Friday, October 16, 2020

God's Spine of America

 America used to be the land of dreams.  Perhaps for Donald Trump it was until now.  This is his last chapter.  Winning the presidency could be considered an American dream, the pinnacle of success for an American.  Perhaps it was and still is for two more weeks.  I do not feel confident Joe Biden can be the predicted winner, although his polls show it.  Starkly we all can remember election night, when Hillary Clinton was confident she would be the next American president.  We all gasped in disbelief as she lost the American presidency by winning over two million more votes from Americans.  How is this possible?  The answer to this question is the same as how Donald Trump built his empire.  He has something.  He has some methodology for success, if we believe what he says.  Portraying yourself as a success and actually being a success are two different things.  He and the Republican Party knew something that allowed them to "rig" the election.  It was almost unprecedented, superseded only by George W. Bush's win in Florida in 2000.  The point of contention was hanging chad.  Chad is the plural of chad.  Ballots were created in Florida which were double sided and confusing, thus allowing thousands of senior citizens mistakenly to vote for the wrong candidate in favor of George W. Bush.  After a lengthy legal dispute the case rose to the United States Supreme Court, and they stopped the vote count.  We never actually knew who won the election, but Al Gore diplomatically conceded defeat.  How did Trump win the electoral college losing the popular vote?  It is a nebulous affair.  Not long ago SCOTUS ruled that state governments can legislate electors take the popular vote.  They can create a law that requires electors to support the state's popular vote.  Have they?  How many states have responded with new laws that do this?  Information says 49 out of 50 states' electors take the popular vote, but it is not written down.  The process for choosing electors in each state is different.  This is how state governments have a say in who becomes president.  In North Carolina electors are chosen by the state legislature.  If it is controlled by Republicans one can assume that electors will have a right slant.  Really it is a popularity contest, the way Donald Trump has run his campaign and presidency.  Without a world wide pandemic of deadly disease, perhaps a popularity contest sufficed.  Without devastating climate change, national weather disasters, and escalating racial tension perhaps the quarterback of the football team could schmooze his way to the top.  For Trump he is there, but he has been running like a challenger.  He is the president, the incumbent, and yet it would seem the White House has little control over Washington and the nation.  This is the way he speaks, calling out his opponents for unfair treatment.  Donald Trump is the president, and yet he is not.  Never has he been, because he did not know how.  It was a crap shoot, and as he gambled the chips feel where they may.  One after another competent and honest appointees folded the game.  They gave up.  The situation was so befuddling, they had no answer for the problems Donald Trump created.  It was like the Twilight Zone.  There was no logic, no rationale, and no policy.  The little policy there was, was created by corporate lobbyists, who demanded Trump give results for money spent.  He had ideas, and perhaps they were legitimate, but his ideas seemed so radical because they did not reflect the needs of American people.  Being friends with Communist dictators?  Declaring a love affair with the autocratic leader of North Korea?  Donald Trump is the radical factor in the equation that is destroying American democracy.  There is no doubt.  We have seen radical Extremism.  It came from the Middle East.  To an extent it came from Mexican drug cartels.  Somehow Donald Trump used this idea to infiltrate Washington, DC and in full view of the American people radicalized a base that made him the American president.  Vladimir Putin and others sorely are waiting for American to devolve into civil war.  It would not be unusual. Most other countries all ready have succumbed.  It would validate communism, imperialism, and autocracy in the United States.  They want this, and they almost got it.  Still we are on the brink of collapse with only two weeks to go until possible salvation.  The American Dream formerly was a success story.  It set an example and provided a goal for millions of immigrants.  Now we have the greatest fall from grace in our known lifetimes.  We are seeing the American Dream raped and pillaged in the most vicious, violent, and depraved manner.  Our American Dream has been deflowered exactly the way Extremists wanted.  They won, and we are living it.  We, instead of seeing opportunity, support, security, and success in America, we are seeing the greatest failure in our known lifetimes.  A grifter in the White House selling snake oil for pennies.  It is time for America's lineage to be restored, and the American Dream to be resurrected in grand fashion.  Instead of oppression, loss, and despondency the American people deserve what they always have had.  A Leadership that reflects God.  Not a mock Christian view.  Not hypocritical, narcissistic, self indulgence.  The spiritual roots of America driven by reverence of God, heaven, and hell and the knowledge that  He sacrificed His only son for the sins of man.  This is the spine of humanity, of man, and of America.  It should be the spine of the American Presidency.