Sunday, June 04, 2017

The Effective Parlay of the C40-9W by GE

When the E.P.A. comes knocking and says all diesel freight locomotives must adhere to their newest "Tier 4" standards for emissions.  First it was "Tier 2."  Now it is "Tier 4."  It seems like this would be good news for the environment, except that current president Donald Trump has suspended the processes of the Environmental Protection Agency.  He froze their website.  Not that long ago The Federal Office of Noise Abatement was unfunded through the E.P.A. as a way to allow noise to cack on in America.  While "Tier 4" seems like a prudent measure on paper, and I am sure it requires locomotive manufacturers to reduce greenhouse carbon emissions from their machines it is not enough.  The Federal Railroad Administration does not even recognize AC Traction as an entity.  When I questioned one of their representatives at a neighborhood meeting in Columbus, Ohio, he admitted that he didn't know what AC Traction was.  I squawked about it then, and I'll squawk about it now.  It is a threat to human health, but we would not know that because it is not recognized as an entity.  "What's the beef, La Beouf?"  We here in Fayettenam are privy to this experience, especially on the weekends and right now. I, because of an iridotomy, am sensitive to low frequency sound.  I have a small hole in my iris that allows aqueous humor to flow from the front of my eye to the back.  When low frequency sound waves press on my cornea, this fluid is pushed through the hole, and I can sense it through my optic nerve.  It's my Spidey Sense, and I wish I did not have it.  Because I am a musician, I can feel sound waves on my skin.  Babies can "hear" sound in the womb otoacoustically.  Sound can be perceived in other ways than the ear "hearing" it.  You can "hear" with your flesh.  I spend the majority of my time in Fayettenam trying to tune out this B.S.  Instead as a musician I should be tuning in to sounds and turning them into art.  Instead in Fayettenam, either because of the Cape Fear Railway, Norfolk Southern, CSX-T, or the Aberdeen and Rockfish, I spend my time in my home trying to ignore a phenomenon that has been studied and described by Vladimir Gavreau in text.  AC Traction leaks.  It does not leak greenhouse gases.  It leaks both low frequency sound we cannot hear and electricity.  The dangers of electromagnetic waves largely are ignored in America, and cancer frequency rates have escalated.  We are a more cancerous nation now than we were twenty years ago.  That is the beauty of America's medical establishment.  I would not trust them with a toothbrush.  This is why illegal drug use is rampant.  We are required to self-medicate because of the ridiculous pretentiousness of medical care.  You would think it was platinum.  What has value in America now?  Automobiles and cell service if you believed television ad's.  Certainly music no longer is a value.  AC Traction leaks both low frequency sound, infrasound as studied by French scientist Vladimir Gavreau, and electricity.  Leaking electricity.  Electricity, like infrasound, is invisible and to some undetectable.  To the human body it is cancer.  Magnetic heat-laden electricity vibrates causing human cells to mutate.  Magnetic heat-laden electricity is an electromagnetic wave.  The study of physics is the study of the electromagnetic spectrum.  In America we deny everything.  We have become a society of denial.  We have elected a denial president.  Before long we will deny ourselves out of a planet.  Why is it that diesel-electric locomotives equipped with AC Traction are unknown to the general populace.  Any time I try to raise awareness of this health threat, I am booed.  I am booed by naive, loyal, ignorant railroad employees who pollute our cities and towns, because they need a job.  How can a Mexican-owned polyester resin plant on the Cape Fear River use the downtown of Fayettenam as their logistical transportation hub?  That is what DAK does in Cedar Creek on the Vander line of CSX-T.  They continually run their supplies and product down Russell Street into the yard on Blount Street or to the Milan Yard on North Street.  This happens nonstop, diesel electric locomotives producing heat, noise, and vibration emitting their byproduct to the unsuspecting citizens of Fayetteville.  The Interstate Commerce Commission is responsible for this freedom, and the freedom of the railroads to operate in anonymity in our backyards.  They are everywhere.  The beauty of the Aberdeen and Rockfish is, their locomotives are so old they are grandfather in.  Is it possible a GP-7 meets the E.P.A.'s Tier 4 standards?  Likewise a turbo-charged TWO STROKE diesel prime mover, which in the supposed view of the E.P.A. is a piriha, continues to motor on over to Fayettenam every day and funk up our downtown.  No one blinks an eye, because old money runs "The Ville."  Old money runs the South.  After moving to Columbus, Ohio in 1991 I met many people who said you cannot make any money in the South, because the pace of life is too slow.  Money does not circulate fast enough.  