Sunday, July 16, 2017
Exploiting Millennials
I want to congratulate SNL for their skit eradicating Kelly Anne Conway from the broadcast news. I only caught a portion of the sketch that aired last night (and I think it was a rerun), but it was one of the better skits the writers have come up with in a long while. It had real drama, real acting, and a real concept. It was based on other things, things that have a place in American culture. It was edgy, innovative, and enjoyable to watch. It even had heterosexual content. ! With the roiling LGBT movement, heterosexuality has taken a back seat in American culture. Imagine also eradicating heterosexuality from American consciousness. Perhaps we have. Certainly it no longer drives American culture, but I don't subscribe to HBO. Maybe Pay Per View is the outlet for heterosexuality. Like Charter School and vouchers, I have not taken the time to study whether streaming has improved or killed television. Like most things it ebbs and flows. Charter schools were meant to improve the educational system granting schools control of their own agenda without regulation from the government. I believe they have failed inexplicably becoming token associations required to admit low performing students. I would need a few education courses to reacquaint myself with this system. Maybe that is just the ticket. To re-accredit my expired teaching certificate, I would need some college credits. I am not really interested in being a teacher. Not only because teacher pay in North Carolina is second to last in the nation, but because teaching like America is a pale shadow of its former self. I taught college, because students who attend want to learn. College professors and lecturers are not babysitters. Some of them actually teach, although the adage, "If you can't teach, teach teachers" still is applicable in many situations. I had my fair share of poor college professors including a music history teacher at UNC-Chapel Hill. I didn't know I could come to resent the subject matter in my class, but I did. I hated the History of Classical music, not because of its content because because of poor teaching by the professor. It was a popularity contest. I took the class again at USC working on my Masters degree in composition and made an A. The professor counts and their pedagogy, methodology, and persona. Maybe Netflicks is better than television, but I don't want to have to search for my television programming. Networks used to handle this, and it was good competition. In any case this particular skit was far above the normal SNL fare. They even used some Renderman type of effects to put Kelly Anne back together again. Finally something was on the tube that was worth watching unlike barf-o-mmercials. They get worse by the day, and when I watch I am bombarded by the most inane, patronizing, mind-numbing, soul-quashing fare. The worst is Mark Wahlberg selling soap. I have enjoyed his acting in quite a few films including Boogie Nights. How does a well-endowed actor (prosthetic or not) stoop to selling soap on mainstream television? It's like evil Disney has inhabited TV. All of the commercials are like this it seems. Mock seminars with joking millennials laughing over the best products. Is this how you make a decision involving $30,000.00 of your hard-earned dollars? I think not, but they are pitching it hard. Irresponsibility. Television Barf-O-Mmercials next to cell phones have become the purgatory of human existence. Luckily you still can make an informed decision to turn the phone off or turn the channel when such fodder emerges. During prime time and especially during late night television programming, these cartoonish evil-Disney advertisements are rampant. One after another of the most childish, ridiculous, patronizing ads that mean nothing. Certainly they mimic our current public education system to a tee. We have been miseducating our youth for over a decade. It was a conscious decision not to empower the future of America by investing in her youth. Instead we decided to exploit them and take their money. This is modern America, and we should be ashamed.