Saturday, January 09, 2021

Trump Sanctions

 There is a lot bouncing around in my brain, and I have not yet put it together into a logical conclusion.  Like life itself our survival has become an extemporaneous whirlwind of irrational assault by those unknown to us.  That may be the most disconcerting realization of modern times.  We do not know who the enemy is.  I have known Donald Trump was the enemy, because all one has to do is pay attention to his actions, have a moral conscience, and be literate.  His demagoguery may fly for those who don't read newspapers, have no college education, and severely are hampered by ADD.  His crowd apparently have been an easy mark.  Finding the weak spot and exploiting it once was called "hitting below the belt."  In recent American history we have not seen such ignorance and willingness to die for nothing.  Who can explain it?  I sensed several years ago the insurrection in America would come from within.  Right wing militia groups have been mobilizing for a long time.  All they needed was a leader crazy enough to get elected President, and for all appearances call on these anarchists to overthrow the oppressive threat of the Democrats.  Only is it and ever has been about power.  There is no right or wrong.  There is no God.  There is no compassion or empathy for fellow man.  It is and has been about power.  Who will control America.  Two things are at play simultaneously.  One is the pandemic which is an all out assault on Americans.  We are battling a deadly disease, and it is winning.  Hundreds of thousands of Americans are dying unnecessarily, and still we do not know whence it came.  Covid 19 was no accident, and its unleashing on American citizens, like the attack on the Capital, was a planned event.  It is continuing.  Someone is behind this disease and its release into our environment.  If the question is asked, "What nation is capable of releasing chemical or biological weapons onto the continental United States?" what would the answer be?  Since commercial air activity has decreased significantly, the use of commercial jets to release such an agent is unlikely.  At the moment there is a surge of Covid 19 in North Carolina.  Simultaneously the Capital is besieged in Washington, DC and thousands continue to die of an unknown disease.  If more is known about the Coronavirus, they are not telling us.  They are not telling us that it is a vascular disease.  They are not telling us that much of the death is resultant of organ infection and failure from fungus or mycosis.  Covid, with its Bradykinin Storm, causes your blood vessels to leak.  If they leak in the brain, the blood brain barrier is compromised.  If they leak in other parts of the body all ready populated with fungi, then the fungi rampantly spread causing death.  Every scholarly study on fungi on the web begins with, "Fungal infections are on the rise, and the traditional drugs are becoming ineffective."  Fungus grows in warm moist environments, so with the onslaught of global warming it stands to reason fungi becomes more of a problem to human health.  I am writing about this disease, because I myself have encountered it and its effects.  It would be easier for American to believe no one was behind the Covid outbreak.  Who possibly would launch such a ruthless assault on innocent Americans?  Four days ago it would have been difficult to believe the sitting American President was responsible for a a siege at the Capital building in Washington resulting in pandemonium and death.  We are in the days of discovery, and with each passing day new information is discovered documenting the aggression and potential violence of this action.  We don't want to believe it, but it must be seen for what it was.  Congress is acting the diplomat, not overreacting, and being cautious understanding this dangerous faction of extremists.  Could they be harmless?  We now know like the KKK, they may just be good old boys dressed in white sheets, but people die in the process.  This is unacceptable.  This issue is discrimination and prejudice.  People are picking and choosing who are protected.  Who is a part of the group.  On the Capital some officials were complicit in the attack.  What can you say when the President himself is the instigator of the violence against his own populace and government.  Perhaps this is the most disturbing idea with which Americans must contend.  This is our first taste of domestic abuse on the people by those in power.  It is common in other countries.  It is a core component of Fascism.  It is a part of communism of which we ignore.  If you were a plantation-owning slave owner in the American South, perhaps the abuse of your work force was a necessary part of life.  It is not now.  Slavery has been abolished, and yet it remains.  Still the Confederacy is fighting the Civil War.  I live in a red state.  I live in a state with the second to lowest teacher salaries (my chosen profession, although I have side-stepped it), the lowest vaccine rollout rate, and one of the most corrupt state legislatures in the union.  Industrial pollution is ignored, and classism is the norm.  The poor don't matter, and the country clubbers feel they are entitled to everything North Carolina has to offer.  It is humiliating living here.  It was positive when ten former Secretaries of Defense suggested that the United States military chain of command should exercise its own conscience if their Commander in Chief enacted unconstitutional action.  They weren't mandated to follow his orders blindly.  Certainly this enough evidence to suggest that the President is incapable of performing his duties, and yet after a lawful and diplomatic Articles of Impeachment, the corrupt Senate allowed him to remain in power.  The attack on Washington on Wednesday is their fault, because they refused to accept the reality of the failure of their chosen leader.  Perhaps anarchy is what they want too.  It would seem anarchy, unrest, or rebellion is desirable as a pastime.  They enjoy the rebel yelling, but they do not understand the ramifications of their actions and their effect on the longevity of the republic.  We are in the days of discovery, and it is becoming more clear.  Do the American people owe this president the perks a traditional president earns while in office?   A pension for life?  A travel allowance?  A security detail for life?  A chance to run for public office again?  We all know the answer is no.   Donald Trump should be denied these perks, because even without criminal prosecution they would be an effective sanctioning of unconstitutional behavior.  We must dump Trump, and he must again be impeached, found guilty by the Senate, and removed from office for good.