Thursday, September 05, 2019

Unsatisfying Orgasms.

Things are not much different than the way there were back in the day, say 1985 except that B.S. has taken over the music industry.  There was a contingency then, the frat boys who thought they could play music.  I didn't know it then, but they were playing pop.  To this day in America we are so ignorant, there is no recognized definition of the word "pop" in music except that it is fluffy, light, and appealing. Is "pop" short for popular, or like the word "Bop," is it onomatopoeia?  "Pop."  Pee pop.  I used to think it was short for the word popular.  What makes music popular anyway?  It is so vague.  After working on cruise ships (and this seems to be my common thread tonight) I learned first hand that pop music isn't just a title.  It is a musical style markedly different than anything I ever had been exposed to.  That is because it comes from the strumming of a guitar.  It belies the traditional musical training of Kodaly, Suzuki, the orchestra, or jazz.  Certainly it is not taught by classical piano teacher, but pop seemingly has infiltrated mainstream music.  In fact it has taken over what is left of our airwaves.  I remember when it came in.  I was studying music composition at OSU.  Rob Taylor, Dr. Robert Taylor that is, was the head of the music library's media center.  Being in charge of buying recording media for the library, he scowled at the new onset of crappy music.  Classical music sales dropped overnight like the extinction of skateboarding in the 1960's.  Suddenly New Country became Pop/Country and Garth Brooks morphed into sexualized images of hunky, dirty, hillbilly men.  This image has persevered.  The reality of "Pop" is that it is an actual musical style, and that can be witnessed by the body language of those playing it.  It has been exploited to the Nth degree with cartoons bobbing up and down to this inane rhythm.  I did believe for a while that Motown was guilty of creating the mainstream version of pop music, but when you hear Motown it does not groove in the same pocket.  Pop can be played well, and usually it it fused with rock.  When it is not played well it simply is that.  Its rhythm or feel is not genuine.  It is created by the repetitive and stupid rhythm of strumming on a guitar.  That isn't much of a groove.  In fact it is no groove at all, and that is dance is dead in America.  People can't dance to pop.  There is nothing there for them to dance to.  For dance to occur there has to be a discernible pattern mostly in the the bass that their foot movements will mimic.  Steps they are called.  America has lost this connection, therefore it is understandable that our youth have become a soulless, unfeeling, unsatisfied, incapable flock of sheep.  In most probability they do not want to remain this way, but until we apply the proper punishment for that horrible strumming pattern ignorance will prevail.  It takes more to make good music.  It takes engagement, emotional commitment, and masculinity.  Highly I recommend we make the strum, the up and down bobbing of hillbilly men the new hell.  Instead of a bevy of accordian players, or fiddle players, or lawyers it will be hillbilly men strumming their guitars in dire angst but without the knowledge of how to get off.  Thank you.