Saturday, September 23, 2017

Al Gore, the Gorre and Daphetid, and Global Warming

One thing for sure must happen on the American front.  We as a populace have been shouting about global warming for a long time.  Al Gore, while an adequate spokesperson for such a topic, is not really capable of bringing social change.  He lost to W. through the Florida court system.  That in and of itself limits his credibility.  I appreciate his Powerpoint presentation manufactured for academia.  It is colorful.  We must cut through the B.S. and say what really is happening.  Global Warming is real.  Rest assured those who are creating it know.  They know better than anyone else.  They are good at remaining incognito, just as are the rest of the Bilderbergs.  We can shout and shout and shout.  We can post and post and post.  Nothing will change, until we acknowledge the reason why Global Warming is not being recognized as a dangerous planetary phenomenon is because of lobbying.  It goes further than lobbying.  Washington is being lobbied on a massive scale to quell consciousness about Global Warming.  It is more simple.  The companies largely responsible for emissions creating excessive heat are paying off politicians to look the other way.  There is no real conspiracy on either side.  Huge money is paying to have the issue railroaded.  How the money is being distributed is up to the media to discover, and because they largely are owned by the same interests, good luck with that.  Thank you and goodnight.