Tuesday, September 03, 2019

The Age of Electricty

Since I have not been drinking hard liquor after the dinner hour, I have had a notable but not cathartic change in psyche.  Evidently it is true what they say about recovering from addictive substances.  There is way more to it than just the physical addiction.  Never have I had the physical addiction to alcohol.  I can stop imbibing alcohol at the drop of a hat, and usually my body has no serious repercussions.  It has been a blessing not being a category alcoholic.  In actuality liquor has saved my mental psyche more than once.  When I ran into depression the first time, when I left Columbia, South Carolina with my tail between my legs in shame for a failed relationship, alcohol did not present itself as an anodyne.  All it did was make me more tired.  All it ever really does it accentuate your given mood.  If you are up and happy, it augments this mood.  If you are down, well I don't remember.  Alcohol is a depressant, so you figure it out.  What I do know from a jazz musician's perspective is that alcohol is very effective at canceling the anxiety created by our environment.  Of what do I speak?  Life no more is like the 1980's when America in particular was the human's support group.  Everything about life in the 80's was about humanity.  Maybe the 80's were the real "Me" decade.  It hasn't been said really.  When I use the word humanity I mean concerning human expression, and during that time humanity as a whole still was Christian.  America had just emerged from the long decade of Viet Nam, and this country was ready for some humanity.  No more baby killing.  No more napalm.  No more war rallies.  Somehow the space time continuum aligned, Reaganomics took hold, and what some people call excess in the human condition flourished.  Everything about the 80's was human.  Our entire existence spiraled around human vision, artistry, and accomplishment.  Film, music, and television grew wings.  Fashion never has found a more receptive niche.  Things were beautiful.  Beauty was all around us.  Beautiful images.  Beautiful sounds.  Beautiful people.  As far as I recall good was preeminent.  Things were good.  No, things were great, at least for me anyway.  They were not easy, but I was in school working towards my goal of becoming an accomplished musician.  Today often I find myself returning to the aesthetic of the 80's out of desperation, because there is nothing out there today to feed our human inclinations.  The Summer of 2019 was an epic failure in film.  Music is at an all time ignorance.  Fashion up and left America a long time ago.  What is left is a shell of wannabe posers including our patron saint, The Donald.  If we had to create a metaphor of today for America, it would be Donald Trump, the biggest poser in America's history.  Luckily people are catching on.  When civilization is faced with extinction, B.S. doesn't walk.  No matter how much Wall Street fags move American debt around using hedge funds, and no matter how much hedge fund owners own in stock options, never will they take the place of real human artistry.  Artistry in music, film, television, and the rest.  America has been riding on the coat tails of the pseudo tech boom for too long, and it never really has been a tech boom at all.  It was an internet boom, and it was inevitable.  The taking of radio and television by the rogue free wire was inevitable, and Congress has yet to catch up with it.  It is yet another issue which demands dire legislative action, scrutiny, organization and regulation like so many other issues which have masterminded the demise of the American Dream.  We are living in a cesspool of the rich's feces, and they are laughing as the planet earth sinks into it.  Truly you could not define evil more aptly than a contingency of rule and power that cares naught for its populace.  Instead like Sodom and Gomorrah they will die in flames as our planet flails madly to survive.  This is when it become clear what our challenge is.  Like the LGBT community, while deserving in the eyes of Christianity, humanity cannot create its own universe.  The universe was created for us by God.  The rules are His.  It is blasphemous to suggest a new human order championing homosexuality.  It is wrong, but like past president Bill Clinton suggested, "Don't ask, don't tell."  Keep it to yourself, because it is private.  Using only your sexuality as a basis for your existence is shallow and cheap.  Get over it.  The God given dynamic of love, physical, psychological, and spiritual is found in the dynamic between man and woman, and that has been lost in America.  The LGBT community, man haters, women haters, and the rest covertly have created possibly the greatest diversion in American history.  Instead of trying to unify America, they like so many other factions are guilty of separatism.  They are attempting to separate American values in an all ready separated nation.  We have so little holding us together, we can only ask we are we a nation?  Mass killings each day?  Only small men see only past their own needs.  Our Congress is the most castrated, effeminate, incapable collection of old white men in existence.  It should have become clear much sooner that this body of evil is and will be the downfall of America.  As I grow older and do not have alcohol to dim reality, things are become starkly realistic.  I find myself wanting to understand all of American history, because it explains the human condition which so carefully was planned and prepared by our forefathers.  Their work was successful until Y2K.  This seems to be the turning point for the demise of America.  The tech boom or rather the "Electronic Age," an age of rampant airborne electricity will be the death of us.