Saturday, May 01, 2021

American Regeneration

I want to be more specific about my previous thread.  Every force known and available in the corporate world is sanctioned to divert our attention from truth.  When something in the national news gets really dicey, and specific corporate entities may be to blame, what happens?  Our attention gets diverted.  The three major network news organizations report mostly the same stories, and while I won't take the time to research their owners specifically, it would be no surprise if they all are controlled by a corporate conglomerate.  Deregulation has caused this problem.  Gatehouse media comes to mind, the company which owns scores of local newspapers in different states.  The Sinclair Group also is a major controlling faction in the reporting of the news in America.  If America is racist, then these white boy companies certainly are culprits in influencing American thought and sentiment.  Once there was a law that required media to report both sides of a story equally taking no partisan side.  When that law expired and was not renewed by Congress, Roger Ailes created Fox News.  The rest is history.  Newspeak was born in America.  The soap box chronicles have entertained and influenced Americans ever since.  It was no so much of a problem until the Trump Presidency.  A real viable threat to democracy was born, and communist sentiments still are proliferating among American citizens.  Easily and simply understood, a Republican lawmaker simplifies the federal government by saying they expect us to send them all of our money.  This is far from the truth, a heinous exaggeration, and a dangerous propagandist sound bite meant to resonate in simplistic minds.  Affluent Americans have been paying little in taxes for a long time.  The same is true in corporate America.  The idea that the rich deserve special treatment or an exemption from taxes is ludicrous.  It is oligarchical, totalitarian, and fascist to some degree to believe the rich can do whatever they want, because they "work hard."  A fair system of government means everyone pays taxes, and those making so much more than average Americans should pay more tax.  You can't squeeze water out of a stone, and the lower classes are the stones.  It is infuriating to see the balance of wealth continually going to the top one percent, especially when they do not reinvest this capital back into the American economy.  Instead it sits in overseas banks growing mold.  When the huge pulsed microwave weapon does fire, money won't be worth anything anyway.  What will be worth something is clean drinking water, fresh food, and warm shelter.  American values have become so skewed from money that no one recognizes true things of value.  Even if we do recognize them, Wall Street paints them as worthless to augment their own wealth and power.  The problem with America is not only policing but a failure to ascribe the appropriate value to real commodities.  We have been able to skew the graph by importing cheap goods from China, our arch enemy.  Unless America can wean herself off foreign teats and reestablish manufacturing independence, the dollar will remain low in value.  The economy America once knew now solely is under the control of Jeff Bezos, because internet shopping has usurped brick and mortar experiences with the aid of a global pandemic.  Who has benefited from Covid 19?  It is shocking.  Corporate America's primary goal is to keep attention away from their business and deny culpability for any harmful effects of their processes.  This list is topped by rail, and its thoughtful and intended ascension to power has no moral conscience.  The effects of an army of freight circulating the globe 24/7 has been dire and destructive.  They will not concede that the idea of a "Green Locomotive" is complete lunacy.  One demonstration of a Dash 9 in run 4 multiplied my thousands running continuously in our backyards would prove how undesirable this industry is.  "I'm sorry I can't hear you.  I can't hear the music, because there is jet engine around the corner."  Sheer noise and vibration no longer is the problem.  Now alternating current in massive quantities escapes from these  machines with which I must contend in the privacy of my own home.  A simple study of physics will demonstrate the properties of electromagnetism and how infrasound at great pressures and electricity escaping into our environment is wreaking havoc with human life.  Still priority number one is that this is not known.  Diversion.  Divert the attention of the public with claims of pulsed microwave weapons.  The realities of American life today are much more frightful than science fiction, seeing that we cannot stop ourselves from killing each other.  When the gavel of SCOTUS drops and eventually rules on the Constitutionality of rail domination, Americans will learn what grievous ills have been beset upon us.  AC traction is an aberration.  Like nuclear power we are not prudent enough as conscientious human beings to be able to harness and control its power.  Rogue energy will continue to infect our streets and allies until it becomes clear what is causing this disruption.  Poor radio reception?  Low amperage in your home?  Batteries running down?  Depression?  Physical illness?  Violent thoughts? Suicidal tendencies?  If there were such as thing as an honest Earth Day, it would be a day the United States President signifies as pastoral.  This would be a day (or a week) that every locomotive and every plane would sit silent on the tarmac or in the rail yard.  The heat would dissipate, the infrasound would cease, and the human race would regenerate.