Thursday, December 10, 2020

The American Coconspirators

 Instead of worrying about the decimation of our democracy, the subsequent loss of our personal freedoms, and the resulting tyrannical rule of an impeached president, I rather would be thinking about Christmas, the anniversary of the birth of Jesus, the Son of God, and the Lord our Savior.  I have had little Christmas spirit for two decades.  I was working during Christmas providing entertainment for cruise ship guests, or I was away from home trying to become a better musician and composer.  When I lived in Columbus, Ohio I did stumble into several Christmas situations.  One was playing trumpet for two church services.  It was an easy and enjoyable gig, because I have done this most of my life.  Every Christmas and Easter my father and I played trumpets at St. John's Episcopal Church.  We began before I knew how to play the trumpet well.  Like many things in life you learn by experience or rote.  Providing this musical product forced me to be a better trumpeter.  It entailed warming up before the service in our living room.  Church environments prohibit the volume of brass, but to play the trumpet correctly it requires a specific and minimal threshold of airflow, minimal in the sense that there is a certain of air that will produce a musical sound.  You cannot go below this minimum value or your trumpet playing will suffer.  Trying to achieve this ratio of minimum airflow to effective volume is the challenge.  To achieve such a balance, a mechanism is required which disguises its great capability but performs in humility and moderation.  It develops strength but keeps it hidden.  Successful boxers use this technique by baiting their opponents for many rounds.  When their opponents eventually expend their energy, the winning boxer unleashes a torrent of powerful and incapacitating blows upon the unsuspecting opponent.  Playing the trumpet is not that dissimilar.  The first time I  saw a trumpeter use this methodology, was when I witnessed Miles Davis play for the first time.  Miles, in all of his boxing glory, breathed like a professional athlete.  He studied boxing all his life and was adept at throwing a punch.  Among other things he understood boxing strategy.  His approach was not unlike that of an accomplished chess player.  There was more going on in Miles' mind than the eye could see.  (I am smelling the wonderful aroma of a scented candle that smells like a live Christmas tree)  For several decades I have had absolutely no Christmas spirit.  Never during the weeks prior to Christmas did I ever feel a tinge of  holiday spirit.  When I grew up Christmas was a remarkable season, because its celebration at St. John's was vivid, enthusiastic, and spiritual.  The whole world was transformed for a brief time at the anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ, the baby of the Virgin Mary.  Two decades ago a war began on Christianity in America.  Headlines began appearing in major magazines questioning God, Creationism, and Heaven and Hell.  I will never forget the day Time magazine published such a cover.  What once was a respected and authoritative publication sold out.  So had the rest of American establishment.  Twenty years later we are reaping the punishment of this atheist bent.  To be a great trumpeter one must train for a lengthy time building musculature, endurance, and acquiring musical taste.  When that machine is built, it is run in low gear and its power harnessed in moderation.  Understanding this required mechanism, a substantial foundation upon which art can be made is produced.  With no foundation there will be no art.  This applies to life in all situations.  With no Constitution there will be no great nation.  With no laws and their subsequent justice, there will be no honesty.  With no scientific data there will be no vaccines.  The humanities, of which the ancient Greeks devised, are the building blocks for human existence.  They are the aesthetics necessary for enlightened living, and yet a group of America traitors has perpetrated a modern assault on this.  It has been a mystery since February how and why our current president forfeited an effective response to the Coronavirus pandemic.  Since then we have witnessed the most perplexing and confusing political coup in recent history.  Absolute chaos has ensued in America culminating in seventeen states filing a lawsuit to overturn the results of the presidential election of 2020.  Although notable, legal, and irrefutable milestones have passed, a group of Republican henchmen continue to sew anarchy in America.  Their behavior, seventeen Attorneys General, Republican operatives, and the President have proven their own monetary self interests are more important than dying Americans.  This action in and of itself summarizes the plethora of events which have transpired in the last year, the year of the presidential election.  Instead of trying to understand this irrational and dangerous behavior, it is easier to understand who they are and what they are doing.  The reason why Donald Trump spurned an effective Corona virus response, was because he is involved in the attempted subjugation of America.  All of the politicians supporting President Trump are co-conspirators.  It is difficult to understand, because most Americans want to believe our elected leaders are moral, ethical, Christian men and women.  Surprise.  They aren't.  The proliferation of Coronavirus is purposeful.  It is not an accident.  It is not a fumbled response.  It is not being driven by chance.  It was a premeditated political strategy meant to reelect Donald Trump and continue to empower Republicans.  One only has to look at the evidence.  A pathogen has been created which covertly and effectively kills people with preexisting medical conditions. The weak.  The disenfranchised. In God's eyes, the meek.  "The meek shall inherit the earth," but that only can be believed if Christianity lives.  This coup, this attempted covert political overthrow, has been in play for twenty years.  Donald Trump has studied communist fascist principles.  He has studied authoritarian methodology.  He was planned and mounted this attack on the sensibilities of America.  It is the only viable explanation why Republicans are so brainwashed to do his will.  It is uncanny their loyalty, but it is more understandable if we see this context.  2020 was a demonstrative example, irrefutable evidence that this body of Republican conspirators attacked America through her legal, political, and governmental processes.  This full frontal assault began with Dick Cheney redefining the role of the Vice President and coercing Supreme Court Justices to support his extreme Middle East agenda.  The Corona Virus was no accident, and Donald Trump's bungled response was no accident.  It was premeditated.  It is what was intended by Republicans.  They meant to kill Americans and reelect this president.  They still are killing Americans, and ironically they still desperately are trying to overthrow the American government.  It is fortunate that several centuries of academic prowess, policy, and statesmanship have formed the foundations upon which America was built.  We are witnessing in real time the unfolding of their virtue striking down a malevolent band of murderous thieves disguised as leaders.  It is a criminal enterprise, and it is in the best interest of America to strike a  blow to its ankles hobbling it for eternity.  As the legal community, courts, judges, and attorneys chuckle at its insipid effort, instead they should begin to understand 2020 was an integrated premeditated assault on America.  The casualty rate is is in the millions.