Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Military Mind Control
Dare I risk more scrutiny? Already whenever I step into my yard and speak, out of nowhere a Gulfstream jet trolls my neighborhood. It's like it is listening, and what better thing does it have do do? Spend the taxpayers dollars flying around in a private jet. It is rumored Zuckerberg does this. Leon Panetta did this as the Secretary of Defense. Who is the current SoD? There is the command plane for Ground Forces with the 360 degree radar built into its fuselage. All of them have phased array radars in their noses. They are using infrared frequencies to monitor potential terrorists and criminals. Acoustic Targeting. Set up a bunch of microphones all over a city, listen, and triangulate the location of a gunshot. I believe the army is using infrasound to target their rockets. Although it is not listed in the technical information for that particular mobile radar unit, Amanda Dolasinsky reported it in the Fayetteville Observer. The unit emits sound waves off which the shell bounce. ? There is the Fayetteville "Death Ray." I am going to change gears. I am not an armyphobe. I do not hate the military. My father was in the army, and my grandfather was a Colonel in Field Artillery during World War I. What I don't appreciate are defense companies using technologies that are dangerous to human beings, and the army testing them at Fort Bragg. That is what Fayetteville is. You can label it whatever you want. "A home town feeling." Blah blah. Without the military dollars in our economy, Fayetteville would be any other small southern town. As such our population is punished, punished by the practicing of war and its ramifications a stones throw from our homes, churches, and places of business. I understand the army must train. I understand the nature of Fort Bragg. There is one thing I object to, and I am not sure if it is happening or not. I assume it is, because when I was floating in a cruise ship in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico, I heard my next-door-neighbor's voice in my bunk.... in Fayetteville. He said, "Did you feel that?" Infrasound carries the spoken voice and tangible tactile sensations. Somehow our location in our neighborhood is a triangulation of demonic forces, or rather a convergence of too much sound, electricity, and magnetism, and heat created by disparate sources which are unmonitored and unregulated. If the North Carolina legislature were capable they would write legislation which protects its citizens rather than using them as guinea pigs. It is unnatural to have two Class A railroads using downtown Fayetteville as a intermodal hub. It's not really intermodal, but when you stir in the Aberdeen and Rockfish putting around in their fifty year old clanking GP locomotives, it is a headache. It will give you a headache. Add AC traction to the stew, airborne alternating currents which tamps down the local power grid, creates heat, and interrupts alpha, beta, and theta waves in the human brain. No wonder people are shooting up America. If you wanted to see for yourself, lawmakers could stage a "Turn It Off" day or a "Power Down for an Hour." I mean shut down every aircraft and every diesel locomotive on the continental United States, and see how pleasant our environment would become. The temperature would drop, the pressure would dissipate, and we as a whole would feel better psychologically. Just a though. No one is reading my blog anyway. What I hope the are not doing at Fort Bragg, and I know they are, is housing AC traction locomotives underneath Riley Road. When I can hear my neighbors voices as clear as a bell in my kitchen and the house is insulated and the windows are shut, whence does this carrier wave come? It is underground, and it is coming through the earth the same way the Taos Hum came through the ground and into millions of peoples homes in New Mexico. You can't escape pollution that comes through the ground, because we no choice but to live on or in the earth. We don't have islands in the sky yet. It is uncivil. I hope they are not loading munitions trains underground at Fort Bragg shielding them from potential terrorist attacks. Do you really think anyone could get near the base? My jet does. It flies underneath the radar and anywhere it so pleases. Pope field is not in their flight path, but they still fly right over my house just above the trees. The practicing of war. If your methods harm American citizens in close proximity to your testing grounds, certainly they will be effective harming the enemy. The trouble is I think those brainwashed soldiers don't know the difference.