What is in the news? In 2017 Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. invoked the "Nuclear Option" confirming the appointment of Neil Gorsuch to the United States Supreme Court with a simple majority vote. Fifty-four total votes out of one hundred, fifty-one republicans and three democrats confirmed Mr. Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Brett Kavanaugh squeaked through his confirmation with a vote of fifty to forty-eight. Traditionally sixty votes were needed to confirm a Supreme Court Justice, and a majority vote along both party lines was desirable. A majority vote in the United States Senate sends a message of confidence to the American people that the nominees properly were vetted. For one hundred elected senators unanimously to confirm a candidate, easily it could be construed that a new Justice was qualified to rule on important litigation. In an extremely rare occurrence in the state of Florida in the year 2000, the United States Supreme Court interjected and stopped the vote count in a contested Presidential election. America never knew who received the most votes when Vice President Al Gore ran against George Walker Bush. Instead SCOTUS stopped the vote count and Al Gore conceded defeat. In actuality he may have won the election. Current President Donald Trump narcissistically believes his re-election should be decided in the same way, by the United States Supreme Court. The contested election in Florida in 2000 was caused by "hanging chads" created by then Secretary of State Katherine Harris. She designed the ballots which were double sided. If a voter punched a chad on the back side of the ballot voting for their chosen candidate, it could appear that it was a vote for another candidate adjacent on the other side. Whether this design was intentional or a mistake has yet to be determined. It was this simple flaw which preempted the vote tally and delayed the election results. What followed was a visceral, heated, and lively legal battle waged by the top legal minds in politics. Ultimately they put George W. Bush in the White House. Why has Mitch McConnell, with less than two weeks before the presidential election, pushed through the confirmation of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's replacement? The answer is simple. With Mr. McConnell's previously instated "Nuclear Option," a simple majority is all that is needed to confirm a life long appointment for a new Supreme Court Justice. The tally now is three justices for President Donald Trump, with the most recent being the most consequential for Americans. Trump has been trying his entire first term to dismantled The Affordable Care Act enacted by Barack Obama. Gravely and publicly he was humiliated when an ailing John McCain flew to Washington, DC to cast the deciding vote against the revocation of the legislation. With a symbolic emperor's "thumbs down," Mr. McCain defeated President Trump's dire need to abolish Obamacare. His disdain for McCain never will resolve even as he lays in the cold earth dead. He has carried this contempt with him in his presidency. Two weeks after the Presidential election on November the third, SCOTUS is slated to rule on the constitutionality of The Affordable Care Act. Trump now has appointed three conservative Republican Supreme Court Justices. With the health care of millions of Americans on the chopping block by this ruling, Trump also craves the same body of judges rule on his re-election against Joe Biden. We wants to circumvent the American popular vote and the electoral vote and be appointed the leader of the free world by a panel of judges assembled with meticulous and manipulating politics driven by partisan sentiments. This is for what Donald Trump longs, because in all probability it is the only way he will be re-elected. Americans have flocked to the polls in early voting setting new records for American activism in a Presidential campaign. While we do not know how Americans have voted, it does not make sense that republicans would be making such a statement. In light of the constraints and consequences of a deadly pandemic mysteriously which appeared during an election year, it would suggest the democrats have a more stringent message. Completely it is at odds with Donald Trump's declaration that he personally has mitigated the pandemic, a convenient platform for his re-election. His super hero like recovery from Covid 19 suggests it was planned. The pretense of the inhibiting of voting sews a large canvass of controversy upon which Trump has tried to capitalize. Inexplicably he has declared voting by mail fraudulent. The current director of the FBI has stated there is no evidence nor has there been any evidence of fraud voting by mail. There is is no precedent for a contested vote, except that Trump witnessed it in 2000 with the election of George W. Bush. Seeing the Supreme Court hand Bush the Presidency sewed the seeds of want in Trump's loins. The Republican tide hastily and recklessly confirming another conservative justice two weeks before the election was a premeditated, savvy, but self-serving political maneuver. Instead of impartially choosing, vetting, and confirming a non-partisan judge capable of upholding the United States Constitution with no party influence, Mitch McConnell has cemented into place another piece of foundation favoring conservatives. Rather than concerning themselves with the health and well being of Americans flailing from a raging viral disease, our Republican Senate showed their true colors. They fucked us again.