling, one-sided corporate monopoly.  Does this sound familiar?  How many choices for cable TV or internet do you have?  Is there a contract?  Is it fair.  The cell phone industry was a bad thing for America, because it usurped all logical and educational traditions.  Suddenly laptops were introduced into schools, and every student needed their own cell phone.  We have not recovered from the ignorance.  What products would we like to manufacture?  Textiles?  Furniture?  Appliances?  Farm equipment?  High Fidelity audio gear?  Automobiles?  Motorcycles?  Can we even still make these things?  Making things no longer is in our sights.  Instead we consume, and we consume trite near meaningless dribble.  Our lives are a shell of former American lives, and addiction is the anodyne.  We can't live without alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.  If you can, like Donald Trump, you need a gilded palace and lots of servants kissing your ass.  We are getting closer to understanding reality, and how our survival depends on our own independence.  The FBI had a success, and yet Mitch McConnell continues to be a selfish Trump asshole.  The stalemate of Extreme Republican Wealth unabashedly gaslights the entire country, while they fill their pockets with America's ducats.