Hence they move to other places.  Never have I realized that ignorance was so prolific, and railroads are not helping.  I know the vibration of a GP7 because it is in my bed.  It is a turbo-charged two stroke diesel engine revving at a fairly constant rate,and grandfathered into usage by the Interstate Commerce Commission.  It is and should be a piriha, but it operates everyday with impunity making money for the Aberdeen and Rockfish Railroad.  Often I have said, "Why is it not called the Aberdeen and Fayetteville Railroad."  They rape and pillage our downtown for their own wealth, and on a good day travel back to Southern Pines to empty their pockets.  As much as I don't like turbocharged TWO STROKE diesel prime movers, I don't like AC Traction.  AC Traction leaks infra electricity.  (Maybe I have coined a new term)  VLF.  ULF.  Very low frequency, and in these definitions of radio waves there is no description of alternating current in this range.  This is what AC Traction creates, and it is unknown, unheard, and ignored.  If you can't see it, it must not exist, but it causes cancer.  The shareholders and board of directors of the railroads certainly do not live in proximity to their operations.  "Down by the tracks."  "The other side of the tracks."  Always that has meant "Dark Town," where the Negros live.  Why?  Because freight rail traffic is undesirable, and yet Menno Pennick and Ralph Huff have built scores of expensive condominiums in downtown Fayetteville.  Little do buyers know that over thirty freight trains travel through downtown Fayetteville every day.  In addition to that activity, local freights travel back and from the Milan Yard to the yard on Blount Street constantly building outgoing trains.  On the weekend, like now, either Fort Bragg or one of these major railroads is using AC Traction in their operations.  How do I know?  I know because the infrasound wave created by a prime mover is constant and invasive.  The infra wave from a diesel-electric locomotive equipped with AC Traction lowers below one cycle-per-second, because the frequency of alternating current is what determines the speed of AC traction drives.  To boot engineers often leave the locomotive idling unattended in Notch whatever, while a low frequency wave undulates with a constantly-changing ultra-low period.  It feels like surveillance, and it feels like surveillance because if "goosed" the low frequency wave (because it tangibly can be felt on the skin) responds to stimulus.  Can that be a locomotive, or is that the U.S. Army's targeting system for their rocket-propelled shells?  It seems the jury is still out on that one.  The military reporter for the Fayetteville Observer failed to respond to my query as to whether it is radar or sound they use to target their weapons.  Her article said sound waves, and yes when they are shooting the big guns on post I feel them.  Since these sound and electricity waves don't really exist, General Electric should have no trouble explaining their product to the American populace.  Likewise Siemens and the other electronic manufacturers (AB whatever) should have no trouble explaining AC drives to the E.P.A, although they at the moment are frozen by our newly elected and in-denial President.  When my back hurts, when my colon aches, and when my legs shake most probably it is from AC Traction.  Although that is an appropriate place to end this article, I can't forget to state my point about the effective parlay of the C40-9W.  If the E.P.A. comes knocking when they are unfrozen by our newly elected in-denial President, and says your locomotives must adhere to our new "Tier 4" standards, what does G.E. do?  They take the already existing most powerful freight locomotive in existence, the Dash 9, slap on some catalytic converters, convert the DC traction motors to AC drives, add an inverter for the electrical processing and voila!  "Our locomotives don't pollute.  Our carbon emissions are up to the current standards of the E.P.A."  The two other more dangerous emissions which are invisible and thus do not exist, promulgate unabated.  Their leaking electricity inundates our power grid sapping power from our homes.  It disrupts wireless communications by our computers cell phones, and creates interference for AM and FM radio stations.  Probably it is the most destructive force on earth, and yet it is unknown and ignored.  Those are some deep lobbying pockets, GE.  

P.S.  The new machine is called an ES or ET44AC and it rather than being an improvement for the human race is a monster on steroids.  Instead of using the newly conceived GEVO12, it continues to use GE's 7FDL16, the same behemoth that lies beneath the thin skin of almost all other heavy freight locomotives.  This invasive prime mover spills infrasound into the environment like water, raises the proximal air temperature by 2-3 degrees, and now runs a power inverter that leaks alternating current profusely onto the power grid.  Still no one raises an eybrow, bats an eye, or questions why murder promulgated by unstable lunactics is rampant.  The cab is insulated for the operator.  It is we who suffer.