Saturday, April 28, 2018

American Motive Stepford Wives

New Christine is the ES44AC.  Old Christine is the Dash 9.  New Christine is Old Christine equipped with an extended auxiliary electronics cab housing her inverter stacks.  New Christine used the GEVO temporarily as required by the EPA but then reverted back to the 7FDL-16 making New Christine old fat Christine on steroids.  Neither Christine would be possible without Hewlett Packard.  New Christine would not be possible without Nikola Tesla.  New Christine defies the traditional practices of alternating current and slows down its gait into the ELF range.  Technically while not creating low frequency electromagnetic waves, New Christine instead creates ambient transient alternating current in the low frequency range.  While it is not well known this unbridled Tesla-created energy manifests itself on our daily lives, most often in our local power grids.  Christine and her cousins can be heard creating the Taos Hum.  The Norfolk and Southern commissioned all of the Old Christines and currently with GE are transitioning all into New Christines.  Like Stepford Wives created on an assembly line by American Motive Power, Inc. in Dansville, New York, more fat Old Christines on steroids are emerging.  Do you know what happened to the Stepford Wives?  They were idealistic until a fatal feasibility study.  Harvey, Charlie, Matt, and Bill all fell from grace for eating their own cake.  AC Traction has eaten enough of American's lives.