Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Tighty Whitey and Blackface
It is no wonder America is in a predicament. (No one much is reading my blog except the Huff Post. Kudos to them) It is Black History Month. This must be the reason why my instincts are telling me to research "blackface." America is in a predicament, because we have failed our youth. We have disguised our past. We have exploited our children. We have lined the pockets of racist America. America had made great strides in civil liberties. During the Clinton Administration "multiculturalism" was a focus of government, not "globalism." That is because the Clinton's were democrats. They cared about the lives of all Americans, not just the rich. Multiculturalism was about American diversity through the influence of all races, nationalities, and cultures. "It takes a village," Hillary wrote. In came Bush, and "globalism" became the interest. Globalism is a synonym for world dominance. In an idealistic sense it meant opening world markets to each other. How can one nation achieve this without savvy foreign policy? Ronald Reagan set the stage for globalism by ending of the Cold War. Richard Nixon forged a relationship with Red China. Bill Clinton created the Dayton Accords solving the Bosnian Conflict, which no one remembers. Slobodan Milosevic was relieved of power, convicted, and imprisoned by the International War Tribunal at the Hague. America has regressed since then. Ethical ideals, intelligent policies, and moral sentiments have been replaced with shallow, greedy, narcissist delusions implemented by racists hiding beneath orange skin, yellow hair, and swollen jowls. Hitler has been reincarnated in the clever guise of KKK cloak and hood. Closet Confederates are inciting murderous violence at faux political rallies. All of this harks back to historical education, but Washington no longer deems public education or its teachers worthy of respect. We don't understand our own history, so what emerges is angered violence. It is not easy, the history of America. In studying blackface I realized this. America never has been "white" America. We are a nation of immigrants, and these immigrants make up the DNA of America. Anyone thinking that Anglo Saxon or Caucasion blood should dominate America is delusional. We are mixed blood, and this the beauty of America. Whence does this white supremacist thinking come? One only has to look at the history of blackface to understand. The American South was built upon slavery. Slavery gave southern whites their wealth and power. When Abraham Lincoln began to call for an end to slavery, the Civil War was created. After hundreds of thousands of innocent American lives were lost and slaves were freed, the South continued to wage war upon black culture. If they were astonished by African rituals, it was because they were in denial of their own wrong-doing. Upon what else did freed slaves have to fall? They were kidnapped from their native nation, shipped in shackles across a great ocean, and sold into slavery to white Americans. Whatever problems freed slaves had were created by their own owners. Transplant a man from his own soil speaking a different language and ask him to assimilate into a condescending, classist, judgemental society. It should be of no great surprise that freed slaves became unruly, disruptive, or criminal. It would have been quite the predicament, not as challenging as educating an ignorant American public today. You can't argue with stupid. The active campaign against blacks through entertainment, literature, and marketing is America's culprit. Who were the influential families championing this war? When one studies the literature it is clear defamatory stereotypical images were used to damage blacks, but not all of the images are as guilty as considered. What seems not to have been taken into account is African heritage. How was white America to know about African culture? We were fighting the British, Mexico, and Spain. We slaughtered Native Americans at Wounded Knee to acquire this country. When was there time to understand black culture, slave culture. It was a difficult situation. It seems millennials today want to ignore America's history in favor of a naive innocence thinking Washington has our best interest at heart. The holocaust was not that far in our past, and if we do not face evil square in its face, keep it closer than our loved ones, and monitor it on a daily basis it is not unfeasible that genocide could happen again. America is the exception to world politics. We have not had apartheid. We have not had recent civil war. We have not had tribal segregation, but other countries have. If we do not keep abreast of our elected officials, demand righteousness from them, and eliminate them when they are wrong, America could slip into the same destiny as other third world countries. America's youth has been brainwashed into passivity. They are so ignorant Washington has been doing they want with no response for over a decade. Pop music is a core tool in this conditioning. The power of popular music, its messages, themes, and motivations have been castrated like a mute steer. The once inspiring, honest, and reflective nature of popular music has been replaced with soft core pornography. It is easy to justify, because when one looks around at reality anything is better. This brutal reality of our political regime has fueled the opioid epidemic, drug wars, and domestic violence. If there were something to look at in America that was positive, spiritual, and comforting, let it be seen. Instead we have the anodyne of popular music, sterile prepared "tracks" with graphic images of sexuality. Hard core pornography is available for free on the internet, so music moguls have capitalized on its soft core version, a more human, intimate, and seeming emotional experience through pop music. Most people don't even realize what it is. Until the music industry is reformed and stripped of its pornographic intent, America may never recover. We will spiral into a decadent, depraved, and violent society fighting to the second coming of Jesus Christ.