Sunday, July 19, 2020
The Flames of Hell
It has been a stressful Sunday. There are days, usually when you do not get enough sleep, that you can't command your mind to obey. Lack of sleep conveniently is the first step in torture. Deprive a human being of sleep, and instantly they become walking zombies. This almost is as convenient as the 9/11 attacks perpetrated by Saudi Arabia. Saddam Hussein was the convenient scapegoat for this terrorist event, and Dick Cheney was his champion. Haliburton wanted that oil in the Middle East, but they settled for the contracts to rebuild Iraq. America obliterated a country under the leadership of George W. Bush. His reason was 9/11 at the behest of his Vice President Dick Cheney, but the real reason was revenge for the mockery of his pop, George H.W. W. used to play with Osama Bin Laden on the playground, and with their oil fortunes in their pockets a vendetta was forged early on. ISIS was created by George W. Bush when Donald Rumsfeld's strategic attack on Iraq destroying their infrastructure failed. The United States unwittingly destroyed a nation for nought. That is why we still are engaged in the longest war of American history. We still are paying the penance for our mistake. Until we find contrition, apologize, and leave the Middle East the way Osama Bin Laden asked, our fate will be perpetuated. Trump should grow a conscience. The ills of the United States will not end until we withdraw fully from the Middle East leaving the spoils to the indigenous people. Trump can continue his war against America not so cleverly disguised anymore, or he can grow up and take responsibility. I think that brother is beyond reproach. He has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that his own survival is not important to him. Fittingly in a text book definition of narcissism he would rather become a martyr for evil rather than seek his own salvation through Christ. I reckon those motherfuckers are going to have wing ding of a reunion in hell. Hitler. Mussolini. Stalin. Lenin and the rest. I guess it is fitting company talking about grabbing the pussy and the fifty virgins rather than enjoying it. Enjoy your sauna bath with the rest of Z Boys. Your anus may not stand the test of eternity, but then again you and Lindsey chose your own fate.