Sunday, June 07, 2020

The Second Million Man March

When I do something as simple as sitting in my bedroom and tapping on the laptop keyboard, a QWERTY keyboard by the way, always there is some force which I am forced to overcome.  While on the surface it may not seem like a middle-aged white man could experience true racial strife, because as it were WE are deemed "White Privilege;"  Where I live racial tension is rife all the time.  Like most parts of America you are best to keep an eye over your shoulder.  It is prudent living.  Crime, violent crime has escalated during the Trump presidency, if you can call it that.  I chose to give The Donald the benefit of the doubt.  I thought maybe his ill found humor, which it turns out is just smug narcissism, might suggest he has some wisdom.  It turns out I was wrong in a big way.  He had no plan.  He had no qualifications for being our American president, and conversely he has brought America down to levels not experienced in recent decades.  With W. there was massive corruption including the rise of a tyrannical vice president who with the help of Donald Rumsfeld chose to decimate an entire country which has yet to recover.  This grievous error in judgement created America's greatest foreign terrorist group, ISIS or ISIL, who claimed all of America's abandoned military equipment and waged holy hell on our nation consequently.  All they ever wanted was for America to get out of the Middle East, their territory.  That is all Osama Bin Laden wanted, and yet still we have failed to do it.  That oil is just too tempting.  It has become the longest war and still we do not know for what we are fighting.  It turns out to be that oil, which we have failed to seize and poppy plants for the Sackler Family pharmacy.  They have been brought out, but Dick Cheney still remains America's most potent war criminal.  History forgets quickly in an age of Big Brother, a social media conglomerate who know also control television.  We have witnessed it for the first time in a planned, executed, and mostly fraudulent campaign of fear.  Fully I believe Fauchi is behind it.  The democrats are benefiting from our president's inability to do his job.  Never has he been capable merely playing golf, watching television, and tweeting in an unprecedented display of ridiculous self absorption.  His presidency will culminate in a million man march on the Capital demanding his removal from office forcibly.  This is the reason why he has fortified our White House exactly the way Bill Mayer worried.  Even if he is defeated by Joe Biden in the November election, Mayer speculates he will not vacate the presidency voluntarily.  He will formulate another conspiracy penned by Bill Barr and the rest of his cronies and try to remain in power.  Black people are intuitive enough to understand that he will need some urging to leave.  It is happening now.  What they really are saying in addition to "Black Lives matter," is Donald Trump needs to be removed from office.  He all ready was found guilty of treasonous acts, and yet his Republicans cohorts felt it in their best interest to keep him the leader of the club.  Mitch is a disgrace.  It is amazing that these men have not been targets of attempted assassination.  I do not say that lightly.  In any other era of volatile American history, a more urgent message would have been sent to Washington, DC.  It is in the works.  This is not what I wanted to pontificate.  For some reason it does not surprise me this behavior.  Fully I have expected a tyrannous domination of America by the Trump White House.  It has been happening slowly over time, but the groundwork has been laid.  In a surreal image of deja vu, the Civil Rights Movement of America has been rekindled.  It is welcomed and necessary.  Still these things are not what I wanted to pontificate.  What I want to confront are the other attacks upon America.  As a middle-aged white man today I newly have been cast as America's enemy.  Powerful white men as it were.  I am not powerful.  I find myself to be very normal.  I have ceased to whore around, mainly because it is not readily available in America.  Also it is humiliating and debasing.  The world's oldest profession, a profession which provides love, companionship, and sexual gratification to lonely people, is deemed a mortal sin.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  As I shop in our fair town during these tense times, I see people, mostly mothers trying their best to save face.  Everyone is trying so hard to be the American normal, married with children.  It has become so difficult.  Not only has our system of public education been debased and embarrassing, now our children do not know what gender they are.  There are bigger fish to fry in America, and we have been duped.  While our millennial generation has become addicted to iPhones and social media, and has been led to believe that God did not choose their sex, fascists have begun to take over America.  It is evident everyday.  The latest figure was how much billionaires have made during the Fauci-created pandemic.  Fully I believe monetary reward is what he seeks through patents on personally owned vaccinations.  America, whomever we have become through this Fascist movement, has been trying to kill us for a long time now.  Polluted air, polluted water, and carcinogens created from aberrant electromagnetic energy are enough to stymie a nation.  We all ready are reeling from these hindrances.  Now we have to worry about a government-created biological weapon engineered in a laboratory.  For years I have been complaining about low-flying small aircraft, and finally it dawned on me that there is no more efficient method of delivering such a weapon.  It would be like crop dusting, but they are dusting us with infectious disease.  If I took a pot shot as one of the low-flying planes rest assured audio surveillance sensors would record and track my shot.  Authorities would arrive at my house in a matter of minutes handcuffing me and taking me to jail.  Do I have the right to defend myself against such an invading enemy, and if so how?  Do I need to purchase a RPG?  The most basic functions of human life have been assaulted and are being assaulted on a daily basis.  The one thing the human race needs to excel and prosper is our environment.  We need our air, because this air and the stage contained within it is the platform for our existence.  At the moment our environment and air have been commandeered by industrialized America including our military.  No longer can we act, dance, and perform in the human condition, because the stage upon which we are supposed to create has been sacrificed for monetary gain for a handful of tyrannical, fascist, and self-defeating few.  It is the responsibility of Christians to save ourselves from such evil.  If violence is required than a second "Million Man March" to Washington, DC is the precursor.