Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Covid Cropdusting

 Personally I was elated to get past Thanksgiving, although according to our top infectious disease doctor at the CDC the surge has yet to expose itself.  Fine.  We are not in immediate danger in our household.  If there are irresponsible Trump supporters who do not heed constructive advice and endanger others in their own selfish pursuits, then they get what is coming to them.  Similarly our president deserves to get what is coming to him.  Endless days of the American President spewing lies, vitriol, and divisive rhetoric trying desperately to rally a violent protest of a fair, honest, and secure election.  This is what to which we are subject.  Garbage.  Garbage being thrown on us as soon as we wake.  Today was like that, the "jive" factor was off the map.  J-I-V-E with a capital "J."  Disingenuous.  Dishonest.  Evil.  That was what today was and why?  Because our sitting President is mad.  Crazy.  Mentally ill.  Compromised.  "The Madness of King George," an entertaining and informative movie about a ruling monarch who suffers a medical setback rendering him unable to lead.  America just seems to look the other way, as their cult leader blows shit our of his hole.  Today our Attorney General, William Barr, a staunch Trump yes man stated the Department of Justice could confirm there was no evidence of election fraud.  This is Trump's man, and for the first time since he was appointed resisted Donald Trump's intimidation.  If there was a correct assessment of the recent presidential election, then today it was confirmed.  The Attorney General of the United States, the top authority in law enforcement, specifically contradicted President's Trump erroneous claims that he won the election.  Enough all ready.  In spite of this proclamation by his own man, the day was rife with political vitriol.  Rudy Giuliani seems to be soliciting a pardon from the president before he is indicted of any crime.  Similarly Trump has been discussing pardons for his children, also before they have been indicted for any crimes.  This would indicate they are afraid.  Fox News now is suggesting that Trump pardon himself.  From what?  This is ludicrous, desperate, insane behavior smearing the United States Presidency forever.  The issue has become whether or not to pursue Mr. Trump after finally he exits the office of the president.  Joe Biden does not want to waste America's time with such a course of action at least on the federal level.  New York state attorneys may have a different idea.  The Presidency has shielded Donald Trump from prosecution, but whether he believes it or not, he and his family will walk out of our White House and back into reality.  The reality will be the stark, dangerous, and inevitable consequences of Covid 19.  I don't want to hear about vaccines, and yet they are the chosen topic of the day.  It has been reiterated time and time again, that if proper clinical trials are performed,a vaccine could not be ready before Spring.  On December 1st multiple companies are touting successful vaccines for the Coronavirus.  Who knows what to believe?  To what it boils down is a disconcerting discovery.  Covid 19 was a planned attack on the world.  It was no accident, and who will benefit?  The media said whichever company gets it right will be the new ruler of the world.  Playing with peoples lives?  We have gone back in times in Biblical proportions, and as I have predicted we are engulfed in an epic struggle for our on survival.  Ironically while President Trump had fast tracked the search for an effective vaccine, he is not being credited with its discovery.  I think the figure was three billion dollars all ready paid to Moderna, and yet there are multiple companies vying for FDA approval.  Who knows what to believe, and more importantly with a CDC doctor who owns the patents to many HIV drugs, it appears more and more reasonable Covid 19 was planned and implemented both for political and economic reasons.  This means that mass genocide has been inflicted upon the entire world.  With a Florida governor's continued refusal to implement Covid restrictions anywhere in the state, it would seem eradication of the elderly population is the goal.  Entitlements.  Strains on the federal economic system.  Social Security.  The Postal Service pension fund.  Food Stamps.  These are the things Donald Trump has wanted to abolish.  He wanted to build a wall on our Southwestern border to keep Mexicans out.  There was a Muslim ban.  Ethnic cleansing has been instigated through an engineered pathogen, and the question is who administered it and how?  Weird, low flying, suspicious planes have been flying over my house for the last four years and they are not crop dusting fertilizer or pesticides.  It is more likely they have been dropping Covid 19.