Friday, April 19, 2019

The Business of War

Nobody much has the stomach for my blog entries.  I guess I could be considered to be an asshole, but I'm not.  Moving back home, where we all well know you can't go, a new set of problems beset me.  Upon careful scrutiny this new set of problems are not new at all.  They are the same problems I had years ago growing up in this same place.  The people are the same, hence the problems are the same.  The problems really should be considered obstacles, obstacles of others' short-sighted views.  God and our friends tell us never to worry about what other people think of us.  I am positive Joel Osteen would preach the same thing.  Therapy.  Who cares what others think of us?  Wake up and smell the coffee.  What is society other than a group of human beings who must work together?  There are few situations in which human beings operate autonomously.  Perhaps Jeff Bezos began this way sitting in a lonely garage brokering sales to internet customers.  Eventually in a plural society we must work together.  It is a small world, and that is true.  You must worry about what other think about you if you want any friends.  Possibly there was a time or a situation when human beings acted civilly and with Christian faith.  Those times in America are long gone so it would seem.  Perhaps still you can be a "nice guy" and get along.  I have changed my opinion about this.  (My left ear now is screaming from tinnitus.  The 82nd Airborne is readying for deployment, and their aircraft fly just above the treeline over our yard)  Also their railhead at the  Honeycutt Marshalling Yard is in full swing.  The army has Gen-Set locomotives which shut themselves down when not in use.  That is not the protocol here.  When the military are readying for deployment they spend countless days and nights loading munition trains at Fort Bragg.  We are so fortunate that the army saw fit to bury part of their mainline underneath Reilly Road.  Rumor is they have been building loading ramps that go directly underground to load munitions on these trains.  Anyone familiar with the Taos Hum knows what that creates.  Hmmmmmm.  Put an AC locomotive underneath the ground and use it as a switcher, and what you get is not only hum sounds but leaking electricity.  The Taos Hum was a complex entity, and it took me six months to unravel its source.  I have written about it before.  The company responsible for the Taos Hum was General Electric.  The source of my tinnitus is both aircraft and trains, the only things capable of producing infrasound and ultrasound at such a great volume level it causes the lost frequencies in your ears to ring.  My left ear is a good litmus test for train and plane activity.  While I don't like it, it is not the most destructive force in my life.  There are others.  While I am worrying about what other people think about me and trying to mitigate the staunch LGBT movement surrounding me, the United States military, the FBI, private corporations, and government politicians are making my life a living hell.  How you may ask?  How is it possible that these outside forces are impactful on my state of psychological health?  Mostly it is because of the military and their protocol for war.  They train very close by to murder our enemies.  They practice killing in many ways.  With that training comes a presence of defense contractors, intelligence agencies, military officials of high rank, and Washingtonian politicians.  Fort Bragg has become in the last decade a very high profile installation.  If one looks at a Google map you will see the plethora of underground installations recently built at Fort Bragg.  You will not see the portion of their mainline railroad track that is disguised in a tunnel underneath Reilly road.  We live in the Age of Electricity.  It has been predicted by many.  Past president Bill Clinton largely was responsible for this era.  He auctioned off microwave frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum formerly that had been classified as dangerous to human beings.  With one fell swoop of his presidential quill the telecommunications industry was revolutionized.  Once America had to break up the telephone company into "Baby Bells" to avoid a massive corporate monopoly.  Today this is exactly what we have again.  Since George W. Bush repealed most regulatory legislation governing corporate America's economic mechanism has morphed into an undecipherable, complex, and unfair system for producing capital.  It favors the rich.  Along with this cancerous economic system we systematically have miseducated our youth.  I am coining a word here, but it is true.  America purposely has stymied the intellect of her younger generation to empower the rich all ready in power.  We have so many problems all ready, but the real problem has become the rich ruling class are proving themselves to be evil doers.  They are dropping like flies around us.  I can handle intellectual obstacles, because I enjoy solving problems.  What an American cannot mitigate is torture.  The poisoning of well and ground water at Camp Lejune is well documented.  A dozen claims a week still are being processed of illness, death, and pain created by the Marine Corp's polluting of the ground water near Jacksonville, NC.  If our own military has been responsible for such deeds, killing innocent American citizens, then it should become clear against what we are up.  The needs of the United States military, her personnel, governance, and support are more important than the American people they are supposed to protect.  This is a difficult pill to swallow, but not if you live in Fayettenam.  The defense industry and our military are not concerned with our well being.  They are concerned with themselves.  The same people about who I worry what they think of me will disagree, because they are the same people.  I am surrounded by selfish boobs who have no philosophy of life, no conscience, and no awareness of human reality.  I am self indulgent enough to have an emotional lapse that is allowing me to grovel in self pity.  While I generally am not lonely or needy of human companionship, when life around you becomes so unbearable to remain human one must acknowledge reality.  My reality is I have few friends.  What once were Facebook friends mostly have proven they have lost their own minds.  Truly if I do look at my own situation, it doesn't hold much water.  It is not often I get down about it.  Others say every time you make plans God laughs.  I disagree.  You plan your work and work your plan, and yet my own plan has become disguised.  I am too busy fighting for my own survival against my own environment.  The war zone of Fayettenam is real, and the covert fighting force of the defense industry and the United States military and its governance do not care about average people.  They are too busy inciting war to keep themselves in business.