Slowly over the last decade American culture has deteriorated. I questioned this when MTV, VH-1, and BET sacrificed their musical content for Reality TV. MTV was a revelation in popular culture. It defined American pop values for years. The way the American Popular Song defined our newly emerging nation differentiating it from Europe, MTV continued a synthesis of music and imagery. It compressed and truncated the form into a palatable format suited for limited view time. Like a symphony, ballet, opera, or oratorio demanded undivided attention in a cathedral or concert hall for several hours, MTV, with its use of the television idiom combined with popular music, forged a form of American expression unique to itself. It was a potent, influential, and artistic force which America abandoned. Most music television including "Soul Train," "American Bandstand," and "The Grind" were pulled from the airwaves. What the fuck!? I questioned this disappearance, and associated it with emotional oppression. Today there is a great void of American artistic expression. Once it was radio. Then it was television. It has become the internet. With the empowerment of the internet as a self-service and mostly free venue for entertainment, previous stanchions of American culture disappeared. The void that exists is massive. It is a huge, luring, and impressionable pool of darkness Donald Trump has exploited. The only explanation for the extinction of this portal for American artistry is ensuing communism. For the longest time other countries have been jealous of and made fun of America. Chewing gum, Coca Cola, and Rock 'n' Roll were laughable, despite their far reaching influences. While menial in content the symbolism inherent in these products is what is important. It is what they represent for Western freedom. It is not that watching movies, chewing bubble gum, or dancing at a sock hop are pinnacles of substance. It is that they represent freedom for the human being. Unlike communist sentiments human beings, especially in America, are guaranteed the right to freedom and the pursuit of happiness. We are not imprisoned behind the walls of depraved, narcissistic, self-serving authoritarians intending to suppress creative thought and artistic expression. These limitations define communism, and they have overtaken American culture. If Donald Trump is re-elected president they will overtake American governance and eventually American life as we live it. Our freedoms will be naught. All ready they have been infringed upon, limited, and challenged. We are in a shouting war with a demented, senile, demigod whose only intent is anarchy and chaos at the expense of free America. The victor will be Donald Trump, and America will plunge further into the third world nation it has become.