Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Fall of Trump
If it seems like I always am complaining about Fayettenam, then there is a reason for her pseudonym. Fayettenam. Old school Fayettevillians are really offended by this term. In a capitalist society like America people always are concerned about income. Income is earned in various ways, but in the system of capitalism it would seem people are looking for ways to sell. By selling there is the potential to earn a profit. They always want to buy our house. Why? The answer is because instead of benefiting the homeowner with equity and income savings, it will earn someone else a profit. This is not the best methodology, always selling something. Things were different in previous decades in America. There was a time when democrats were in control, and as such they could make decisions concerning their quality of life. They would not necessarily be trying to sell everything to make a profit, because money is not the root of happiness. It helps, but you can be rich and unhappy. Happiness comes from security, a sense that your needs are taken care of. When your needs are provided for then you have the time to nurture your own happiness building relationships, developing interests, and indulging in spirituality. It is possible to be happy without security, and some are quite adebt at capitalizing upon the vagabond lifestyle. No security, no real responsibilities to demand your time. Carefree. The "Hippy" movement which originated in the 1970's mostly as a reaction to the Viet Nam war could be an example of this freedom. Freedom from constraint. Freedom from "the man." Freedom from tyranny. Security is good, and we all need a bit of it. With security and an understanding of security comes a more relaxed and slow paced lifestyle. One is not forced into the rat race each day to earn his keep. Sink or swim. Exist. Isn't that nice, not having to be desperate for one's survival? Isn't that when artistic things emerge? Not necessarily. Some great art is a direct result of strife and angst. It is an outlet and a therapy such as the music the blues. The bottom line is there must be enough time to focus on things other than one's survival. Enter Fayettenam. Security means most likely owning your own home, and interesting enough Bill Clinton ran under this campaign promise. Even more interestingly this small campaign promise was the root of the housing crisis which peaked with the recession of 2008. When he, as a presidential candidate, suggested everyone in America should be able to own their own home, the real estate and banking industries checked their consciences and began handing out mortgages and loans to mostly non vetted recipients. They doled out mortgages by the boatload to unqualified candidates getting Americans into debt. At that particular time money was plentiful, and India and China were selling us money at a reasonable cost. Credit was plentiful and it was offered to the most financially undeserving citizens. To boot the mortgages were written so the payments would escalate at a later date. Not more payments but the amounts of the monthly payments increased. Most of these mortgage holders defaulted on their loans, and thus you had "The Big Short." Wall Street created financial instruments which pooled and sold their mortgages, and the hedge fund was born. A few savvy Wall Street brokers knew what was going to happen having read these mortgages, and bet against the American economy. There wasn't even a financial instrument available to do such a thing, but eagerly the bankers obliged. All they had to do was ride the wave until it happened. The stock market collapsed having been based upon false speculation rather than sound investment. The snake oil salesmen of Wall Street were responsible. What happened? George W. Bush created the Troubled Assets Relief Program. Hank Paulson urged the president not to let Wall Street banks absorb the loss. He claimed millions of Americans would lose faith in the American capitalist system and the nation would fail. Instead W. reached his hand into America's till, and paid off this prudent investors who knew what was coming. That is when all of America's money disappeared almost overnight. It has been gone ever since sheltered in overseas banks in Switzerland or in Grand Camen. Capitalism cannot function when there is no money to circulate. It has to cycle for capitalism to work. Earn. Spend. Make money. Spend money. Because the holders of this money fail to reinvest it back into America, we have become a third world country. When is life good in America? When we have security, opportunity, and money. It is a good lifestyle, and we no longer have it. Instead people in America are struggling to make ends meet, because Republicans who have risen to power in Washington do not care about the middle and lower class. They have crippled the socio-economic system of Capitalism by separatism and elitism. Hence we have a third world country, a county of elite wealthy leaders and the rest of us, the impoverished. Apartheid in South Africa is a good example of this failed permutation. Without knowing it America has become the same. Our jobs are menial, strenuous, and low paying. Hence our lifestyles reflect this dynamic. There is no time for enlightenment, art, or spirituality. Instead we have magnified violence, and this is the way Republica wants it. Keep the people in chaos, so you can control them. Does anyone really believe that ordinary America teenagers are committing genocide? They are being coached by whichever covert agency is responsible, the same one that was responsible for murdering John Lennon. He was a thorn in Nixon's side for a long time, a peaceful, successful, spiritual public figure who was accruing too much public influence. They decided to kill him. This pattern of coached behavior is terrorism, and it is being instigated by the same jihadists who have infiltrated America from the inside. They are in the television industry. They are in media. They, the extremists, are waging a campaign to keep America insecure, because when we are secure, the rich cannot become richer. Although Eisenhower fervently did not want America to become an economy of war, it gets the system moving like Hammond organ oil. Without our original system, the system which created and provided jobs through manufacturing, services, and farming, tangible money making processes, we can never be the same. There simply are not enough jobs for America at Walmart. Back in the day when the system was working for us, life was better. Fayettenam was rolling in the money from Fort Bragg. The media would have you believe that still it is happening, a billion dollars a day or even more from these military dollars. America cannot survive on war and the preparation for war. There has to be more. There has to be a higher cause, a higher power, and a higher goal. There must be a God. Fayettenam is called this because living here feels like the Viet Nam war. The 82nd Airborne, Americas go to fighting force which can deploy in less than 48 hours to anywhere in the world, this is their junk yard. Perhaps Desert Storm was a good thing, although it defies all logic and morality. We destroyed Iraq with a made up premise, because Dick Cheney wanted Saddam Hussein's oil. Never will the world recover from such an aggressive and evil act. There were no weapons of mass destruction, and at the moment our current president is in the process of providing our troops to the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks, the lower Saudi royals. These people should not be our allies. They are our enemies, and the little games that are being played to raise oil prices are like a juvenile board game. It is time for the adults to take control and discipline the children beginning with the impeachment of Donald Trump.