Let's begin with the Coronovirus experience. Any thinking adult could understand it is unlikely a pandemic would manifest itself in the world's most powerful nation. Traditionally that is how America likes to view herself. I'm not sure if that still is true. It is a slogan, "The world's most powerful nation." America branded herself the most powerful nation in the world, but our nickname should have been and continues to be a place of freedom. Sanctuary. Reviewing the literature or rather the propaganda of America, "Give me your tired, your poor...." we have been led to believe America is a place of sanctuary. Puritans immigrated to America to escape religious persecution. They were Christians. God worshiping Christians sought refuge in America, so they freely could express their love of God. Unbeknownst to most of us, Christianity is not the religious majority. In the last few decades Christianity has been assaulted not unlike the rest of us. Blacks, Latinos, and gays all have incurred the wrath of White America. We didn't know it was White America until Donald Trump became president. Things have changed with Donald Trump. No longer is America the world's most powerful nation. It is easy to assess, our lack of power. While America's oligarchy may be influential, a nation under them, one which has failed to provide them the sustenance they need to remain powerful, bears no resemblance to a nation of power and influence. What things define such a description other than an accumulation of money? Money will not buy survival on a planet which is cracking at the seams. Disease. Pestilence. Floods. Fires. It seems to be coming to fruition the predictions in the Bible's book of Revelations. Fire will rain down from the skies and comes up from the seas. That is what is predicted, and 2020 points in that direction. What things represent a powerful nation? They are the same as they always have been, but the playing field has been changed by what now has become the Republican party. Some residual Republicans are beginning to realize the extreme to which Donald Trump has lead this once conservative, sane, prudent political party. Whether they will separate themselves from the cult and revive the traditional values of their party remains to be seen. Meanwhile, in the words of Stephen Colbert, we should begin calling the Republican party the Trumptistas. It is an accurate description. The only thing missing is the compliance of the United States military. The attempted coup, and it should be labeled that because it was lead by a sitting United States President, has been in play for a long time. Whether W. knew it or not, his presidency was the beginning. If you rescind corporate regulatory oversight and allow the oligarchy free reign to do as they please, it is not surprising America is under assault. These people do not care about average Americans, and the definition of average American has changed. Who is to know who makes up America? We have had no "Main Street" for a long time. America stopped functioning as a capitalist nation decades ago. We have been Socialist for a long time. Whether Biden or Trump is president doesn't really matter, because the private sector of America employing her "mainstream" or "Main Street" no longer is the gravy for the newly emerging oligarchy. When legislation was passed to support Globalism, the average people in America were sold out. Our jobs went overseas to India and China where they pay a minute fraction of what Americans need to live. Even our minimum wage is incapable of providing a living for most people. Those who toil long hours at Walmart, America's watershed retailer, must rely on government assistance to live. Therefore like most people rich and poor, the American people rely on the government for their living. Whether it is health care benefits, a retirement, or flood insurance, we all rely on Washington to survive. It always has been this way, and yet Trumptistas refuse to acknowledge it. They shout "Socialism!" when what they perceive as their entitled livelihood is threatened by impoverished immigrants. Are these immigrants any different than those who crossed the Atlantic penniless to forge a better life in the new land? Most have proven to be thankful for the opportunity America has provided, and yet it is this opportunity that has vanished. Social mobility in America no longer is possible because the means with which to achieve it no longer exists. Our jobs, jobs created by factories and small businesses have been "outsourced" to other nations, because their labor force costs a fraction of American workers must be paid simply to survive. How is anyone in America not going broke? Why has crime escalated in America? I remember acutely the day Donald Trump became president. During the Obama administration the local evening news was banal, and it seemed normal. It was not laced with violence inducing rhetoric or divisive hearsay. Overnight the local evening news became a public proclamation of the weeks murders. Sharon Tazewell apparently tired of the grind and stepped down as anchor for WNCN. The news is and has been a mockery of what traditionally has been the most powerful nation in the world. We tune in and see who has killed whom. It is a disturbing, disheartening, litmus test of what has become our America, but it is no surprise. What things comprise the world's most influential, progressive, and thus powerful nation? Certainly it is not one who is not able to save half a million citizens, where there is no tangible war. Instead it suggests this assault has been premeditated and unleashed on humanity. It has been one year since the Coronavirus outbreak, and America has been unable to quell its effects. Instead it gave birth to an ignorant, insidious, covert assault on America herself. This assault is Biblical in nature, and its players merely are pawns of Satan. America, in her newly bred ignorance, is not able to discern or accept the reality that America is the modern Sodom and Gomorrah. We are nothing more than deceiving televangelists preaching a shallow lie and collecting alms from the poor. The Trump Clan is nothing more than a traveling tent show of fake religious prophecy. If there is any good left in America, people with a moral conscience who believe in something other than their own success, and those who receive joy and fulfillment from helping others, is yet to be seen.